YAC Yet Another Cleaner
This page aims to help you remove Yet Another Cleaner “Virus”. Our removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows.
Yet Another Cleaner “Virus” (YAC for short) is said to be a PC optimization/anti-malware tool that, in theory, should be able to detect viruses and improve the PC performance as well as perform other tasks beneficial to the user and their computer. However, the majority of users that have had this software installed on their PC have reported that not only does the program fail to deliver on any of the tasks it is supposed to accomplish but it also seems to possess a number of unpleasant traits that actually worsen the overall state of the computer. Here, we will go over the most notable of this program’s characteristics and provide you with detailed information regarding YAC leaving you to decide just how much benefit, or the lack thereof, this program provides its users with. This software has been linked to a number of unwanted programs like winsnare, terela, amulec, bikaq rss, etc.
What does the program actually do?
As we already said, Yet Another Cleaner is a program that is supposed to serve as a form of anti-malware tool with PC optimization features added to it. Once installed, the software would indeed launch a system scan and once the scan is finished, the results will be displayed to the user. So far so good. However, the first thing that should serve as a red flag is the fact that the scan is issued automatically, without being authorized by the user to do so. The second thing worth noting is that more often than not, the scan results will not be overly-reliable. Furthermore, it is possible that the program would detect non-existent threats on your PC. In addition to that, it has been reported by a number of antivirus developers that YAC uses database stolen from their products and implements it within its own scan results.
Another particularly unpleasant trait of Yet Another Cleaner is the fact that it might also have a behavior similar to that of a Browser Hijacker program. What we mean is it’s possible that the potentially unwanted program attempts to introduce various changes to your Chrome, Firefox, IE, Edge or whatever other browser you could be using, which might drastically decrease the quality of your online experience as well as make your machine more exposed to other undesirable software. Some of the changes include the addition of a new toolbar or search engine, or the replacement of your browser’s homepage. It is also possible that YAC may trigger unpleasant page redirects to other sites while you are browsing the internet. The possibility of some of those sites being potentially hazardous is yet another reason why many believe that Yet Another Cleaner is a program that users must remove from their computer.
How dangerous is it?
Yet Another Cleaner is not some sort of Ransomware virus or Trojan horse malware. However, as we already said, it could make one’s computer more susceptible to various online hazards due to the undesirable changes it tends to introduce to the user’s browser and Internet settings. Some researchers even claim that the PUP (potentially unwanted program) can also gather personal user data for the purposes of online marketing which is yet another thing that you should keep in mind. Even if YAC does not actually damage your system, it still does not provide you with something that would justify its presence on your PC. Its scanning function as well as the other features it is said to possess are heavily exaggerated and for the most part do not actually benefit the user as much as they are supposed to. Still, if you are concerned about your PC’s safety and worry that this program might harm your system, there’s probably no need to worry since there’s a considerable difference between software of the PUP type and real malicious viruses like Trojans, Ransomware, Spyware, Worms, etc.
YAC installation
Though the program has a website where users can download it, it is important to keep in mind that this is not the only way through which the PUP can get inside your PC. There is a software distribution method known as file-bundling, which is commonly used to install potentially unwanted programs like Yet Another Cleaner onto user’s computers without the user necessarily knowing about it. When an application is bundled with another program, it can normally be removed from the installation by unchecking it within the setup menu of the main piece of software that the user wants to install. However, many users make the mistake of rushing through the installation menu and end up installing everything that has been bundled with the primary program. Our advice for you in order to avoid that is to always check all options within the setup wizards of new programs. If there are any optional installs and you think that they might be potentially unwanted, just remove the tick from the checkbox next to them and they won’t get installed on your PC.
Remove Yet Another Cleaner “Virus”
Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.
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