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*Source of claim SH can remove it. Trial w/Credit card, no charge upfront; full terms.

*Source of claim SH can remove it. is an unwanted browser-tracking and page-redirecting app that “sticks” to the browser and forces it to send the user to unknown sites. also keeps tabs on the online habits of the user and then sells the collected data to third-parties for additional profit.

Currently, it is almost impossible to avoid getting ads in your browser even if you have the best ad-blocker available. However, it is one thing to get ads that are coming from the sites you are visiting and a whole other thing to have advertisements and page-redirects generated directly by your browser. Unfortunately, if an applications like and gets added to your Chrome or Firefox browser or any other browser you might be using, then even an ad-blocker won’t help against the unwanted promotional materials that would continuously obstruct your browsing. What’s even more annoying are the homepage, search engine, and toolbar changes that most browser hijackers like try to make in the affected browser. Those changes may sometimes seem like useful modifications to the browser because they are promoted that way but, eventually, the user realizes that the only purpose of the changes is to further increase the number and frequency of the intrusive advertisements that constantly try to get you to buy something, to visit a certain site, or to subscribe to a certain online service of questionable quality.

The virus

Even though having an app like the virus in your browser is not a particularly big problem and cannot be compared to having your computer attacked by a Trojan Horse or your files locked-up by a Ransomware infection. It is still important to take the necessary measures and uninstall the virus intrusive page-redirecting tool before it has caused any actual problems.

The purpose of browser hijackers is to get you to click on their ads and visit the sites that they promote because this earns advertising revenue. However, the quality of the advertised tends to vary and it is perfectly possible that you may end up on some sketchy and possibly unsafe page if you click on any of the advertisements that shows you.

The clear solution here is to eradicate the hijacker software and restore the normal settings of your browser. In case you have already tried to do that on your own, you have likely found out that successfully removing this hijacker may not be all that easy. However, this is no reason to get discouraged and give up trying to uninstall Even though it might be a bit trickier to remove this app, with the help of the guide that we have prepared for you, you should eventually be able to eliminate the unwanted software and make your browser safe and secure again. Just remember that the longer this hijacker is allowed to spam you with its ads, the higher the chances of ending up on some website that hackers use for Ransomware or Trojan Horse distribution or for tricking users into providing sensitive personal details which could later be used for blackmailing, theft, and other criminal. In other words, the sooner you get rid of the better and now we are going to show you exactly how you can do that.

Type Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

*Source of claim SH can remove it.

How To Remove virus

If this does not work as described please follow our more detailed removal guide below.

If you have a Windows virus, continue with the guide below.

If you have a Mac virus, please use our How to remove Ads on Mac guide.

If you have an Android virus, please use our Android Malware Removal guide.

If you have an iPhone virus, please use our iPhone Virus Removal guide

Quick removal method

Browser hijackers like often target and control the main browser by adding an unwanted extension to it or by acquiring the user’s permission to show notifications inside the browser. Therefore, the quickest removal method would be to try to clear your browser by eliminating the hijacker extension and/or by revoking the notification permissions gained by the hijacker.

To delete an unwanted extension from your main browser, go to the browser’s menu, and select the Extensions option. Bear in mind that this as well as the next steps would slightly vary depending on what browser you use but it’s still going to be quite similar. For instance, to get to the Extensions of Chrome, once you click on the browser’s menu, you select More Tools and then you will see the Extensions option which you must click on.

Once you are at the Extensions page of the browser, look for the one added there by It may be named or have a different name but should generally be easy to spot. Look for items that you do not recognize as well as for ones that you haven’t installed yourself. Usually, it is best if you simply remove all extensions that you do not use or trust. To remove  a given extension, all you need to do is click on the Unisntall/Remove button.

Suspicious Extension Chrome

If the extension won’t go away or is restored in the browser as soon as you uninstall it, disable it (on Chrome, you must toggle off the toggle button below the extension to disable it) and then quickly select the Uninstall/Remove button again.

Next, you should check if any sketchy sites have permission to spam you browser with ads and other unwanted notifications. You can do that by going to the browser’s Settings (browser menu > Settings), typing permissions in the Settings’ search box, and clicking on Notifications (or something similar) from the search results.

Opera Notifications3

This will bring you to a page where you can see all sites that are currently allowed to display notifications in the browser. If any of them seem related to, select the settings icon for that site (a three-dot button on Chrome) and select Block. It is advisable to block all sites from spamming you with notifications – even the ones you deem trusted and reliable.

Opera Notifications

Opera Notifications2

Finally, go back to the top of the Notifications settings page and disable the option labeled Sites can ask to send notifications (or any other similar option) so as to keep other sites from requesting notification permissions in the future.

Opera Notifications4

If this doesn’t fix the problem and you still encounter symptoms of the hijacker, you will have to try the more advanced troubleshooting method that we have explained in detail down below.


First, you must locate and kill the hijacker’s process from your Task Manager. To do this, open the Task Manager by pressing together the Ctrl, Alt, and Shift keys and then select Processes. Now you must try to find the process that is operated by – this could be tricky as you will likely not see an item named in that list. Therefore, you must look for other red flags such as very high usage of CPU or RAM coming from a process that doesn’t relate to programs you are running at the moment. It is always a good idea to perform an online search for the name of any process that you do not trust or recognize as this could help you determine if that process could indeed be hazardous/unwanted or if it is simply a system process that you had been unfamiliar with.

Upon singling out a process you think is run by, right-click on it and select the Open File Location option.


Once you have the files of the process in front of you, use the free online scanner we have posted below and/or your own security tool to test each of those files and see if they contain malware.

Each file will be scanned with up to 64 antivirus programs to ensure maximum accuracy
This scanner is free and will always remain free for our website’s users.
This file is not matched with any known malware in the database. You can either do a full real-time scan of the file or skip it to upload a new file. Doing a full scan with 64 antivirus programs can take up to 3-4 minutes per file.
Drag and Drop File Here To Scan
Drag and Drop File Here To Scan

Analyzing 0 s
Each file will be scanned with up to 64 antivirus programs to ensure maximum accuracy
    This scanner is based on VirusTotal’s API. By submitting data to it, you agree to their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and to the sharing of your sample submission with the security community. Please do not submit files with personal information if you do not want them to be shared.

    In case you are alerted that any of the scanned files is malicious/contains malicious code, go to the suspicious process in the Task Manager, right-click on it again, and select the End Process Tree option.

    Next, go back to the folder of the process and delete it. If you can’t delete the whole folder, delete all the files contained in it. If you are not permitted to remove some of the files, leave those for later – you will return to this folder to delete those remaining files after you are finished with the rest of the guide.



    *Source of claim SH can remove it.

    For this next step, use the guide from the next link to help you boot your PC into Safe Mode in order to keep any hijacker processes, that you may have been unable to stop, from interrupting during the next steps.


    Now, go to the Start Menu, type Uninstall a Program, and hit Enter. The list in front of you contains all software that is installed on the computer and it is highly likely that you’d find the browser hijacker in there. Again, however, it may not be shown under the name of but under another name so you must use your own discretion and common sense to spot the unwanted app. It could help if you sort the list by date in descending order to see the newest items at the top. Now look for anything installed right before your browser started behaving in an unusual way and the hijacker disturbances begun. Also, look for programs that you haven’t willingly and/or knowingly installed. If you think you’ve figured it out and know which of the items may be responsible for the hijacker infection of your browser, select that item, and click on Unistall (at the top).

    Uninstall A Program

    Follow whatever uninstallation steps appear on your screen and read carefully all the text in the uninstallation wizard so that you don’t accidentally leave any elements of the hijacker on your computer. If you are asked whether you want to keep the personalized settings, select No. Also click on No if you get the following dialog box shown on your screen, otherwise other unwanted software would get installed on your PC.



    Type System Configuration in the Start Menu, hit Enter, and go to the Startup tab. Uncheck the startup items that you are unfamiliar with, that may be linked to, and/or that are listed with Unknown manufacturers.


    Once you have disabled the unwanted startup items, click on Ok to save the changes and then place this next line in the Start Menu search box: notepad %windir%/system32/Drivers/etc/hosts.

    Open the file (Hosts) that shows up in the Start Menu and look at the bottom of the text. If you see any text written under Localhost, copy it all and send it to us in the comments section. After we have a look at the text and determine if it may be linked to, we will tell you about it and if the text is indeed placed there by the hijacker, you will have to go back to the Hosts file and delete that part of the text.

    hosts_opt (1)

    After you are done with the Hosts file, remember to save it (Edit menu > Save).


    *Source of claim SH can remove it.

    For the next step, again, using the Start Menu, search for Network Connections and click on the first item. You will see the network connections used by your PC – right-click on the one that is currently in use and select its Properties. Then click on the Internet Protocol Version 4 (ICP/IP) item and select Properties. Next, select (enable) the option Obtain DNS server addresses automatically (if it isn’t already enabled) and then click on the Advanced button. In the next window, go to the DNS section,  and if  there are any addresses listed in the DNS server addresses list, delete them. Finally, click on the Ok button on all of the windows that are open on your screen to finalize this step.



    Next, go to the Registry Editor of your PC by typing regedit in the Start Menu and hitting the Enter button from the keyboard. When asked to provide Admin confirmation to access the Registry Editor, click on Yes to continue. Once the Editor opens, go to the Edit menu, select the Find option, type the name of the hijacker in the text box, and click on Find Next. If an item with the name of the hijacker is found in the Registry, select that item and delete it using the Del key from the keyboard or by right-clicking on it and then selecting Delete. Keep performing the search by clicking on the Find Next option and keep deleting the discovered results until there’s no more of them.

    After that, find these locations in the Registry Editor:

    • HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/
    • HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Run/
    • HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Main/

    In them, you must look for folders with names that are unusually long and/or that comprise characters that seem to be arranged randomly. In most cases, such folders would stand out and you’d have no problem spotting them. However, if you are in doubt regarding whether a particular item in the Registry must be deleted, it is important to first tell us about said item using the comments section down below. You must be very cautious not to delete something from the Registry that isn’t linked to the hijacker because it is possible that you may end up causing all sorts of problems to your computer.

    Finally, once you have completed this and all the other steps from the current guide, return to the files you didn’t manage to delete in Step 1 (provided that there are such files) and try to delete them again – hopefully, this time you will be allowed to do that. Also, for good measure, you can try completing the Quick Removal Method from the start of this guide once again in case you think there may be any remnants of the hijacker inside your browser(s).

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