Abex.co.in is a rogue site that aims to hijack your main browser, replace its default search engine, and trigger unwanted page redirects every time you search for something on the web. Similarly to other rogue sites like boyu.com.tr and comisopoa.co.in ,his hijacker is often introduced to the browser with the help of a rogue extension that gets installed without the user’s informed permission.
The main problem with the Abex.co.in hijacker is that the redirects triggered by it could expose you to malicious content, including malware and phishing pages. Your browser can’t be considered safe for as long as this hijacker has any control over it, hence why you must take immediate measures to get rid of it.
Abex.co.in Removal Guide
In some rare cases, the hijacker might be easier to remove than you’d expect. For this reason, we normally recommend to first try to remove the annoyance the easy way. Obviously, don’t hold your breath, and don’t be disappointed if this doesn’t work. There’s still the full removal guide after it:
- Visit the Extensions Manager of your browser (normally accessible through the main browser menu).
- Look at what’s there. See Abex.co.in or any other unwanted extension that might be linked to it? Click the respective Remove button.
- If this doesn’t work, toggle off/disable the extension and click Remove again.
- Then go to the browser Settings > Search Engine, and choose a search engine tool that you trust to be our browser’s default option.
- Close and re-open the browser to see if things are normal now.
If the hijacker persists, it’s time to move on to the actual removal tutorial. Remember, those steps were only an attempt to solve the issue quickly. Don’t worry if they don’t work – the detailed removal below is what will let you get rid of the hijcker.
Hijackers like Abex.co.in are notorious for their resilience, and they get better and better at evading removal with each new iteration. Just clicking a “Remove” button is hardly ever an option as you’ve probably realized by now.
But the good news is that we’ve been closely following the evolution of such hijackers and can give you specific steps to counter their persistence techniques. Follow the next steps to the letter, and we are confident you’ll be rid of Abex.co.in by the end of the guide!
Get Rid of Abex.co.in Virus Policies in Chrome
If you notice a “Managed by your organization” note somewhere in the browser, this indicates that Abex.co.in has added its own policy that keeps some or all of the browser’s settings locked. This is how the hijacker stops you from removing it, and it’s the main persistence technique that we must tackle.
First, we’ll need to gather some info:
Open the policy management page. Type chrome://policy
into Chrome’s address bar and open the URL to get there.
If using a different browser, just swap the browser name in the URL with “edge” or “brave”, or whatever other Chromium browser you are using.
Look for values with random strings of letters on the policies page If you find any, copy them into a text file to have easy access to them later.

Once again open the Extensions Manager of the browser. In case Abex.co.in stops you from doing that by redirecting you to some other page, here’s what you do:
Go to C:\Users\[Your Username]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions
Inside, delete every folder. All your extensions become disabled, but that’s okay. Reinstall the legitimate ones later.

You should be able to return to the Extensions Manager. In it, enable Developer Mode. Now the IDs of all installed extensions become visible.
Save the IDs of the extensions you think are linked to abex.co.in next to the rogue policy values. Now it’s time to delete the policy itself.
These steps will help you remove the hijacker but not the rogue app that brought it to you. We can’t provide specific instructions on how to remove that app because we have no way of knowing what it is. And if it stays on your PC, the hijacker may return even after you fully remove it.
The solution we recommend is to use specialized removal software to clean your system. Our tool of choice is SpyHunter, which you’ll find on this page. Other tools can also get the job done, but this is the one we’ve had the most success with.
How to Delete Abex.co.in Virus Items From the Registry
Identified rogue policy values and extension IDs? Good. Now, let’s remove them from the system’s registry.
You can find the Registry Editor by searching for it in the Start Menu. You must open it as an Admin.
Bring up the “Find” function by pressing Ctrl + Shift + F and use it to locate items linked to the rogue policy values and extension IDs.
When found, delete the corresponding registry key. Repeat this for each identified value. You’ve got to be thorough.
Some registry keys may give you an access error when you try to delete them. The solution is to change the permissions on the parent key:
Right-click it, go to Permissions, then Advanced, then Change. Set the owner to “everyone” by typing this in the text field. Then click Check Names and then OK.

You must now enable the two “Replace…” options and save the changes.
Now, deletion becomes possible. These protected keys often harbor the most resilient parts of Abex.co.in so you’ve got to eradicate them.
Additional Steps to Ensure the Complete Removal of Rogue Policies
It’s pretty rare for the Registry cleanup to not get rid of the hijacker policies, but if you’re still seeing the “Managed by your organization” note in the browser, do the following:
Go to the Group Policy Editor (find it in the Start Menu).
Navigate to Administrative Templates under Computer Configuration and right-click it.
Select the Add/Remove option and then delete everything in the newly opened list of policies.

If you are trying to clean the Chrome browser, you can also use the Chrome Policy Remover. It’s a free tool designed for this purpose.
Download it from the provided link and run it with admin rights. Don’t worry if you get a Windows warning. The app is safe so just click More Info and you’ll get the option to run it.
The app then performs a quick script and after that, there shouldn’t be any policies left in the browser.
Uninstall the Abex.co.in Extension From Chrome
Now, the rogue policies are gone, and you are finally free to reverse the unwanted changes in the browser.
In the affected browser, return to the Extensions Manager.
The “Remove” button for the extensions that resisted before should now work – use it to remove them.
Then go to Privacy and Security settings. Click the browser data deletion option and clean all browser data except your passwords for a period of time that predates the hijacker’s first appearance.

Then click Site Settings from below and open the first permission type. Look for unfamiliar URLs. Remove those you don’t recognize. Especially if they look suspicious, like findflarex.com or boyu.com.tr.

Review search engine settings. Ensure your default search engine is reputable – Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.

In the Manage Search Engines section, delete suspicious ones Abex.co.in might have added. Your browser should only connect to trustworthy sources.
Look at your browser’s Appearance and On Startup settings. Hijackers like Abex.co.in often alter these and leave in them rogue URLs. Restore them to your preferred options.
Finishing these steps ensures no remnants remain. Finally, your browser should be free of Abex.co.in. Your efforts have paid off.
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