Expanded Skill Mac

Expanded Skill

Expanded Skill is a page-redirecting application that tries to gain more traffic and clicks for specific sites by spamming users’ web browsers with page-redirecting links and sponsored pop-up ads. Expanded Skill isn’t likely to damage your Mac directly, but its activity may expose you to unsafe sites.

Expanded Skill

The Expanded Skill Mac App will interfere with your browser.

Apps like this one are typically called browser hijackers because of their ability to control the search results and make changes to the search engine, the toolbar, the homepage, and other key components of the system’s default web browser. Expanded Skill and programs of this type may also spam the screen with various unwanted commercials, banner messages, pop-up notifications and other persistent ads that constantly redirect users to partnering websites.

These activities are not directly connected to any significant computer harm. Nevertheless, if there is a browser hijacker app like Expanded Skill, Search Marquis or QSearch in your Safari, Chrome, Firefox or any other browser, you should better consider uninstalling it as soon as possible. The reason is that, if not removed, such an app may potentially redirect you to pages where there are far more dangerous threats like ransomware, phishing viruses and Trojans and you can get exposed to them without realizing it if you keep the hijacker in your system.

Expanded Skill for Mac

Expanded Skill for Mac is a recently reported browser hijacker that is known to cause automatic page redirects to pay-per-click sites. Expanded Skill for Mac is mostly distributed inside the installers of other applications and free downloads as a free bonus or a hidden component.

Thanks to distribution methods such as that, the majority of browser hijackers can enter many users’ systems without being noticed. Of course, the obstructive ads and redirects quickly give them away, yet most users are powerless at this point, because these applications are typically difficult to uninstall and most people don’t know how to remove them correctly.

What is Expanded Skill?

Expanded Skill is a kind of rogue software used to promote different sites and to redirects users from within their browsers to specific sponsored pages. Expanded Skill is also known to keep tab on users’ browsing history and sell the gathered information to third-party advertisers that need it for targeted web marketing.

This type of advertising technique is probably familiar to you because almost all sites use it. But while they explicitly state that they track your web surfing data and allow you to stop or manage this activity, the same cannot be said about browser-hijacking applications.

The ExpandedSkill app

The ExpandedSkill app is unwanted software that should better be uninstalled from your Mac computer if you want to prevent random redirects to various websites. Programs like the ExpandedSkill app are not dangerous on their own but they may increase the likelihood of being exposed to Trojans, ransomware and other viruses.

The unstoppable generation of various commercials on your screen can easily make you click on links or web ads that you have no intentions to interact with but simply cannot remove or ignore. And this, in turn, can increase the risk of accidentally running into misleading links or fake web ads that may hide various security hazards.


Name Expanded Skill
Type Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Expanded Skill Removal from Mac

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.

About the author

Lidia Howler

Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.

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