This page aims to help you remove the Hello New User “Virus” Pop Up. These Hello New User “Virus” removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer. It has been widely reported that the Hello New User pop up is related to DNS Unlocker.
Dear Reader,
Thank you for visiting our page! You might be interested in the following article because you have recently been disturbed by the appearance of a great number of ads while you have simply been trying to surf the web. The information we are about to give you below will be extremely useful to you, as it will provide you with the most important characteristic details about the program that has been irritating you – the Hello New User “Virus”. What’s even more helpful – we have prepared a removal guide to set your PC free of this annoying piece of software.

Hello New User – origin, typical behavior and potential unpleasant side effects
The program currently disturbing your browsing is categorized as Adware. Adware-type products are experts at showing numerous ads in various sizes and shapes. This is exactly your case. Generating ads, though, is practically everywhere and is a legitimate way of promoting products and services. However, when the ads become too many, the users could become too irritated. Actually, the Hello New User “Virus” Pop Up has never wanted to make any user angry, it is just programmed to display as many pop-ups and banners as it is able to. Those popping up ads are used as an instrument of increasing the profits of their developers. Each produced ad, despite its type – a banner, a pop-up, a new browser tab, makes a contribution to the income of the programmer it was created by.
Although the Hello New User “Virus” is fully capable of compromising your surfing experience, it has NEVER been able to do anything malicious. Stealing info, copying and selling account and banking credentials, destroying or encoding data – none of those dishonest practices are among Adware’s priorities, as opposed to malware and viruses. What might raise some concerns is the way such ad-generating programs are spread around. Generally, the most regularly used distribution method remains the so-called software bundling. Some developers mix the programs they create with Adware-based ones in order to be able to spread their software for free, but still get some money out of that. However, in case you don’t choose the Advanced setting of the given installation wizard, you will probably end up overwhelmed by various ads. No other option of the installer can give you such detailed information about the content of a given bundle as that one. Make it your only choice. Other possible means of spreading Hello New User might be spam emails, torrents, shareware websites, web pages with streaming movies. More likely however, it will exhibit the same nature of DNS Unlocker. This specific adware agent has been reported numerous times to be nigh impossible to delete.
Does Adware do anything shady?
To be completely precise, it does have some rather questionable habits, because of which some experts have described it as potentially unwanted software. To give an illustration of such a possibly shady activity, we will discuss the method Hello New User uses to adjust its advertisement campaign to your preferences. What this version of Adware does is keep track of the places on the web you regularly visit in order to be aware of your tastes. Once it has defined them, the program starts producing only pop-ups and banners that are related to your personal search requests. Some users might find this Adware feature considerably alarming.
One more negative aspect of Hello New User might be the probable slowdown your system could experience. Despite the possibility, if your system resources are great, you might not notice any sluggish performance. Also, there may be the slight chance of being redirected by some of the appearing ads to places on the Internet, which might not be safe at all and may contain even the worst kind of virus – Ransomware.
It is always simpler to avoid an issue than to solve it later
When we talk about Adware and its versions, you should know that such marketing tools depend on your innocence. The more naively you behave when it comes to cyber security, the more threats and annoyances you are likely to encounter. First of all – the installation process of any software is essential for its functionality and behavior. Do it correctly with the Advanced option. Note that this feature might have other names: Custom; Customized. Secondly, it is very important to have an anti-malware tool you can rely on. Do research and choose the best one according to your needs. And last but not least, download software only from trusted webpages.
Let’s remove Hello New User
Our uninstallation guide will come in handy in removing Hello New User; follow the steps closely and you shouldn’t come across any trouble with the removal process. Good luck!
Name | “Hello New User” (related to DNS Unlocker) |
Type | Adware |
Detection Tool | Some threats reinstall themselves if you don’t delete their core files. We recommend downloading SpyHunter to remove harmful programs for you. This may save you hours and ensure you don’t harm your system by deleting the wrong files. |
Remove Hello New User “Virus”
Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.
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