16691trULjLy1nscmMAJJi5bxULBUWBr9F Bitcoin Email

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This page aims to help you remove 16691trULjLy1nscmMAJJi5bxULBUWBr9F Email Bitcoin Virus. Our removal instructions work for every version of Windows.

A majority of antivirus programs have detected the virus using 16691trULjLy1nscmMAJJi5bxULBUWBr9F  Bitcoin Wallet. You can see the attached report from VirusTotal below:

In this article, we will tell you about a Trojan Horse virus related to a phishing e-mail scam that has recently affected a lot of PC users and the number of its victim is likely only going to go up in the next days and weeks. The Trojan that we are going to be focusing on is called 16691trULjLy1nscmMAJJi5bxULBUWBr9F and if you have had your PC infected by it, then you have likely received some obscure and suspicious e-mails after the malware has gotten inside the computer. The said e-mails usually include a payment request which states that you need to send a certain amount of money to a linked BitCoin wallet. The premise under which you are supposed to pay the requested money could be anything – oftentimes, the scammers might try to scare you claiming that they have hacked inside your PC and have acquired some sensitive information about you and are now blackmailing through claiming that they’d release the said info and make it public if you do not pay. All sorts of fake statements might be provided in the phishing e-mail in attempts to trick more gullible users into issuing the payment. Note, however, that if you have recently received such an e-mail letter, the said letter is certainly a scam and you must not trust its claims nor must you interact with any links or attached files that might have been added to it. Still, as we said above, this phishing e-mail scam might be related and to malicious Trojan Horse viruses such as the insidious 16691trULjLy1nscmMAJJi5bxULBUWBr9F or 1E3mVbLSLLUgdmrp8GV5RRu1Qz5FkWs4rJ . This is why we believe that it would be a good idea if you check out the next removal guide where you can learn more about the process of removing 16691trULjLy1nscmMAJJi5bxULBUWBr9F and use the instructions if you think that your PC might have been infected by this Trojan Horse.

Many of our users reported to us about an ongoing email spam with the following messages:

Heb je gehoord van Pegasus?
Dit is een spywareprogramma dat op computers en smartphones wordt geïnstalleerd en waarmee hackers de activiteiten van apparaat eigenaren kunnen controleren.
Het geeft toegang tot je webcam, messengers, e-mails, gespreksverslagen, enz. Het werkt op Android, iOS en Windows. Ik denk dat je al weet waar ik heen wil.

Het is al een paar maanden geleden dat ik het op al je apparaten installeerde,
omdat je niet kieskeurig was over welke links je aanklikte op het internet.
In deze periode ben ik alles te weten gekomen over je priveleven, maar een aspect is van speciaal belang voor mij.

Ik heb veel video’s opgenomen van jou, terwijl je je aftrekt aan zeer controversiële pornovideo’s.
Gezien het feit dat het “twijfelachtige” genre bijna altijd hetzelfde is, kan ik concluderen dat je een zieke viespeuk bent.
Ik betwijfel of je wilt dat je vrienden, familie en collega’s dit ook weten. Binnen slechts een paar klikken kan ik hiervoor zorgen!

Elk nummer in je contactenlijst zal plotseling deze video’s ontvange – op WhatsApp, op Telegram, op Skype, op e-mail – overal.
Het wordt een tsunami die alles op zijn pad wegvaagt, en in de eerste plaats je volledige leven.

Zie jezelf niet als een onschuldig slachtoffer.
Niemand weet waar je vieze gedachten vandaan komen en waar ze naar kunnen leiden,
dus beschouw dit als een verdiende straf om je tegen te houden. Beter laat dan nooit.

Ik ben een soort God die alles ziet. Maar geen paniek.
Zoals we weten is God genadig en vergevingsgezind, en ik ook. Maar mijn genade is niet gratis.

Maak 1450 EUR over naar mijn bitcoin portemonnee: 16691trULjLy1nscmMAJJi5bxULBUWBr9F

Zodra ik de bevestiging van de transactie heb ontvangen, zal ik alle video’s die je in gevaar brengen permanent verwijderen,
Pegasus van al je apparaten verwijderen en uit je leven verdwijnen. Je kunt er zeker van zijn – ik wil alleen wel geld.
Vergeet niet dat ik binnen een seconden je leven kan verwoesten.

Ik krijg een melding wanneer je mijn e-mail opent, en vanaf dat moment heb je precies 48 uur om het geld te sturen.
Als cryptocurrencies onbekend voor je zijn, maak je dan geen zorgen,
het is heel eenvoudig. Je hoeft alleen maar te googelen op “crypto exchange” en dan is het niet moeilijker dan wat nutteloze spullen kopen op Amazon.

Ik waarschuw je met klem voor het volgende:

) Beantwoord deze e-mail niet. Ik heb het verzonden vanaf een tijdelijk e-mailadres, dus ik ben niet op te sporen.
) Neem geen contact op met de politie. Ik heb toegang tot al je apparaten en zodra ik erachter kom dat je naar de politie bent gerend, worden er video’s gepubliceerd.
) Probeer je apparaten niet te resetten of te vernietigen. Zoals ik hierboven al zei: Ik hou al je activiteiten in de gaten,
dus je gaat akkoord met mijn voorwaarden of de video’s worden gepubliceerd.

Vergeet ook niet dat cryptocurrencies anoniem zijn, dus het is onmogelijk om mij te identificeren aan de hand van het opgegeven adres.

More about 16691trULjLy1nscmMAJJi5bxULBUWBr9F

The phishing e-mails are certainly a security issue, especially for users who are less experienced and more likely to fall for the scam. However, the even bigger problem here is the very presence of the 16691trULjLy1nscmMAJJi5bxULBUWBr9F Trojan inside your system. Currently, it might be used in the phishing e-mail campaign but there are actually much more harmful things that a Trojan virus inside your system might be capable of doing. Loading Ransomware, Spyware and Rootkits inside your computer, damaging highly important system files, stealing private info about your life and job, controlling the processes in the computer and even using the machine to fulfill other criminal activities that would benefit the hackers. There are endless possibilities and so if the phishing e-mails are not enough of a reason to convince you that your PC needs to be cleaned, then think about all the other kinds of harm that a Trojan infection might potentially cause to you and to your PC. Again, the guide above is here to help you remove 16691trULjLy1nscmMAJJi5bxULBUWBr9F and clean your PC so that it would be safe for further use. Make sure you take a look at the removal instructions and use them if you need. 


Type Trojan
Detection Tool

Remove 16691trULjLy1nscmMAJJi5bxULBUWBr9F

To try and remove 16691trULjLy1nscmMAJJi5bxULBUWBr9F quickly you can try this:

  1. Go to your browser’s settings and select More Tools (or Add-ons, depending on your browser).
  2. Then click on the Extensions tab.
  3. Look for the 16691trULjLy1nscmMAJJi5bxULBUWBr9F extension (as well as any other unfamiliar ones).
  4. Remove 16691trULjLy1nscmMAJJi5bxULBUWBr9F by clicking on the Trash Bin icon next to its name.
  5. Confirm and get rid of 16691trULjLy1nscmMAJJi5bxULBUWBr9F and any other suspicious items.

If this does not work as described please follow our more detailed 16691trULjLy1nscmMAJJi5bxULBUWBr9F removal guide below.

If you have a Windows virus, continue with the guide below.

If you have a Mac virus, please use our How to remove Ads on Mac guide.

If you have an Android virus, please use our Android Malware Removal guide.

If you have an iPhone virus, please use our iPhone Virus Removal guide.

Some of the steps may require you to exit the page. Bookmark it for later reference.
Next, Reboot in Safe Mode (use this guide if you don’t know how to do it).

Step1 Uninstall the 16691trULjLy1nscmMAJJi5bxULBUWBr9F app and kill its processes

The first thing you must try to do is look for any sketchy installs on your computer and uninstall anything you think may come from 16691trULjLy1nscmMAJJi5bxULBUWBr9F. After that, you’ll also need to get rid of any processes that may be related to the unwanted app by searching for them in the Task Manager.

Note that sometimes an app, especially a rogue one, may ask you to install something else or keep some of its data (such as settings files) on your PC – never agree to that when trying to delete a potentially rogue software. You need to make sure that everything is removed from your PC to get rid of the malware. Also, if you aren’t allowed to go through with the uninstallation, proceed with the guide, and try again after you’ve completed everything else.

  • Uninstalling the rogue app
  • Killing any rogue processes

Type Apps & Features in the Start Menu, open the first result, sort the list of apps by date, and look for suspicious recently installed entries.

Click on anything you think could be linked to 16691trULjLy1nscmMAJJi5bxULBUWBr9F, then select uninstall, and follow the prompts to delete the app.

delete suspicious 16691trULjLy1nscmMAJJi5bxULBUWBr9F apps

Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc, click More Details (if it’s not already clicked), and look for suspicious entries that may be linked to 16691trULjLy1nscmMAJJi5bxULBUWBr9F.

If you come across a questionable process, right-click it, click Open File Location, scan the files with the free online malware scanner shown below, and then delete anything that gets flagged as a threat.

Each file will be scanned with up to 64 antivirus programs to ensure maximum accuracy
This scanner is free and will always remain free for our website’s users.
This file is not matched with any known malware in the database. You can either do a full real-time scan of the file or skip it to upload a new file. Doing a full scan with 64 antivirus programs can take up to 3-4 minutes per file.
Drag and Drop File Here To Scan
Drag and Drop File Here To Scan

Analyzing 0 s
Each file will be scanned with up to 64 antivirus programs to ensure maximum accuracy
    This scanner is based on VirusTotal’s API. By submitting data to it, you agree to their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and to the sharing of your sample submission with the security community. Please do not submit files with personal information if you do not want them to be shared.
    Delete 16691trULjLy1nscmMAJJi5bxULBUWBr9F files and quit its processes.

    After that, if the rogue process is still visible in the Task Manager, right-click it again and select End Process.

    Step2 Undo 16691trULjLy1nscmMAJJi5bxULBUWBr9F changes made to different system settings

    It’s possible that 16691trULjLy1nscmMAJJi5bxULBUWBr9F has affected various parts of your system, making changes to their settings. This can enable the malware to stay on the computer or automatically reinstall itself after you’ve seemingly deleted it. Therefore, you need to check the following elements by going to the Start Menu, searching for them, and pressing Enter to open them and to see if anything has been changed there without your approval. Then you must undo any unwanted changes made to these settings in the way shown below:

    • DNS
    • Hosts
    • Startup
    • Task
    • Services
    • Registry

    Type in Start Menu: View network connections

    Right-click on your primary network, go to Properties, and do this:

    Undo DNS changes made by 16691trULjLy1nscmMAJJi5bxULBUWBr9F

    Type in Start Menu: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

    Delete 16691trULjLy1nscmMAJJi5bxULBUWBr9F IPs from Hosts

    Type in the Start Menu: Startup apps

    Disable 16691trULjLy1nscmMAJJi5bxULBUWBr9F startup apps

    Type in the Start Menu: Task Scheduler

    Delete 16691trULjLy1nscmMAJJi5bxULBUWBr9F scheduled tasks

    Type in the Start Menu: Services

    Disable 16691trULjLy1nscmMAJJi5bxULBUWBr9F services

    Type in the Start Menu: Registry Editor

    Press Ctrl + F to open the search window

    Clear the Registry from 16691trULjLy1nscmMAJJi5bxULBUWBr9F items

    Step3 Remove 16691trULjLy1nscmMAJJi5bxULBUWBr9F from your browsers

    • Delete 16691trULjLy1nscmMAJJi5bxULBUWBr9F from Chrome
    • Delete 16691trULjLy1nscmMAJJi5bxULBUWBr9F from Firefox
    • Delete 16691trULjLy1nscmMAJJi5bxULBUWBr9F from Edge
    1. Go to the Chrome menu > More tools > Extensions, and toggle off and Remove any unwanted extensions.
    2. Next, in the Chrome Menu, go to Settings > Privacy and security > Clear browsing data > Advanced. Tick everything except Passwords and click OK.
    3. Go to Privacy & Security > Site Settings > Notifications and delete any suspicious sites that are allowed to send you notifications. Do the same in Site Settings > Pop-ups and redirects.
    4. Go to Appearance and if there’s a suspicious URL in the Custom web address field, delete it.
    1. Firefox menu, go to Add-ons and themes > Extensions, toggle off any questionable extensions, click their three-dots menu, and click Remove.
    2. Open Settings from the Firefox menu, go to Privacy & Security > Clear Data, and click Clear.
    3. Scroll down to Permissions, click Settings on each permission, and delete from it any questionable sites.
    4. Go to the Home tab, see if there’s a suspicious URL in the Homepage and new windows field, and delete it.
    1. Open the browser menu, go to Extensions, click Manage Extensions, and Disable and Remove any rogue items.
    2. From the browser menu, click Settings > Privacy, searches, and services > Choose what to clear, check all boxes except Passwords, and click Clear now.
    3. Go to the Cookies and site permissions tab, check each type of permission for permitted rogue sites, and delete them.
    4. Open the Start, home, and new tabs section, and if there’s a rogue URL under Home button, delete it.

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