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Corona-lock Virus

Corona-lock Corona-lock is a ransomware cryptovirus that is used for online blackmail purposes and money extortion. Corona-lock uses advanced cryptography to restrict access to certain files and demands a ransom payment to send the victims a...

Mobile Threats

WolfRAT Malware

WolfRAT WolfRAT has been identified as a representative of the Trojan horse class of Android viruses. If WolfRAT has been found on your device, you must remove it as soon as possible. Trojans are the most well-known type of malware out there for two...

Mobile Threats

Attention-device1.site iPhone

Attention-device1.site Attention-device1.site is a kind of browser hijacker that specifically targets iPhones and iPads. Therefore, Attention-device1.site can integrate with most iOS-compatible browsers such as Chrome and Safari. If Attention...

Mac Virus


Freefiremobile Freefiremobile is a browser-infecting software app that can secretly install itself in Safari and other Mac browsers. Once Freefiremobile is added to the main browser in the system, it begins to promote different sites on the user’s...

Mac Virus

Hermes Lookup Mac

Hermes Lookup Hermes Lookup is an aggressive advertising Mac application that functions as a browser attachment and forces the affected browser to page-redirect the user. Hermes Lookup can be described as a Mac browser hijacker and its primary goal...


MassLogger Malware

MassLogger MassLogger is a highly dangerous malicious piece of software that can be categorized as a Trojan horse virus. MassLogger may have snuck into your system completely unnoticed and remained there without exhibiting any symptoms. This is...

Browser Hijacker

Ilg browser inc Virus

  Ilg browser inc Ilg browser inc is a browser hijacker application that is built and used for aggressive ad generation in Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and other popular web browsers. Most commonly, Ilg browser inc can be found in free software...

Browser Hijacker

How To Remove Web Search Weather

Web Search Weather Web Search Weather is website promotion program that hijacks popular web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and other browsing apps in order to redirect traffic from them to sponsored web pages. To facilitate its auto redirects...

Browser Hijacker

Websearch Weather

Websearch Weather Websearch Weather is page-promoting and ads-displaying application that security experts categorize as a browser hijacker. Users who have Websearch Weather in their system may experience page redirects to random sites and...

Mac Virus

Flashinstaller Mac

Flashinstaller Flashinstaller is a web browser application classified as a browser hijacker. Flashinstaller can attach itself to common browsers like Safari, Chrome and Firefox and can change the configurations and the behavior of these browsers...