Tgpo Virus

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*Source of claim SH can remove it. Trial w/Credit card, no charge upfront; full terms.

*Tgpo is a variant of Stop/DJVU. Source of claim SH can remove it.


Tgpo is a ransomware-based computer threat programmed to encrypt user files and demand a ransom payment for their decryption. Tgpo typically targets all file types and encodes them with a complex algorithm without the victim’s knowledge.

Tgpo ransomware text file (_readme.txt)

Ransomware is one of the worst types of infection precisely because it can prevent web users (and that includes even big businesses and organizations) from accessing their personal data through encryption. If you are reading this article, Tgpo is probably responsible for encrypting the files stored on your computer without any notice. As a result, now you are probably faced with a ransom-demanding message that is asking you to pay a ransom in order to decrypt them. However, we’ve dedicated this article to explaining to you what you can do to remove this infection and avoid the ransom payment. So, stay with us if you want to find an alternative to the ransom-payment option. Down below, we have provided a thorough removal guide for those of you who have already been hit by the Tgpo file encryption. It includes separate steps on how to remove the ransomware and potentially restore some of your data.

The Tgpo virus

The Tgpo virus is a computer threat of the ransomware type that is used to extort money from web users through encrypting their files. The Tgpo virus demands a ransom payment in order to provide a unique decryption key for the restoration of the encrypted data.

The most likely sources of viruses such as Tgpo, Tghz or Tgvv usually include spam emails and other messages distributed through social platforms and free download sites that may include an infected attachment or a misleading hyperlink. Malvertisements and fake system update requests are also very common ransomware transmitters and it would not be surprising that you have caught the Tgpo virus by accidentally clicking on one of them. That’s why one of the ways to keep away from such infection is to try to stay away from unauthorized websites and just use your common sense when on the Internet.

The .Tgpo file decryption

The Tgpo file decryption is a process that allows the victims of .Tgpo to recover their encrypted data. The activation of the .Tgpo file decryption process, however, is only available to those who pay for a corresponding decryption key.

Files encrypted by Tgpo ransomware (.tgpo extension)

If the victims of Tgpo refuse to comply with the ransom demands and pay the ransom, they are typically threatened to never access their files again. Before resorting to the ransom payment, however, there are other options that are worth the try. Besides, sending money to some anonymous crooks is not the most reliable option because it’s not uncommon for the hackers to promise to send a decryption key to help decode the files and then to “forget” to give it to the user. And sometimes, even if a key is actually sent, it may simply fail to reverse the applied encryption which again leaves the victims with empty hands.

Therefore, many security experts advise the victims of threats like Tgpo to concentrate on how to remove the ransomware (in your case, the Tgpo virus) instead of risking their money in vain. This will make their computer safe for normal use and will prevent the possible encryption of new files or data that you manage to recover through methods such as those listed in our guide below.


Name Tgpo
Type Ransomware
Detection Tool

*Tgpo is a variant of Stop/DJVU. Source of claim SH can remove it.

Tgpo Ransomware Removal


While you are still on this page, we suggest you click the Bookmark icon in your browser to save this removal guide. This will help you reload it quickly after you do the necessary system restarts required during the removal of the ransomware.

Next, it is advisable that you enter the Safe Mode of your infected computer by using the instructions from the provided link.  Once you do that, get back to this guide and move to step 2.



*Tgpo is a variant of Stop/DJVU. Source of claim SH can remove it.

As soon as the computer restarts in Safe Mode, go to the bottom left corner of the screen and click on the Start menu button. Next, type Task Manager in the search bar and open the result.

Click on Processes and scroll the list of running processes in a search for a ransomware-related one. Sometimes the name of the process could be an indicator of a malicious activity. For instance, you may find some random characters or misplaced letters. Another indicator could be the high consumption of CPU and Memory resources without any actual activity from your side. If you detect something unusual, it is best to right-click on it and select the Open File Location option.


In this way, you will be able to see the files related to that process and scan them for malicious code by dropping them inside the free online virus scanner below:

Each file will be scanned with up to 64 antivirus programs to ensure maximum accuracy
This scanner is free and will always remain free for our website's users.
This file is not matched with any known malware in the database. You can either do a full real-time scan of the file or skip it to upload a new file. Doing a full scan with 64 antivirus programs can take up to 3-4 minutes per file.
Drag and Drop File Here To Scan
Drag and Drop File Here To Scan
Analyzing 0 s
Each file will be scanned with up to 64 antivirus programs to ensure maximum accuracy
    This scanner is based on VirusTotal's API. By submitting data to it, you agree to their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and to the sharing of your sample submission with the security community. Please do not submit files with personal information if you do not want them to be shared.

    If the scanned files end up being dangerous, you should immediately end the process related to them and delete the files from the computer.  

    Note: Remember that you may need to do that several times until you are absolutely sure that there are no malicious processes running on your PC.


    In order to complete their malicious agenda, many ransomware threats, including Tgpo, tend to add startup items in the configurations of your system. These startup items are typically set to start as soon as the computer starts and run without any indications.

    To check if there are such Tgpo-related items on your computer, type msconfig in the search field of the Start menu and press enter to open the System Configuration window. In it, click on Startup and check what entries are added there. Most of them should be linked to legitimate programs that start when Windows starts, as well as some selected programs that you have set to start automatically with the start of the system.


    If you notice an entry that looks suspicious, has an unknown Manufacturer or a random name, it is a good idea to collect more information about it online, and remove its checkmark to disable it, in case there is enough evidence that it is malicious. Once you are done with that, don’t forget to click the OK button to save your changes, and then close the window.

    Next, it is of critical importance that you check the registry of the infected computer for Tgpo-related entries. If such entries have been added there without your knowledge, they should be carefully removed to prevent the ransomware from re-installing the next time you restart the system.

    A quick way to check the registry is to simply open the Registry Editor (Type Regedit in the search field of the Start menu and press Enter) and then with the help of the CTRL and F key combination call up a Find box on the screen.

    In it, type the name of the ransomware and click on Find Next. If one or more entries appear in the search results, make sure that you delete them.Attention! A serious system damage is possible if you delete entries unrelated to the ransomware. Be extremely careful and in case of doubt, please use a powerful professional removal tool to deal with the traces of the Tgpo infection.


    *Tgpo is a variant of Stop/DJVU. Source of claim SH can remove it.

    Aside from the registry, there are five common locations where the ransomware may place some of its malicious files. To check them, please type each of the lines below in the search filed of the Start menu one by one and press Enter after each of them:

    1. %AppData%
    2. %LocalAppData%
    3. %ProgramData%
    4. %WinDir%
    5. %Temp%

    To save time, filter the content of each of the locations by date and search for something that has been recently added and looks unusual. If you can’t determine if there is danger, you can try our free online virus scanner and scan the files and folders in question. When you Temp, select all of its content and delete it. These are all temporary files, some of which might have been added there by the ransomware. Finally, before you close this guide, copy this and paste it in the search field of the Start menu:

    notepad %windir%/system32/Drivers/etc/hosts

    Next, press Enter from the keyboard, and this should immediately open a new file named Hosts on your screen. In it, what you need to search for is signs of hacking, such as the presence of numerous virus creator IPs under Localhost in the text:

    hosts_opt (1)


    How to Decrypt Tgpo files

    What most ransomware infections are famous for is that removing the malware from the computer is typically not enough to free the files that have been encrypted. The file-recovery is a separate process, unrelated to the ransomware removal, that requires a separate guide, like the one that we have prepared here.

    However, you cannot jump to the file-recovery solutions if you are not completely sure that Tgpo is gone from the system. To double-check your PC, we recommend you use the anti-virus program we recommend here and run a full scan of the system with it.  In case you run into trouble and this guide cannot help you deal with the infection, please write to us in the comments. We will do our best to help.

    What is Tgpo?

    Tgpo is a type of computer malware that tries to force its victims to perform a ransom payment by keeping their most important files “hostage”. The victims of Tgpo are informed about the ransom demand via a note generated by the virus after the encryption. In most cases, the ransom notes displayed by the Ransomware viruses are written in such a way that it would make the user panic and immediately make the money transfer. However, if you have been attacked by Tgpo and its ransom-demanding message is currently on your screen, it’s important to try not to panic and to assess the situation with a clear mind. One thing that could greatly help you in such a situation is if you have any backup copies of the locked files on other devices or in cloud storage. If you do have such backups, the hackers would have no leverage to blackmail you. Also, if the locked files aren’t that important to you, there wouldn’t be a reason for you to pay.
    How to decrypt Tgpo files? To decrypt Tgpo files, you either need the private key from the hackers or you need to try some alternative methods that don’t involve a ransom payment. One alternative method you can try to decrypt Tgpo files is to find a specialized free decryptor tool. There are many such tools available for free on the Internet, but the problem with them is that they can usually only decrypt files locked by a single specific Ransomware or a small number of similar Ransomware viruses. Still, such tools get developed rather frequently, so you may be able to find one that works for Tgpo. Another way to restore encrypted files is to extract older versions of them (shadow copies) from automatic backups stored deep in the system. Although there are no guarantees that those or any other alternative recovery methods would work in your case, it’s still better to try them first before opting for the payment option.

    Is Tgpo a virus?

    Tgpo is a virus program known as Ransomware, and its purpose is to keep your data inaccessible until you pay a ransom to its creators. Malware programs like the Tgpo virus are often paired with Trojan Horses that can provide the Ransomware with a backdoor. If your system has been infected by Tgpo, but you have backups of the encrypted files and/or the data locked by the virus isn’t that important, then the damage this malware could cause would be virtually nullified as the Ransomware cannot actually damage anything in the system. However, since this virus may travel together with a Trojan, it’s still possible that your system may sustain damage if such a Trojan is currently in it. For this reason, acting quickly and without delay towards deleting any rogue software that may be in your computer is crucial in such situations. Also, if you want to try any alternative data-recovery methods, you’d first need to eliminate the Ransomware.

    How to decrypt Tgpo files?

    To decrypt Tgpo files, you either need the private key from the hackers or you need to try some alternative methods that don’t involve a ransom payment. One alternative method you can try to decrypt Tgpo files is to find a specialized free decryptor tool. There are many such tools available for free on the Internet, but the problem with them is that they can usually only decrypt files locked by a single specific Ransomware or a small number of similar Ransomware viruses. Still, such tools get developed rather frequently, so you may be able to find one that works for Tgpo. Another way to restore encrypted files is to extract older versions of them (shadow copies) from automatic backups stored deep in the system. Although there are no guarantees that those or any other alternative recovery methods would work in your case, it’s still better to try them first before opting for the payment option.

    About the author


    Lidia Howler

    Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.

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