
Nathan Bookshire

Browser Hijacker

How to remove TroxApp from your computer

TroxApp is one of many iterations of a particularly stubborn browser hijacker app that gets in the system and takes over the browser after being installed through a file bundle or a dedicated setup.msi installer. We encountered many reports from...

Mobile Threats

How to Remove Encryption Defender CC From iPhone

We created this page to help users remove – a pop-up virus targeting primarily mobile users (especially iPhone), with a smaller mix of desktop infections as well. Most users refer to it as Encryption Defender, so...


How to Remove and Decrypt the .Qual Virus Files

This page was created to help victims of the latest Djvu family ransomware variant, called .Qual. This is not an official name, only the suffix of the files that the victims see and search for on the internet, just like with the .Watz and .Waqa...

Browser Hijacker

How to remove the SurfSee Extension from Chrome

The SurfSee Chrome extension is a browser-hijacker class malware we recently researched after being informed by reader comments. Like other recent offenders that redirect to (like FortyFy and Searchisty) it uses Windows’ built-in...


Combo Cleaner – Source Database for claims of removal

The following page was created to provide proof for all posts that claim the removal of a specific malware. In all cases the links that prove the claim will go to, which is operated and owned by RCS LT – the parent company of Combo...


SpyHunter – Source Database for claims of removal

The following page was created to provide proof for all posts that claim the removal of a specific malware. In all cases the links that prove the claim will go to, which is operated and owned by Enigma Software Group Ltd –...


Combo Cleaner Terms and Conditions

This is a copy of the original terms for Combo Cleaner, as they appear on This page is for your convenience, and for reference only. If you want to review‘s policies instead, you can do so here: Terms of Use...

Browser Hijacker

How to remove the Fortify extension from Chrome

Well, this is a bit of a weird situation. We are writing about a misspell of the Fortyfy extension which is a Chrome browser malware, but since Google decides writing “Fortyfy” is plain wrong, it shows only results for a completely different...

Browser Hijacker

How to delete Searchisty Extension from Chrome

The Searchisty extension is yet another rogue extension we detected recently, together with FortyFy and NebulaNanoel. All of the mentioned extensions are created by malware actors to enforce an active managed by organization state on the browser, to...