Cdnsure Virus



The Cdnsure is a browser-redirecting software that initially looks like a regular Chrome extension, but once installed, begins to aggressively promote obscure sites via automatic page-redirects. Cdnsure must be immediately removed, or else it may land your browser on unsafe sites with harmful content.


If you’re here, your screen has likely been flooded by annoying popups, banners and other ads generated by a browser hijacker called Cdnsure . In addition, Cdnsure Virus may have probably also replaced your browser homepage and introduced a new default search engine.

There are certain methods that can help you to fully remove the nagging ads and uninstall their source and, in the next lines, we will tell you more about them. So, if you’ve landed on this page seeking help with regaining control over your Chrome, Firefox, Edge or any other browser that might have been hijacked, stay with us.

The Cdnsure Virus

Browser hijackers, such as the Cdnsure virus and Fast Captcha, are not among the most dangerous pieces of software that you may encounter and they are certainly not as malicious as viruses or ransomware and Trojan horse threats, but they have some specifics which you need to take into consideration if you want to effectively deal with this form of software. For instance, if not removed correctly, they can reinstall themselves again and hijack any browser that you have on your system.

Additionally, for the entire period that they are present on the computer, they may make potentially unwanted changes to the settings of your browsing program (such as search engine or homepage replacements, automatic page redirects, etc.) and may prevent you from reaching the sites that you actually want to visit. Not only that, but the ads, pop-ups and sponsored messages that a hijacker may generate on your screen may prompt you to click on potentially unsafe web locations or may trick you into purchasing or installing some low-quality software or other sketchy products.

That’s why it is very important to use a trusted removal tool or a detailed removal guide, such as the ones below, in order to safely and effectively uninstall Cdnsure and get rid of all of its potentially unwanted activities.

Protecting your machine from browser hijackers like Cdnsure virus

When it comes to browser hijackers, most web users have no idea how this software has gotten installed in their system. Many people think that they most probably have been secretly infected, just like it usually happens with most viruses and malicious threats such as Trojans, spyware and ransomware. However, browser hijackers cannot normally infect any computer on their own.

They actually usually get installed by the users as a part of another program, which the customer willingly installs on their PC. This mostly happens due to a lack of attention during the installation process and negligence with regards to the selectable options under the Advanced/ Custom/ Manual menu section of the given program installation bundle. Most commonly, apps like Cdnsure can be found in software installers for games, software tools, add-ons, updates, torrents, etc., where they are promoted as free or bonus components to the main program. The good news is that you can effectively prevent them from entering your system if you are careful with your software download sources and pay close attention during the installation process.


Type Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Remove Cdnsure Virus

Browser Hijackers are notoriously difficult to uninstall. However, it is possible to quickly and effectively remove Cdnsure by following the steps listed below. Here’s a quick rundown of what’s covered in the guide:

Open System Configuration on the infected PC and remove any startup items you believe are connected to Cdnsure.

  • When the computer starts, go to System Configuration and stop any hijacker-related Startup processes from the list.
  • Search for Cdnsure in the Control Panel >>> Programs and Features and remove the hijacker if you find it there, as well as any other potentially unwanted programs you think are connected to it.
  • Open the Task Manager and stop any Cdnsure -related processes.
  • Reset the DNS settings under Internet Connections if they have been altered.
  • Identify and uninstall any extensions or add-ons that may be causing your hijacking problem by opening each browser currently installed on your PC and going to the Add-ons/Extensions menu in each one.
  • Look for indicators of hacking in the Hosts file of the hijacked machine and remove any Cdnsure -related traces from the registry.

Follow the Cdnsure removal instructions below for a step-by-by-step walkthrough of the process.


To complete the instructions in the guide, you’ll need to restart your computer in Safe Mode first. That’s why, the first step is to restart your PC in Safe Mode.

However, before you do so, we suggest that you save this page as a favorite in your browser bookmarks. After the system restarts, you’ll be able to quickly return to it and pick up where you left off.



After restarting the machine in Safe Mode, click on Start in the bottom left corner of the screen and enter msconfig into the search box . Open System Configuration by pressing the Enter key on your computer and then select the Startup tab as shown in the imave below:


You should see a list of startup items that are already configured to run when the computer starts. Remove the checkbox from anything that you associate with Cdnsure or that has a manufacturer listed as “Unknown” to prevent it from running. Once you’ve made your changes, click OK to save them.

Next, return to the Start menu and choose Control Panel>>Programs and Features or simply type appwiz.cpl in the search bar and press Enter.


Look through the list of installed applications for anything unusual, such as Cdnsure , that you believe may have been used to infect your system with the browser hijacker. Keep an eye out for apps you’ve recently installed and remove them if you find that they’re causing issues when you’re surfing.


Launch the Task Manager, (CTRL, SHIFT, and ESC) and go to Processes.

There, check for any suspicious-looking processes that might be connected to the browser hijacker. If a process’s name or activity catches your eye, just right-click on it and choose Open File Location from the shortcut menu that appears on the screen.


Drag and drop the process’s files to the online virus scanner below and start a scan to see whether they are harmful and should be removed.

Each file will be scanned with up to 64 antivirus programs to ensure maximum accuracy
This scanner is free and will always remain free for our website's users.
This file is not matched with any known malware in the database. You can either do a full real-time scan of the file or skip it to upload a new file. Doing a full scan with 64 antivirus programs can take up to 3-4 minutes per file.
Drag and Drop File Here To Scan
Drag and Drop File Here To Scan
Analyzing 0 s
Each file will be scanned with up to 64 antivirus programs to ensure maximum accuracy
    This scanner is based on VirusTotal's API. By submitting data to it, you agree to their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and to the sharing of your sample submission with the security community. Please do not submit files with personal information if you do not want them to be shared.

    If any of the scanned files contain harmful code, stop the related process by right-clicking on it (End Process) and remove the dangerous files from their file location.

    Note: Scan as many processes as necessary until your Task Manager is clear of anything suspicious.


    After that, go to the Start menu, type Network Connections in the search bar, press Enter, and then follow these steps:

    1. Right-click on the network adapter presently in use and choose Properties from the menu that appears.
    2. Highlight Internet Protocol Version 4 (ICP/IP) in the new window and click Properties on the bottom-left.
    3. Click on the Advanced button after selecting the Obtain DNS server automatically option.
    4. Check the DNS tab in the new window to see whether anything has been added. Remove any rogue DNS entries you find and then click OK.


    In this step we will show you how to make sure every browser you have installed on your computer is cleaned from traces of Cdnsure . Please apply the instructions below to all browsers that are presently installed on your computer, even if you are not using all of them regularly because if you fail to do so, Cdnsure may re-appear the next time you restart the system.

    Right-click on the browser shortcut icon and choose Properties from the menu that appears.


    Next, go to the Shortcut tab in the Properties window. If anything new has been added after .exe in the Target section, delete it.

    Browser Hijacker Removal Instructions

    ie9-10_512x512  Remove Cdnsure from Internet Explorer:

    To remove Cdnsure and other suspicious-looking extensions from Internet Explorer, start it, click  IE GEAR then select Manage Add-ons.

    pic 3

    Disable anything that you don’t want to keep in the browser and after you are done with that, click again the gear icon IE GEAR.

    From the menu select Internet Options and change the URL of the homepage (if hijacked) to an address that you want and trust to be your default homepage, then click on Apply.

    firefox-512 Remove Cdnsure from Firefox:

    In Firefox you need to start the browser and click  mozilla menu .

    After that, select  Add-ons —-> Extensions from the menu and remove any extensions that you associate with Cdnsure in the browser’s extensions list.

    pic 6

    chrome-logo-transparent-backgroundRemove Cdnsure from Chrome:

    To deal with Cdnsure in Chrome, please make sure that the browser is closed before proceeding.

    Next, follow this path and open User Data:

     C:/Users/!!!!USER NAME!!!!/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User Data. 

    Find and select the folder called “Default” inside:

    Rename the Folder to Backup Default

    Next, change the name of the Default folder to Backup Default. Save it this way and start the Chrome browser.


    When a browser hijacker is installed on the computer, unauthorized modifications may be made to the computer’s Hosts file. So, in the last step, we suggest you check your Hosts file for changes by copying this line in the Start menu search field and pressing Enter:

    notepad %windir%/system32/Drivers/etc/hosts

    Next, in the Notepad file search for Localhost and look at the image below:

    hosts_opt (1)

    If you see IP addresses like those in the image, leave us a comment with a copy of them below this post and don’t do any changes until we reply to you. If there is nothing unusual, simply close the Hosts file and proceed to the next instructions.

    Back to the Start menu search field, type Regedit and press Enter.

    The Registry Editor should immediately open. Press CTRL and F and type the hijacker’s Name in the Find box, then click the Find Next button.

    Right click to delete any entries that are matching the hijacker’s name. Then repeat the search again. When nothing appears in the results, go to these three locations by using the left panel of the Editor:

    • HKEY_CURRENT_USER—-Software—–Random Directory.
    • HKEY_CURRENT_USER—-Software—Microsoft—-Windows—CurrentVersion—Run– Random
    • HKEY_CURRENT_USER—-Software—Microsoft—Internet Explorer—-Main—- Random

    If you’re unsure about what precisely has to be deleted, don’t make any registry modifications. Any wrong removals or alterations have the potential to badly damage your operating system. To prevent this, please use the free online virus scanner to scan any files that seem suspicious or use the anti-virus tool we recommend on this page. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to ask them in the comments section below this page. We will do our best to help!

    About the author


    Lidia Howler

    Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.

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