Porn Blackmail Email

This page aims to help you remove Porn Blackmail Email Scam. Our removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows and MacOS.

Porn Blackmail Email Scam is NOT a virus or some sort of a harmful Ransomware or a Spyware infection, unlike what many users may think. This is an email scam designed to scare people into believing they will be targeted by government agencies or that their computers have been infected with porn malware and demanding payment in cryptocurrency. Again – this is a scam, however you might indeed have been infected with something called a browser hijacker! Porn Blackmail Email Scam has been reported to “infiltrate” browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Explorer and others and to change their default homepage or search engine with new ones. The application has also been reported to conduct a very aggressive ad-generation campaign – pop-ups, and various sponsored banners and links, as well as automatic page-redirects to certain promotional pages are likely to appear on the browser screen of each PC that has this app installed on it. Luckily, there is usually nothing malicious or illegal in such activity because Porn Blackmail Email is nothing more than an advertising software from the browser hijacker type. If you have just detected this annoying application on your PC, however, you may find the instructions in the removal guide below very useful because, there, we will explain to you how to safely uninstall the related browser components of the unwanted application and remove all of its ads.

How can Porn Blackmail Email Scam get installed on your computer?

Many browser hijackers may have an official site from where the users may download them for free. Such applications, as we mentioned above, are not illegal and can also be found in a bundle with other software or may be included as free components added to popular and attractive programs. Of course, torrents, spam messages, different free download links and shareware sites may also contain similar ad-generating and page-redirecting applications. That’s why, if you want to avoid them, you should be very careful when installing new software on your PC.  In many cases, if a piece of software like Porn Blackmail Email is bundled in a given installation pack, it may try to change your homepage and/or your default search engine during the installation or to install some free or bonus components as an addition to the main installs from the setup. To prevent that from happening, you should always use the Advanced or the Manual installation settings and refuse to install any obscure and sketchy-looking “optional downloads”.

Can you trust Porn Blackmail Email?

Although Porn Blackmail Email is considered to be legitimate and safe, security experts recommend avoiding interaction with the content that such a browser hijacker may generate as well as the use of its imposed search engines, toolbars and sponsored domains. The reason is, there is always a risk that some of the displayed domains, ads, and pop-ups may contain malicious software and infect the users’ computers with dangerous viruses, (such as a Ransomware, Trojans, Rootkits, etc.) if they happen to click on them. Additionally, the more such intrusive software operates on the system, the greater the web disturbance – aggressive ads streaming, sudden browser crashes, unresponsiveness and freezing of the screen may become a day-to-day experience until the hijacker is completely removed. Also, it is worth to mention that an application like Porn Blackmail Email may collect some information related to your browsing habits (such as history, bookmarks, location, recently visited sites, etc.), and may try to either use it in more aggressive online advertising campaigns or sell it to third-party marketers and online advertisers for greater profit (or both). This is not illegal according to most laws but could be a good reason to consider the uninstallation of the nagging software in case you don’t want to have your browsing activities getting monitored for marketing purposes.


Name Porn Blackmail
Type  Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Remove Porn Blackmail Email Scam

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.

About the author

Lidia Howler

Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.

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