Tag - Botnet


FritzFrog botnet targets government servers

FritzFrog Botnet 500 government and business SSH servers have been targeted by the newly-discovered FritzFrog P2P botnet from the beginning of 2020. The cybersecurity firm Guardicore has recently published a research report on a new peer-to-peer...


Qbot Trojan

Qbot In case your machine has been infected with Qbot, this is quite unfortunate. Qbot is a threat that belongs to the family of the Trojan Horses, and is therefore one of the most dangerous forms of online infections. According to statistics, the...


Gh0st RAT

Gh0st RAT According to some recent reports, quite a number of computers have been attacked with the Trojan called Gh0st RAT. Gh0st RAT is a sophisticated virus, which can harm the users’ system in a number of ways. Welcome to our “How to remove...