Tag - browser redirect

Browser Hijacker

Smartlink.name Virus

Smartlink.name Smartlink.name is a program that can mess with your web browser’s settings and redirect you to unfamiliar websites. Security experts classify Smartlink.name as a browser hijacker and suggest removing it in order to regain control over...

Browser Hijacker

Equaffism Virus

*Source of claim SH can remove it. Equaffism Equaffism is a Browser Hijacker best known for the unstoppable amount of adverts it keeps pushing through your browser’s screen. Equaffism can display pop-ups, banners, and adverts of all kinds...

Browser Hijacker

Squathweenic Virus

*Source of claim SH can remove it. Squathweenic Squathweenic is a browser hijacker program that modifies the web browser’s settings without the user’s approval. Typically, Squathweenic redirects the user to websites he has...

Mac Virus

Pornographic Virus Alert from Apple

  Pornographic Virus Alert from Apple Pornographic Virus Alert from Apple is regarded as a type of browser hijacker. Threats like Pornographic Virus Alert from Apple are known to cause different problems like changing the user’s designated home...

Mac Virus

How to get rid of Yahoo Search on Mac

Yahoo Search is a real search solution provided by Microsoft Corporation. It receives its search results from Bing.com, which is a carefully curated and safe search engine. There are however several adware applications that redirects users to...

Mac Virus

Will damage your computer Mac

  Will damage your computer The Will damage your computer pop up on Mac is an often fraudulent warning closely matched to a variety of browser hijacker-like apps. Most notably P Will Damage your computer, helperamc, helpermcp, navlibx, hlpradc...

Browser Hijacker

Seoi net Penint

Penint Seoi.net Penint is a browser hijacker type of application that has the ability to hijack almost all types of web browsers (including safe and secure ones such as Chrome, Firefox, Explorer, etc.) and to generate various types of commercial...

Browser Hijacker

Msftconnecttest Redirect

  Msftconnecttest Msftconnecttest is a browser hijacking application that actively forces web browsers to open different websites and redirects users’ searches to sponsored web pages. Msftconnecttest is not a virus but it can remove your...

Mobile Threats

Pornographic Virus Alert from Microsoft

Pornographic Virus Alert From Microsoft Pornographic Virus Alert From Microsoft is a scam designed to make you contact fake representatives of Microsoft. By posing as an important alert from Microsoft, the fake pop-up provides (888) 732-1022, (888)...

Browser Hijacker

Hide My History Virus

Hide My History Hide My History is an undesirable extension app for Chrome, Firefox, and other browsers that takes over the browsing program, and modifies its settings. Hide My History will add its own search engine and homepage address to the...