Tag - How to


MassLogger Malware

MassLogger MassLogger is a highly dangerous malicious piece of software that can be categorized as a Trojan horse virus. MassLogger may have snuck into your system completely unnoticed and remained there without exhibiting any symptoms. This is...

Browser Hijacker

Ilg browser inc Virus

  Ilg browser inc Ilg browser inc is a browser hijacker application that is built and used for aggressive ad generation in Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and other popular web browsers. Most commonly, Ilg browser inc can be found in free software...

Browser Hijacker

How To Remove Web Search Weather

Web Search Weather Web Search Weather is website promotion program that hijacks popular web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and other browsing apps in order to redirect traffic from them to sponsored web pages. To facilitate its auto redirects...

Browser Hijacker

Websearch Weather

Websearch Weather Websearch Weather is page-promoting and ads-displaying application that security experts categorize as a browser hijacker. Users who have Websearch Weather in their system may experience page redirects to random sites and...


Eking Virus

*Source of claim SH can remove it. Eking Eking is recognized as a ransomware cryptovirus and is mainly distributed via spam messages, malicious email attachments, cracked software installers and malvertisements. The creators of Eking use it to...


Koti Virus

Koti Koti is what is identified by cyber security experts as a file-encrypting ransomware variant. This means that Koti applies encryption on the files of its victims to make them inaccessible. The idea here basically revolves around a classic...

Browser Hijacker

Ppcorn Virus

Ppcorn Ppcorn is a potentially unwanted piece of software that has been built to run online advertising campaigns and to generate income for its developers. Ppcorn may fill the screen of your browser with sponsored pop-up ads and banners, and...

Mac Virus

DocToPdf Mac

DocToPdf DocToPdf is a browser hijacking application that may change the URL of your browser’s homepage or substitute your default search engine with a new one. Furthermore, DocToPdf may spam your screen with hundreds of pay-per-click ads and might...


Mzlq Virus

Mzlq Mzlq is a malicious piece of software that keeps users from accessing their own information. Mzlq belongs to the file-encrypting Ransomware group since it uses data encryption algorithm for locking its victim’s files. Ransomware is a very...

Mac Virus

Extra Device Mac

Extra Device Extra Device is an unwanted site-advertising browser extension for Mac computers known for its aggressive pop-up banners and page-redirects. The purpose of Extra Device is to provide certain sites and the products they sell with as much...