Tag - mac

Mac Virus

Gsecurecontent Mac

Gsecurecontent.com Gsecurecontent.com is an insecure domain recently used by malware creators as a browser hijacker. Its main characteristics are that the malware redirects users to Gsecurecontent.com where they are further redirected and/or exposed...

Mac Virus

Frequency Skill Mac

Frequency Skill Frequency Skill is one of the latest browser hijacker applications that is focused on altering the settings of popular Mac browsers. Frequency Skill’s goal is to produce pay-per-view and pay-per-click profits through intrusive...

Mac Virus

Expanded Rotator Mac

Expanded Rotator Expanded Rotator is one of the latest browser hijacker releases aimed at Mac users. Expanded Rotator acts as a rogue browser extension for popular web browsers and generates various ads in them. One of the first symptoms that tends...

Mac Virus

Explore Division Mac

Explore Division Explore Division is an advertising app that seeks to promote certain sites from within the browsers of Mac users. The way Explore Division does this is it installs in the computer’s main browser and makes some changes in it that...

Mac Virus

MyFlixer Virus

MyFlixer MyFilxer is a site for free movies, even in HD quality, plus the ability to download these movies for home use. The problem with this type of sites is that they question the security of your computer, and their information, which is...

Mac Virus

Frequency Progress Mac

Frequency Progress Frequency Progress is an application that targets Mac computer, and specifically their browsing programs. Frequency Progress is categorized as a browser hijacker. And it is called that, because it integrates with your Chrome...

Mac Virus

Shlayer Malware Mac

Shlayer Shlayer is a noxious Trojan Horse virus, which mainly infects poorly protected Mac-based computers. Shlayer often uses camouflaged malicious transmitters to spread its harmful code over different web locations and trick the unsuspecting...

Mac Virus

Explore Parameter Mac

Explore Parameter Explore Parameter is a potentially unwanted program that seeks to attach itself to popular Mac browsers in order to use them for displaying online promotions. Safari, Chrome and Firefox are common targets of Explore Parameter, thus...

Mac Virus

PuAgent Mac

PuAgent PuAgent is a piece of software that primarily targets Mac computers and the Safari, Chrome, Firefox or other popular browsers installed on them. If PuAgent has been installed on your computer, you are most likely experiencing significant...

Mac Virus

Gosearch7 Mac

Gosearch7 Gosearch7 is a Mac application that seeks to alter the homepage and the default search engine of commonly used Mac web browsers such as Safari, Chrome and Firefox. Typically Gosearch7 makes certain browser changes in order to increase the...