Tag - remove

Browser Hijacker

Uplucarioon Virus

Uplucarioon Uplucarioon is a relatively harmless program of the browser hijacker category. Uplucarioon can infect your favorite browser and spam it with various online ads while you’re browsing the web. Typically, hijackers can affect all popular...



Trojan.Generic.henma Trojan.Generic.henma is a stealthy computer infection that secretly reaches its victims’ computers using different techniques of disguise. Online security professionals recognize Trojan.Generic.henma as a Trojan horse –...

Browser Hijacker

Higedgene.com Virus

*Source of claim SH can remove it. Higedgene.com Browser Hijackers are all over the Internet and Higedgene.com is one of the most recently released programs of that software category. Since you’re reading this article, chances are that are you...

Browser Hijacker

Safesystems Virus

Safesystems Safesystems is a browser-hijacking app that targets the browsers of Windows computers and aims to promote different sites on their pages. Safesystems advertises the sites of its sponsors by automatically page-redirecting the browser to...

Browser Hijacker

Tinyurl4.ru WhatsApp

Tinyurl4.ru The main task of the Tinyurl4.ru application is to bombard your browser with annoying ads and commercial offers and prompt you to visit some third-party sites. By doing this, Tinyurl4.ru actually promotes certain pages and brings traffic...


Aawt Virus

*Aawt is a variant of Stop/DJVU. Source of claim SH can remove it. Aawt Aawt is a virus of the Ransomware file-encrypting variety and it is capable of blocking all important data on your computer. The purpose of Aawt is to force you to make a...

Browser Hijacker

WowShortVideos.com Virus

WowShortVideos.com WowShortVideos.com is categorized as a browser hijacker by security experts. WowShortVideos.com is known to cause browser redirects and different pop-up advertisements in addition to security vulnerabilities. If you have a program...

Browser Hijacker

Chrome Glass Virus

*Source of claim SH can remove it. Chrome Glass Chrome Glass is a browser add-on app that spams the browser screen with ads and page redirects that cannot be stopped without uninstalling the app. Chrome Glass can be described as a browser hijacker...


Qqri Virus

*Qqri is a variant of Stop/DJVU. Source of claim SH can remove it. Qqri Qqri is a ransomware virus that belongs to the file-encrypting subtype. This makes Qqri among the most dangerous types of malicious code in existence. Every year ransomware...

Browser Hijacker

Slavesenviablegrammar Virus

Slavesenviablegrammar Browser hijackers like Slavesenviablegrammar are ad-generating pieces of software. Slavesenviablegrammar integrates with the main browser on the computer in order to use it as its advertising platform. And there are several...