
This page aims to help you remove Scam. Our removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows.

On this article, our “How to remove” team will focus on a browser redirect called Scam. This software piece can be classified as a typical browser hijacker – a browser add-on which can usually get installed on your system without your consent and could be the reason for various changes in your default browser. For instance, your homepage or your favorite search engine may automatically be replaced by some new ones, and you may start experiencing sudden redirects to random sites every time you search for something on the web. What is more, your screen may start bombarding you with various nagging ads, pop-ups, banners and box messages, which may not go away and may prompt you to click on them all the time. If you landed on this page because you are already experiencing the disturbance described above, stay with us because we have something for you here. In the text below, we are going to tell you everything you need to know about Scam and what removal methods there are for it. This browser hijacker could be really annoying and could affect all the popular browsers, including Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc. Even though it is not a virus and typically cannot be blamed for any criminal activities, you may still need a Removal Guide and the help of a professional malware removal tool to uninstall it. Therefore, make use of the instructions, available at the end of the page and bring your favorite browser back to normal.

Are browser hijackers harmful? What can Scam do to your PC?

Browser hijackers are typical advertising-oriented pieces of software. They don’t usually have malicious scripts, and unlike the Trojans, the Ransomware infections and the other computer viruses, they are not typically seen as a threat to your system. Most page-recirects of this type, including Scam, are basically created to promote different websites, homepages, search engine, products and services through your browser by adding them to the browser or by redirecting you to them. 

The developers of such software usually benefit from the redirects and the clicks on the ads, pop-ups, and banners that get displayed on the peoples’ screen via marketing methods like Pay-Per-Click. That’s why they normally set the hijackers/browser redirects to generate as many advertisements as possible with the idea of bringing as much profit as possible through more clicks to the ads. There is nothing illegal about this activity because it actually does not harm or corrupt anything on your system. However, it could be extremely irritating. That’s why it is not surprising that many people desperately want to remove the ads permanently and uninstall their source.

Another reason why you might not want a program like Scam on your PC could be the possible data tracking activity it may initiate. As an instrument for online advertising, the browser hijacking software is oftentimes related to some sort of a data tracking activity, which collects details about your browsing habits, recent searches, likes, shares, bookmarks, and similar, non-personal information. This information, as you may have already guessed, could be very useful for marketing purposes and many advertisers may like to buy it in order to target you with their ads. Again, usually there is nothing criminal about this activity as well yet, as a result of it, you may constantly be redirected to spam and commercials, which surprisingly match your latest search queries and likes. Yes, you may find some good deals this way, but keep in mind that not all the ads, pop-ups and redirecting links on the web are safe. Consider the risk of bumping into some compromised websites, misleading pages and virus-contaminated content, and limit your interaction only to trusted content and well-known web locations. This way, you may avoid harmful infections such as Trojans, Ransomware or other similar nasty threats.

If you want to permanently save yourself from Scam and its irritating activities, we suggest you use the instructions in the Removal Guide below. It will help you detect and uninstall the browser hijacker along with all of its imposed components. Should you need additional assistance, use the professional Scam removal tool from the current page, which can automatically detect and remove the unwanted program. For prevention against browser hijackers, we have nothing but one advice for you – always be selective about your software sources and pay close attention to the setup process when you install new programs. Most of the time, browser hijackers are bundled with the setup installer of another program and are promoted as “suggested” or “recommended” components. Use the Advanced/Custom installation settings to opt-out of the hijacker’s installation and only then complete the setup process.


Name Scam
Type Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool Scam Removal

You are dealing with a malware infection that can restore itself unless you remove its core files. We are sending you to another page with a removal guide that gets regularly updated. It covers in-depth instructions on how to:
1. Locate and scan malicious processes in your task manager.
2. Identify in your Control panel any programs installed with the malware, and how to remove them. Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker that gets installed with a lot of malware.
3. How to clean up and reset your browser to its original settings without the malware returning.
You can find the removal guide here.
For mobile devices refer to these guides instead: Android, iPhone.

About the author

Lidia Howler

Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.


  • I am using an iPad Pro. This only hits when I go to Yahoo Answers the government and politics section. When it attacks, it starts asking for personal information. It also will not allow me to get out of the program. To use Safari, I have to close safari. I can then go to other sites but when I try to go back to yahoo I get redirected to the scam

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