Add Upgrade Mac

Add Upgrade

Add Upgrade is a browser hijacker software product that usually alters the settings of Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and other Mac-compatible web browsers without user approval. Add Upgrade is usually known to change the homepage URL and to set up a new search engine that redirects to websites that partner with this program.

Add Upgrade

The Add Upgrade Virus on Mac

Users don’t need special software to detect Add Upgrade – this is an application that can easily be found in any Mac browser as it usually reveals itself by covering the screen with hundreds of pop-ups, banner ads, text links and promotional messages that are “Powered by Add Upgrade”. The program also is the initiator of homepage and search engine changes and could even install a new toolbar, or some additional buttons in the browser’s taskbar.

Many users find it difficult to cope with the changes and the stream of ads that Add Upgrade showers them with and seek ways to remove them. Unfortunately, uninstalling the alternations that a browser hijacker has made can be a bit tricky and may require some assistance. That’s why our “How to remove” team has prepared a detailed removal guide below. It contains instructions and screenshots that describe how to effectively get rid of Add Upgrade and all of its potentially unwanted ads and modifications.

Add Upgrade on Mac

Add Upgrade for Mac is a piece of software that is frequently mistaken for a virus or some other malicious program from the rank of Ransomware and Trojans. In reality, however, Add Upgrade is not a virus but a browser hijacker that just seeks to redirect user traffic to websites that pay for promotion.

It might be very helpful news to know that Add Upgrade is software that does not delete your files, corrupt your machine, record your keystrokes or spy you on through your webcam. However, a browser hijacker like this one is typically considered to be potentially unwanted and is uninstalled by a lot of users without regret. This is because such software has the ability to aggressively interrupt the users’ web browsing experience by making various unauthorized modifications to their browsers’ settings and potentially expose them to web materials that may not be trustworthy or relevant.

What is Add Upgrade?

Add Upgrade is a browser hijacker that usually installs different components inside the main Mac’s web browser to promote partnering websites and redirect traffic to them. In order to land users on the desired pages, Add Upgrade typically fills the screen with pop-up ads, banners, and page-redirect prompts and displays sponsored search results.

Most browser hijackers, including Add Upgrade, are known to add certain components to the users’ web browser in order to display a much larger amount of ads than normal. It usually installs a new search engine that shows mostly supported search results or changes the homepage URL with a different one that loads a particular website when the browser is started. What raises concerns among the web users who are aware of the changes is that they cannot uninstall them or remove the nagging ads. That is why they quickly assume that what they are faced with is a computer virus or malicious software.

The AddUpgrade app

The AddUpgrade app is a piece of software mostly known for the auto-redirects that it can initiate. Users can often install the AddUpgrade app when they run a program bundle or perform an auto-update without customizing its settings.

Fortunately, the members of the browser hijacker family are not malicious applications. Unlike some of the most common online threats such as Trojans and Ransomware, these programs do not have malicious features that can damage a Mac computer. Nonetheless, these pieces of software have some obvious inconveniences. If we put the browsing irritation and disturbance caused by excessive ad-generation aside, programs like Add Upgrade can often redirect users to unknown or unsafe websites where malicious software could be hidden. Luckily, such software can be deleted with the instructions in the removal guide below.


Name Add Upgrade
Type Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Add Upgrade Mac Removal

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.
You can find the removal guide here.

About the author

Lidia Howler

Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.

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