“Virus” is a software component that seems to operate in a way similar to most extensions for browsers such as Chrome, IE, Opera, Firefox, Edge, etc. However, unlike most add-ons for browsers out there, this particular piece of software typically does more harm than good which is the reason why the majority of people who encounter it are more than eager to get rid of it as soon as possible. Now, by saying “harm” we don’t mean that this app is going to seriously damage anything on your PC.

The most likely effects that it is going to have on your system is it might alter the appearance of your browser by adding a new toolbar, changing its homepage or replacing the default search engine that it used to have. Another potential effect that a hijacker might have is it might redirect you to pages that you didn’t really want to visit or spam ads on your screen that wouldn’t go away no matter how many of them you close. All of this is not directly harmful to your PC and will likely not damage anything for real. However, it is still really irritating to have your browser and Internet settings modified in such a way. Fortunately, dealing with this issue is not as difficult as it is dealing with an actual virus threat such as a Spyware or a Ransomware virus. Sure, there are certain specifics that you’d first need to be aware of but as long as you make sure to follow our instructions that we have posted down below in the removal guide for “Virus”, you should have no problem uninstalling the unwanted app and removing all of its changes and undesirable effects. Also, we believe it is important that you are well informed with the more typical characteristics of this piece of software so that you know how to easily handle other such apps in future and also because being well-informed will help you avoid certain security risks that your PC might get exposed to due to the presence of such ad-generating and page-redirecting software on it. Therefore we advise you to read everything we’ve posted on this page and make use of all the advice and tips that we are about to provide you with.
Browser Hijackers “Virus” is a software component that can be categorized as a browser hijacker. Browser hijackers are actually quite a big and widespread category of software. Many users encounter them daily, oftentimes without even knowing it. Most apps that fall under this category initially appear to function like regular extensions/add-ons for popular browsers like IE, Chrome, Firefox and so on. However, in most cases, their main purpose isn’t to actually provide the user with any helpful and beneficial feature. Instead, most hijackers are developed with the purpose of accumulating income through web ads, page redirects and other similar forms of online advertising. In order to complete their goal, most hijacker apps like are programmed to infiltrate the user’s browser and impose various changes on it so as to facilitate and ease-up their advertising campaigns as well as make them more effective. The new search engine might have added to your browser, for example, might be one that prioritizes sites and pages that the hijacker is trying to promote instead of showing you the most relevant search results – the ones you’d actually be interested in and the ones you’d actually want to view/visit. This is only one example of how a hijacker might simultaneously mess up your browsing experience and try to expose you to promoted content without your permission. We already mentioned the nagging ads-generation, page redirects and other forms of intrusive web marketing. We strongly recommend you keep away from any form of advertising material that this app might put on your screen – the ads shown by browser hijackers might not always be safe and if you click on the wrong one you might even end up getting your computer attacked by malware viruses like Spyware, Ransomware, Trojans, Rootkits and many other similar cyber threats.
Installing bundles
Hijacker apps are oftentimes bundled with other programs as a way of getting them distributed to more users. Normally, they are opted-in by default and it is the user’s job to opt-out of them in order to leave them out of the installation of the main program. Remember that and make sure that you always uncheck the checkboxes from the setup menu that are next to any added apps which you might not want on your PC or else you might land something unwanted like “Virus” on your PC.
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Type | Browser Hijacker | Virus Removal
We are sending you to another page with a removal guide that is regularly updated to counter the latest tricks malware creators use. It will show you how to:
1. Locate and clean up your phone’s apps if they are infected.
- Find browser extensions related to the threat and how to remove them.
- Ensure your passwords were not stolen or tampered with.
You can find the removal guide here.
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