Alert Phone Club
Alert Phone Club is invasive browser-targeting software for iPhones and iPads that makes certain browser changes and shows ads in the browser. The goal of Alert Phone Club is to advertise different products and sites, by showing aggressive ads and page-redirecting the user to its sponsors’ sites.

Unwanted software like Alert Phone Club is probably one of the most common issues iOS users face with their devices. The invasive app itself isn’t too dangerous and in, most cases, all it would do to your device is fill its display with aggressive and obtrusive pop-up banners that want you to tap on them so that they could redirect you to some obscure site. Some other things Alert Phone Club might do on your device is change the default search engine used by your Safari or Chrome browser to conduct online searches. The homepage of the browser might also get replaced in favour of the homepage of a site that the unwanted app is programmed to promote.
On the surface, these changes in the device might not seem like the biggest problem ever, and they aren’t, but if you actually need to put up with this little irritations on a daily basis every time you try to use your iPhone, the unpleasantness starts to build up.
However, the intrusiveness of this browser hijacker’s activities isn’t actually the biggest problem here. What’s way more troubling is the decreased security of the affected device. You see, all those small changes made by the hijacker have the potential to decrease the safety levels of your iPhone, meaning that the longer the hijacker stays active in the device, the greater the chance of landing more serious hazards like Trojans, Ransomware, or Spyware. Therefore, you really shouldn’t waste any time and remove the undesirable app ASAP.
Name | |
Type | Browser Hijacker |
Remove Alert Phone Club Calendar Virus
Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.
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