Apple Malware Warning Virus Removal


Apple Malware Warning

Are you recently finding yourself on websites that you have been automatically redirected to without your approval? Or are there dozens of pop-up ads, banners, new tabs and links on your screen, which don’t won’t go away no matter what you do? Also, probably every time you try to browse the web and you open your Chrome, Firefox, Safari (or some other browsing app) you notice a new homepage or a search engine, which has replaced your default ones. All this is usually the work of a browser hijacker like Apple Malware Warning. This type of software is, fortunately, not any close to Ransomware, Trojans or any other computer threats that our “How to remove” team oftentimes discusses on this site, but it could still be a really irritating issue. More about the features and specifics of the browser hijackers, their redirects, potential risks and prevention you can learn from the next lines. If you need assistance with the uninstallation of Apple Malware Warning from your system, don’t miss the Removal Guide at the end.

Apple Malware Warning is not a real virus, but it may affect your browsing

Above, we briefly mentioned how a browser hijacker such as Apple Malware Warning may affect your system. Such software is generally created to cause redirects and to prompt its users to interact with different ads, pop-ups, banners and links, which are usually sponsored and bring revenue, once someone clicks on them. To do this, the hijacker usually installs certain components and makes changes to your default search engine or homepage, in order to enable its ad-generating and redirecting service. As a result, every time you start a new browsing session, you may automatically get exposed to sponsored content and your search results may get modified in favor of some promoted products. You may also notice that most of the newly generated results and ads are somehow related to your latest search queries. This is something that the hijacker does deliberately by monitoring your browsing behavior and by analyzing your likes, shares, bookmarks, physical location and frequently visited web pages. This way, the software tries to determine your potential personal preferences and then generate results that would be relevant to your interests which would increase the chances of you clicking on the promoted product thus earning advertising revenue for the hijacker’s developers. Most of the time, however, Apple Malware Warning and the similar ad-generating page-redirects are seen as sources of browsing disturbance and the users often prefer to uninstall them due to that reason.

Indeed, the browser changes, the frequent redirects and the constant exposure to different ads may seem too intrusive to some of the users. Others may even initially mistake the hijacker for a virus. The good thing is that, no matter how irritating, intrusive or disturbing such software may be, in most of the cases such software is not capable of causing any serious damage. Unlike viruses like Ransomware, Trojans or Spyware, which can harm your files, your system and your software (sometimes in a way that they cannot be repaired), whatever a hijacker does would typically be merely marketing-oriented. Therefore, you should not get overly worried if you have Apple Malware Warning on your PC. You can remove it anytime without any major risk just by scanning your system with professional malware removal tool from this page or by following the instructions in the Removal Guide below.

How to prevent Apple Malware Warning and similar browser-redirects?

Programs like Apple Malware Warning, which have a webpage redirect service, cannot infect you on their own. However, they can trick you into installing them along with some other software, the moment you run the installation pack. Usually, the biggest source of such programs are the different freeware and shareware platforms, where people can download various program packages for free. The hijackers are usually bundled inside the installers of some new apps, games, free software optimization tools, document converters and similar software. Sadly, the users rarely pay attention to what else there might be inside the main installation package and they usually proceed with the Automatic/Standard installation option, which allows the entire bundle to be installed. This is how they end up with some additional programs like Apple Malware Warning without actually wanting them to become part of their system.

Preventing this is actually very easy and requires only little attention during the installation of every new software. To disable any optionally added program, one has to opt for the Advanced or Custom installation options and use the menu that opens to customize the installation process. This way, the user would have control over which of the added components would get installed on their system and can easily disable anything that they don’t want.


Name Apple Malware Warning
Type Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Apple Malware Warning “Virus” Removal

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.
You can find the removal guide here. 

About the author


Lidia Howler

Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.

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