
This page aims to help you remove Our removal instructions work for every version of Windows.

If we speak about viruses, there is hardly anything more popular than Trojan horses. These malicious pieces of software are known to most online users as some of the most dreadful and hazardous infections. And surely, there is a good reason for that. Trojans are very widely spread on the web. More than 70% of all malicious infections that happen on the web are due to these nasty guys, according to leading security experts. Not only are they very popular and widespread, but once inside the computer, the harmful Trojan scripts can perform various malicious deeds. In fact, you can never be sure what exactly may happen to your PC if a Trojan has compromised it. It is entirely up to the hackers, who control the malware, to decide what to use it for, and trust us, with the help of such threats they can do way more harm than you can imagine. A good reason to be worried is if you detect a Trojan like, for instance. This new infection has recently been reported to our team and some victims have already contacted our “How to remove” experts for assistance. If you landed on this site because you have been compromised by, probably the information that you will find here will help you remove it. We have assembled a very detailed removal guide with step-by-step instructions, so, we encourage you to follow it and eliminate the nasty Trojan immediately. But before that, let us give you an idea of what exactly you are dealing with.

Corruption, destruction, espionage – what more can do?

As we already said above, Trojan horses can be very harmful. They usually infect you silently (usually via a fake ad, misleading link or infected email attachment), and in most of the cases, if your antivirus fails to detect the threat, it may take you weeks, or even months to notice that something malicious is lurking inside your system. Such malware lacks the typical virus symptoms and will do everything to remain hidden for as long as possible. But don’t think that it will just stay there passively. When the hackers, who control the infection, decide to activate it, the Trojan will immediately get down to business. The same is the case with This new threat can be programmed to perform practically anything malicious you could think of. Let us give you some possible common results of such an infection.

  • Trojans are perfect tools of data theft. With their ability to sneak inside the system undetected, they can silently gain access to your files, your documents, confidential work data, archives, banking information, accounts, login credentials and more. In some cases, when the hackers want to steal the victim’s money or online profiles, they can use methods like keylogging to keep track on all the keystrokes and this way, extract the passwords and login credentials of the users.
  • Viruses like may also be used as tools for system destruction. They can be programmed to corrupt certain files, system coding, registry keys, user data and more. The aim here can be a malfunction or total destruction of the OS.
  • A very common usage of Trojans is also espionage. Unfortunately, this activity does not happen only in the movies and the victims of an infection like may suddenly realize that they have been spied on for days, weeks or even months. The hackers can basically gain unauthorized access to the victim’s computer, manipulate its camera and mic, track its entire online and offline activity and then use the collected data in ruthless blackmail schemes.
  • In some cases, the purpose of the Trojan could be to simply deliver another, much nastier infection, such as Ransomware. It is common for the hackers to pack a combo of two or more viruses and insert it into the victim’s system in one shot. The results of such an attack could be really devastating, that’s why it is very important for the users to protect their PC and remove any Trojan infection the very moment they come to know about it.

Can you remove without professional help? is a very advanced Trojan horse infection. To handle it properly, and more importantly, to prevent further system corruption, you should carefully proceed to the steps in the removal guide below. We have provided detailed manual instructions for removal of the infection, but we have to warn you to pay attention when it comes to deleting the files. For best results, we suggest you scan your PC with the professional removal tool. It will detect the malicious files in no time and you will be able to effectively remove them.


Type Trojan
Detection Tool

Remove Virus 

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.

About the author

Lidia Howler

Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.

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