Lidia Howler

Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.


Fake Google Chrome Virus

Fake Google Chrome Virus Fake Google Chrome Virus is a Trojan horse infection that is unpredictable in terms of its malicious abilities. Users who detect Fake Google Chrome Virus on their system may face issues like file corruption, software...


PikaBot Malware

PikaBot Today’s article is devoted to PikaBot – a new Trojan Horse variant which can harm your system in a very serious way. If you’ve discovered that this particular threat has sneaked inside your PC, then the information here...


Cyber Security Weekly Recap (15-21 May)

AI Tool Seekers Beware: Rogue Sites Distributing RedLine Malware Users seeking AI tools such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Midjourney need to remain vigilant, as cyber threat actors exploit the popularity of these tools to spread RedLine Stealer...

Browser Hijacker

Goldensmith Virus

Goldensmith Goldensmith is a potentially unwanted program that installs some ad-generating and page-redirecting components in your browser, which then hijack it. Goldensmith hijacker may attach itself to any browser – Chrome, Firefox, Opera, IE and...

Browser Hijacker Malware is a browser hijacking application that frequently annoys web users with unwelcome pop-up advertisements in their browser. To operate, needs to connect itself to the main web browser in the...


Nsudo Virus

Nsudo An infection such as Nsudo could be programmed to do anything from giving remote access to your computer to some anonymous hacker, and corrupting your system, to spying on you, and stealing sensitive data from your hard-drives. Unfortunately...

Browser Hijacker Virus In case you are seeking help with detecting and effectively removing the source of the recent ads, pop-ups, nagging banners and page-redirects that have been disturbing your web browsing lately, on this page you may...

Browser Hijacker

Krombacher Vatertag 2023 Aktion WhatsApp

Krombacher Vatertag 2023 Aktion Krombacher Vatertag 2023 Aktion is a browser hijacking program that typically changes the settings of common browsers such as Google Chrome and Firefox and begins spamming your screen with different pop-up ads and...


Xaro Virus

  *Xaro is a variant of Stop/DJVU. Source of claim SH can remove it. Xaro Xaro Virus is the latest addition to their notorious family. Thousands of computers have been affected by Xaro’s encryption algorithm. Ransom note of the highly...