AZORult Malware

This page aims to help you remove AZORult Malware. Our removal instructions work for every version of Windows.


A Trojan horse is a term, which is usually used to describe malicious pieces of software created for system destruction, fraud and theft of various scales. AZORult is one of the latest representatives of this malicious category and as such it poses a serious threat to every computer that it has managed to compromise.


Multiple virus scanners detect AZORult.

What kind of software AZORult  Malware is and how dangerous it could be is what we are going to discuss in the following article. If you have recently detected this malicious program on your PC, you should know that this is nothing but a nasty new Trojan horse infection which can sneak inside your system without you knowing about the infection. Depending on the particular cyber crime it has been programmed to carry out, this infection could cause various types of issues and system harm. That’s why, you should better have it removed as soon as possible without waiting for the malicious consequences to occur. The fastest and the most reliable method of doing so is described in the Removal Guide below so make sure you carefully read the information that follows and use the instructions to effectively eliminate AZORult Malware from your system.

The AZORult Malware

This Trojan-based malware called AZORult normally uses some form of disguise to trick its victims and get them infected. Therefore, it may often present itself as a harmless-looking piece of content, a legitimate-looking software update, a new app installation, an appealing-looking ad, a misleading web link, a spam letter attachment or something else that once clicked upon can immediately activate the infection.

The hackers who are in control of the malicious virus typically program the malware to perform a specific criminal task. They may be interested in stealing some data from the victim’s PC, spying on their activities, stealing passwords and login credentials or banking information or causing system damage and malfunction to the targeted machine. All in all, definitely nothing that you would enjoy getting done to your machine.

How to remove AZORult and protect your PC from future infections?

It is much easier to prevent Trojans from infecting you than dealing with the damage they may cause. We are not saying that avoiding well-camouflaged malicious transmitters is not challenging but if you have a reliable antivirus software and you are careful when browsing the web, you’d certainly greatly reduce the risk of bumping into AZORult Malware or any other malware infection. If the Trojan has already sneaked inside your PC, however, it is best to act fast and remove it ASAP. You can use the professional AZORult Malware removal tool suggested on this page for that or go for the manual solution and follow the instructions in the Removal Guide below.

Depending on the type of crime they are programmed to perform, the Trojan-based viruses could be classified as follows:

Trojans used for exploitation of the system: The infections of this type are specialized in taking advantage of the PC’s resources and employing them in criminal shady and criminal activities, which could be performed in the background. Such threats may take advantage of different vulnerabilities on your computer and exploit them to perform certain crimes.

Rootkit Trojans: These threats are experts at hiding some malicious processes or activities on the infected computer and preventing security software from detecting them. Thanks to them, other viruses can operate inside the infected machine uninterrupted for longer periods of time.

Trojans used for remote access services: A threat of this type may provide its creators with full remote access to the infected machine and let the hackers modify, corrupt, replace, delete and load anything they want on the PC.

Trojans, used for banking crimes: Stealing confidential banking information is a piece of cake for these infections. They can drain your bank accounts or credit and debit cards in no time and are often involved in phishing schemes.

Backdoor Trojans: The purpose of these Trojans is to download other more serious viruses inside the system bypassing the need for end-user interaction. These infections may often lead to contamination with Ransomware.

Trojan Droppers: Hackers may use these viruses to install other Trojans and various malicious scripts inside your system without being detected by your security software.

There are many other versions of Trojans, and this article won’t be enough to describe them all. The hackers who create such threats can program them to perform any sort of cyber crime and many times they can remotely repurpose the Trojan and give it some other task. Therefore, we cannot predict for sure what type of harm AZORult may cause to your machine. The malware typically hides its traces in the system and gets revealed only after it has completed its malicious task. This is probably the worst part about the Trojan viruses.


Name AZORult
Type Trojan
Detection Tool

AZORult Malware Removal

You are dealing with a malware infection that can restore itself unless you remove its core files. We are sending you to another page with a removal guide that gets regularly updated. It covers in-depth instructions on how to:
1. Locate and scan malicious processes in your task manager.
2. Identify in your Control panel any programs installed with the malware, and how to remove them. Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker that gets installed with a lot of malware.
3. How to clean up and reset your browser to its original settings without the malware returning.
You can find the removal guide here.

For mobile devices refer to these guides instead: Android , iPhone

About the author


Lidia Howler

Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.

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