
This page aims to help you remove “Virus” . Our removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows.

A lot of users have recently reported that they have complaints about an application called which they claim is very irritating. According to the users’ complaints, this application tends to cause some annoying changes to the settings of the browser and the way it operates. In most of the cases, users complain about modifications in their default homepage or search engine as well as some unauthorized page redirects and generation of ads, pop-ups and banners which are hard to remove from the screen. It seems that regardless of the browser they are using (Chrome, Firefox, Explorer, Opera, etc.) most people start to experience similar to the above-described disturbances the moment appears on their system and they are unable to uninstall it and get rid of the changes in an effective way. That’s why, on this page, we will provide anyone who may need that with a helpful removal tool and a detailed Removal Guide, both of which can deal with this application without any risk for the system.

Why is hijacking my browser? Is this a virus?

applications like are often reported to our team as a common source of browsing disturbance. In the online professional circles, these applications are known as “Browser hijackers” and most of the security experts classify them as potentially unwanted. But are the browser hijackers a serious computer threat? Fortunately, not. These pieces of software rarely have anything to do with any kind of malware or viruses (such as Trojans, Ransomware, Spyware, Worms, etc.) and would hardly ever affect anything else on your system aside from browser. Usually, the reason the hijackers impose certain changes to your Chrome, Firefox, Explorer or any other browser that you might have installed is because they want to expose you to certain sponsored ads, websites, search engine tools, homepages, sales pages or pop-ups and make you click on/interact with them. This is a very common online advertising approach which a lot of online-based businesses, marketers and advertisers employ in order to promote their products and services directly on the screen of the web users. Basically, the idea is that while you are browsing you will be redirected to specific sites and exposed to as many ads as possible. Applications like are programmed to do exactly that and despite the fact that they could be seen as very annoying, such advertising pieces of software are usually legitimate apps that are legal according to most law systems.

The developers of browser hijackers and similar ad-generating tools are not criminals and unlike hackers who use viruses such as Ransomware, Spyware or Trojans they do not try to profit from fraud and theft. Instead, they use methods such as Pay-Per-Click or sponsored ads positioning in order to gain revenue from displaying and redirecting the users to certain web locations. Sometimes, however, in their attempt to advertise more, the developers may program their software to check your most recent browsing search requests and adjust or increase the generation of ads according to your interests. This may lead to excessive ads exposure and automatic redirects which may cause you disturbance. Some users also find such intensive advertising approach very intrusive and report getting redirected to unfamiliar pages or shady web content. This is the reason why applications like often have the reputation of potentially unwanted and a number of people prefer to uninstall them.

Advice on prevention and effective removal

Applications like and similar ad-generating applications may often be found inside different free software installers or application bundles. That’s why, to prevent them from becoming part of your system, you have to carefully read the EULA before installing anything on your PC and specifically check for “additional” or “recommended” components. The fastest and the easiest way for this is to click on the Advanced/Custom/Manual installation settings when they are available and from there disable any pre-selected and potentially undesirable applications from the main installation pack.

Beside the Advanced way of installing new software on the computer, you should also try to avoid potential sources of browser hijackers (such as Torrent sites, freeware or shareware platforms, free download links, spam, etc.) and download software only from reputed and well-known developers. For optimal protection, it is best to always update your system through the main website of the software provider and to invest in reliable antivirus protection which can also keep away potentially unwanted applications like this one. If a piece of software that disturbs you still finds its way inside your machine, you can use a professional scanner such as the removal tool on this page or a detailed Removal Guide like the one we have prepared for you here. For successful removal, please take a look at the instructions below.


Type Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool “Virus” Removal

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.
You can find the removal guide here.

About the author

Lidia Howler

Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.

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