Category - Mac Virus

Mac Virus

Your Mac is infected

 *Source of claim SH can remove it. Your Mac is infected “Your Mac is infected” is a Mac browser add-on that irritates users with the browser changes that it makes and redirects them to sponsored pages. According to the way it operates...

Mac Virus

Error while installing expecting value Mac

Error while installing “Error while installing” is a browser hijacker app that is known for targeting Mac browsers and causing uncontrolled ad-generation and page redirects in them. “Error while installing” can be unknowingly...

Mac Virus

ValidMemoryd will damage your computer

ValidMemoryd will damage your computer “ValidMemoryd will damage your computer” is a rogue browser-hijacking app for Mac systems capable of entering any browser and altering its settings. “ValidMemoryd will damage your...

Mac Virus

MajorDeviced will damage your computer

MajorDeviced will damage your computer “MajorDeviced will damage your computer” is a browser-infecting app that targets Mac computers and tries to take over their main browser. The goal of “MajorDeviced will damage your...

Mac Virus

RunningUpdaterd will damage your computer

RunningUpdaterd will damage your computer “RunningUpdaterd will damage your computer” is a Mac Safari attachment that experts categorize as an aggressive browser-hijacking app. “RunningUpdaterd will damage your computer”...

Mac Virus

Skillformatd will damage your computer

Skillformatd will damage your computer “Skillformatd will damage your computer” is a type of software that attaches itself to Mac-compatible web browsers – without necessarily users knowing about it. “Skillformatd will damage your...

Mac Virus

Config Typed will damage your computer

Config Typed will damage your computer “Config Typed will damage your computer” is used as a tool to promote various products and services by means of generating popups, banners and other ads in users’ browsers. “Config Typed will...

Mac Virus

AdvancedSprintd will damage your computer

AdvancedSprintd will damage your computer “AdvancedSprintd will damage your computer” is an unwanted software app designed to latch onto any type of Mac browser and to flood its tabs and pages with aggressive ads. Additionally...

Mac Virus

ProtocolAgent will damage your computer

“ProtocolAgent will damage your computer” “ProtocolAgent will damage your computer” is what is known as a typical browser hijacker, only this one is particularly after the browsers installed on Mac computers. Thus...

Mac Virus

Elementary Typed will damage your computer

Elementary Typed will damage your computer “Elementary Typed will damage your computer” belongs to the potentially unwanted program class of browser hijackers. “Elementary Typed will damage your computer” specifically targets...