RunningUpdaterd will damage your computer

RunningUpdaterd will damage your computer

“RunningUpdaterd will damage your computer” is a Mac Safari attachment that experts categorize as an aggressive browser-hijacking app. “RunningUpdaterd will damage your computer” can’t directly damage the system or its data but it could uncontrollably generate ads and page redirects that could potentially decrease the computer’s safety.

The RunningUpdaterd malware on Mac

Many users who have such apps in their browsers don’t pay much attention to them and ignore their presence, while others simply cannot stand the constant spam with different obnoxious adverts, sudden redirects to unknown and questionable sites, and screen-covering banners that try to promote some product or online service in the most intrusive way possible. In either case, however, it’s still important to uninstall any browser hijackers that may currently be attached to your browser, or else, you may face much more serious issues.

Normally, changes in the starting page addresses and the search engines of Firefox, Chrome, and Safari are the main modifications a hijacker would make once it gets installed. In comparison to dangerous malware threats such as Ransomware virus infections, spyware, and Trojan horses, this may not seem like a particularly huge deal. Indeed, most browser hijacker apps are, in and of themselves, harmless to the computer – their goal is not to damage anything. However, it is their ads and redirects you should be concerned about and below we are going to tell you why.

RunningUpdaterd will damage your computer for Mac

“RunningUpdaterd will damage your computer” for Mac is a rogue page-redirecting app for Mac computers that may potentially open unsafe sites in your browser. “RunningUpdaterd will damage your computer” for Mac is used as a site-promoting tool but the sites it seeks to popularize may not always be reliable.

It is no secret that there are many obscure and questionable web addresses that are primarily promoted and popularized by applications that fall under the hijacker category. We aren’t necessarily saying that “RunningUpdaterd will damage your computer” is also such a hijacker, but the possibility of it becoming one is always there, especially considering the fact that it doesn’t give the user much (if any) control over its advertising activities. Considering this, it really is best to simply uninstall the intrusive advertising app from your Mac.

What is RunningUpdaterd will damage your computer?

“RunningUpdaterd will damage your computer” is a small software component distributed as a bonus feature attached to other apps that installs itself in the browser and causes page redirects. “RunningUpdaterd will damage your computer” will take control of some of the browser’s settings and then make changes that haven’t been approved by the user.

This type of uncontrolled page redirects in combination with the unauthorized browser alterations could sometimes lead to serious security hazards, including the potential infection of the computer with devastating malware programs such as Trojan viruses, Spyware, Rootkits, and Ransomware.

The “RunningUpdaterd will damage your computer” app

The “RunningUpdaterd will damage your computer” app is regarded by some experts as browser-targeting software capable of generating aggressive ads inside the infected browser. The “RunningUpdaterd will damage your computer” app is also known for exposing the user to promoted sites by automatically opening them from within the browser without permission.

To stop this, the only reliable course of action is to fully eliminate everything related to the unwanted hijacker – you could do this by using the removal guide we offer you below. 



Name“RunningUpdaterd will damage your computer”
TypeAdware/Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Remove “RunningUpdaterd will damage your computer” from Mac

The following instructions will allow you to remove “RunningUpdaterd will damage your computer” in two ways:

  • The manual instructions will allow you to remove it on your own by downloading 2 software suites which will show you the folders the threat is located in. Installing, scanning, and deleting everything will require 1-2 hours of your time, depending on your speed and the threat itself.
    Note: If “RunningUpdaterd” has an in-built ability to restore itself on a restart, the manual steps will not prevent that. We recommend the automatic removal.
  •  Download SpyHunter for Mac (one of the apps used in the manual instructions), scan with it, and if you decide to use the program, it will likely require about 15-20 minutes. This, however, requires an active subscription for SpyHunter, which means either to use the trial version or purchase the software.

Removal instructions:
1. Download EtreCheck from the Appstore and scan for any “RunningUpdaterd” unsigned files. Delete them. (You can skip this step altogether and download and scan with Spyhunter instead if you don’t want to double-check things).
2. Download and install Spyhunter for Mac. Scan for any malicious files.
3. The app will show you which files are infected. Either use SpyHunter to delete them for you (the automatic removal) or do it manually, which means tracking down each detected location by yourself and deleting the file.
4. In most cases start with /private/var/root/Library/Application Support/.”RunningUpdaterd”/”RunningUpdaterd”
5. In Finder press Shift+Command+G to open the Find window.
6. Search for the /var directory. Then proceed and look for the /root folder inside.
7. It will most likely be locked and you will need additional permissions to meddle with it.
8. Press command+I and scroll to sharing and permissions. Add your user name to permissions.
9. Now you should be able to access the /root folder and proceed and locate the /Library folder inside it. Proceed to do the same until you are inside the /Application Support folder.
10. It is possible that the folder you look for is hidden, if that is the case use command+shift+. to locate and find the file you want to delete.
11. Delete the “RunningUpdaterd” file.
12. If none of this helps, try the steps in this guide

About the author


Brandon Skies

Brandon is a researcher and content creator in the fields of cyber-security and virtual privacy. Years of experience enable him to provide readers with important information and adequate solutions for the latest software and malware problems.

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