
This page aims to help you remove “Virus”. Our removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows.

If lately you’ve been suffering from intrusive ads-generation on your screen or your searches are frequently getting redirected to some unfamiliar pages and some annoying ads, pop-ups, and banners keep disturbing you, then most probably you have a browser hijacker on your system. On this page, we are going to talk about one specific representative of this software category called “Virus”. This page-redirecting software is typically able to change the way your Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer operates by installing a new homepage or a search engine and initiating some annoying ads generation and redirects. How to remove these changes and uninstall this browser hijacker is what you are going to find out in the text that follows. In case that “Virus” is causing you too much browsing disturbance, the instructions in the Removal Guide below will show you exactly how you can easily and quickly get rid of the hijacker.

Why would you want to remove “Virus” from your system?

Browser hijackers such as “Virus” are generally harmless. Unlike the real computer viruses (such as Ransomware, Spyware, Worms, etc. ) these pieces of software do not typically seek to damage your system in any way. However, a lot of people get irritated by their aggressive production of ads, pop-ups, banners, boxes and annoying redirects, which may cause significant browsing disturbance. Depending on the resources of your system, such programs may also slow down the performance of the PC since they may consume a fair amount of RAM and CPU for their ad generation activities. In addition, in an attempt to determine your personal interests, the browser hijackers may track down your searches, likes, shares and other online activities and match them with the ads that get displayed on your screen. The most annoying of all, however, could most probably be the sudden change of your default homepage or search engine or the installation of a new toolbar which may redirect you to various sponsored web pages and expose you to tons of commercials. All that browsing disturbance may really irritate you and it would be understandable if you wish to uninstall “Virus” from your system immediately.

Is it difficult to uninstall “Virus”?

Programs like  “Virus” are typically easy to deal with. Unlike threats such as Ransomware, Trojans, Spyware and other viruses, the browser hijackers usually do not lead to any harmful consequences and can typically be uninstalled quickly and safely from any computer. Whether you will manage to get rid of “Virus”, however, depends on how carefully you handle the removal process. As every software, the hijackers have their specifics. That’s why, if you don’t have much experience in handling such potentially unwanted apps, we suggest you run a scan with the professional malware removal tool on this page or follow the step-by-step instructions provided within the Removal Guide below.

Fortunately, the reason for all these activities is not a virus contamination. Most browser hijackers are programmed to operate this way because their primary goal is to advertise. They impose the above-mentioned changes to your browser and flood your screen with ads in an attempt to promote certain products, web pages, services, software applications and different tools. Different vendors and goods producers actually pay to the developers of applications such as to display their ads in the most efficient way and expose the customers to them as much as possible. The idea is that the more ads you see and the more frequently you see them, the greater the chance of clicking on them and buying the promoted product. Certain sites may also pay the hijacker developers to include their domains in the ads streaming and redirect the web users to their pages in attempts to increase their traffic and popularity. You, as a user, however, may have hard time using you a hijacked browser in a normal and may lose a lot of time trying to remove the sponsored pop-ups or close the new tabs. Moreover, if you are daily using your browser for work or just for regular web surfing, it would be best to uninstall the hijacking software instead of trying to deal with its activities every day.

To prevent such annoying software from hijacking your browser again it is really important to understand how it usually gets distributed and so that you can avoid its possible sources. Typically, such sources might be software bundles, torrents, free installation packages and automatic installation managers that contain a main program and a hijacker or some other ad-generating piece of software as “additional” or “recommended” optional components. If you often install new programs (especially free versions) on your computer and normally download them from different freeware or shareware platforms, we advise you to always read the EULA and use Custom/Manual installation options in order to customize the installer and leave out any potentially unwanted bundled applications.

Type Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool “Virus” Removal

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.
You can find the removal guide here.

Keep in mind, SpyHunter’s malware detection tool is free. To remove the infection, you’ll need to purchase the full version. More information about SpyHunter and steps to uninstall.

About the author

Lidia Howler

Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.

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