This page aims to help you remove Chrome_patch.hta. These Chrome_patch.hta removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows.
What is Chrome_patch.hta ?
Hi there, reader! In this article we will introduce you to Chrome_patch.hta – an extremely obstructive and intrusive program of the adware type that has been recently reported to nag users with its unstoppable barrage of rage-inducing adverts. Advertisements are almost always annoying, but Chrome_patch.hta takes it to a whole new level of intrusiveness. However, have no worries, since we are here to help you deal with this nagging issue. In our article, you will be provided with detailed information concerning adware programs – what’s their purpose, how they operate, are they dangerous and how they get distributed throughout the web. Below the article, you can find detailed instructions that will guide through the different steps that you need to undertake in order to uninstall and remove the intrusive piece of software from your PC.
Adware programs are all about the money. The adverts they display use the pay-per-click method to earn revenue for the developers of the intrusive program. That is also why the adverts tend to come in such vast numbers and are so intrusive and obstructive. The user is often forced to interact with the adverts simply to have them removed from the screen. Unfortunately, this is not an effective solution, because more ads will come, replacing the ones that have been closed. The only method to actually get rid of the nagging pop-ups, banners, box messages, etc. is to remove the program that’s causing them. As we already said, we will help you do that in our guide below.
But is Chrome_patch.hta dangerous?
Well, for the most part no, it is not. Even though many refer to it as a virus, there’s actually a pretty big difference between programs of the adware type and actual viruses, such as Ransomware. While Ransomware is surely a security threat, Chrome_patch.hta and programs similar to it are relatively harmless to your machine. Of course, they may cause a slow-down of your PC due to high CPU and RAM consumption, but they won’t actually damage anything. That is why it is wrong to call them viruses. A more proper term would be PUP – potentially unwanted programs.
However, you need to keep in mind that despite being usually safe on their own, adware programs might expose your PC to some more problematic threats via the adverts they display. A general rule of thumb is to avoid any interaction with the adverts you see. Though rarely, some of them may redirect you to illegal or malicious pages upon interaction. Most adverts are not like that – they are not fake and won’t redirect you to harmful sites. Still, it is advisable to be careful with such online ads.
Distributing adware
As important as it is to be able to remove adware from your PC, it is as important that you know how such programs get on your PC. Remember – preventing Chrome_patch.hta from getting inside your PC is the best way to counteract such unwanted software. Most methods used by adware developers for spreading their intrusive products are some kind of stealth installation. You can expect adware to be distributed by hidden links throughout file-sharing or torrent sites, spam e-mails, other ads, etc. It is important that you use your common sense every time you open your browser and especially when you’re about to download something from the internet. Remember to always download content only from sites that you know are reliable and trustworthy. Avoid any shady or illegal ones at all costs. Also, as we mentioned, since adware is often spread via spam e-mails, be careful when opening any newly received e-mail letters – if they look suspicious, outright deleting them might be a good idea.
Surely, there are many methods for distributing Chrome_patch.hta, however the method know as file bundling stands out as the most effective and successful one. This is a perfectly legal strategy for distributing all sorts of software and not only adware. When software is bundled with some other program, if you install that program without being careful, you also get the unwanted adware along with the main thing. This, however, can easily be avoided. When attempting to install any new program, simply remember to use the advanced/custom installation settings in order to see what added installs there are and uncheck the ones that seem suspicious or unwanted. If you want to be extra safe, consider investing in anti-malware software – this would greatly boost your PC’s levels of security.
Name | Chrome_patch.hta |
Type | Adware/Browser Hijacker |
Detection Tool |
Some threats reinstall themselves if you don’t delete their core files. We recommend downloading SpyHunter to remove harmful programs for you. This may save you hours and ensure you don’t harm your system by deleting the wrong files. |
Chrome_patch.hta Removal
Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.
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