ChromeLoader Malware

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*Source of claim SH can remove it.


ChromeLoader is the name of one of the latest Trojan horse variants circulating the web. Users have been reported to get infected with ChromeLoader via phishing emails and fake system update requests, but there may very well be other sources as well.

The ChromeLoader malware hides deep inside the system and disguises as normal system processes and files

If you want to protect your PC from unpredictable damage, it is best if you never come across a threat of the Trojan horse category. The representatives of this malware group are so dangerous and so difficult to detect that dealing with them is likely to be challenging to even experienced cyber security experts. Since you’ve landed on this site and page, however, you most probably have had the misfortune of having a close encounter with one of these computer threats the name of which is ChromeLoader.

If this is the case, then you are most probably currently seeking a way to remove the stealthy Trojan and protect your computer from its negative consequences. That’s why, in the next lines, we will tell you more about the capabilities of ChromeLoader and the most effective methods that you can use to safely eliminate it.

The detailed removal guide that you can find below contains a set of instructions which can be very helpful when it comes to the detection and the deletion of the stealthy malware. Since you are dealing with a highly advanced Trojan horse, however, it is best to combine the instructions there with the assistance of a professional malware removal tool like the one suggested in the guide. Such a tool can carefully scan the entire machine and help you remove any hidden traces or other malware-related scripts which is essential in such situations.

One of the most difficult things which the Trojan victims have to handle is to correctly locate and delete the infected files because oftentimes the stealthy malware hides deep inside the system and disguises as normal system processes and files in order to remain longer inside the computer. Unfortunately, there are no particular symptoms which you can rely on to spot the infection in time. That’s why it is really important that you have trusted security software which can provide effective protection against new threats like ChromeLoader and Energy.exe and can easily detect them before they manage to complete their criminal tasks.

You cannot predict the damage that ChromeLoader may cause

A typical trait of the Trojan horse representatives is their versatility regarding the types of damage that they may cause. These computer threats are the malware of choice for many hackers because they can be programmed to perform a couple of nefarious tasks at the same time. They can be utilized as multipurpose tools and, once inside the system, can wreak havoc to the invaded system.

The criminals who have control over the Trojan infection can establish remote control over the computer and access all the information that is stored there. They may steal your passwords and login credentials, spy on all of your activities, hack into your webcam or mic and secretly create video and audio recordings of your personal life.

Generally, new threats like ChromeLoader may also serve as backdoors for other types of nasty malware including rootkits or ransomware. Therefore, you really cannot know what exactly to expect for sure – from severe system modifications and damage to data corruption, theft of information or even insertion of other viruses which can allow the hackers to control your system and harass you by manipulating the processes that are running on your computer.


Danger Level High (Trojans are often used as a backdoor for Ransomware)
Detection Tool

*Source of claim SH can remove it.

Remove ChromeLoader Malware

If you are looking for a way to remove ChromeLoader you can try this:

  1. Click on the Start button in the bottom left corner of your Windows OS.
  2. Go to Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> Uninstall a Program.
  3. Search for ChromeLoader and any other unfamiliar programs.
  4. Uninstall ChromeLoader as well as other suspicious programs.

Note that this might not get rid of ChromeLoader completely. For more detailed removal instructions follow the guide below.

If you have a Windows virus, continue with the guide below.

If you have a Mac virus, please use our How to remove Ads on Mac guide.

If you have an Android virus, please use our Android Malware Removal guide.

If you have an iPhone virus, please use our iPhone Virus Removal guide


Some of the steps will likely require you to exit the page. Bookmark it for later reference.

Reboot in Safe Mode (use this guide if you don’t know how to do it).



*Source of claim SH can remove it.

Press CTRL + SHIFT + ESC at the same time and go to the Processes Tab. Try to determine which processes are dangerous. 


Right click on each of them and select Open File Location. Then scan the files with our free online virus scanner:

Each file will be scanned with up to 64 antivirus programs to ensure maximum accuracy
This scanner is free and will always remain free for our website's users.
This file is not matched with any known malware in the database. You can either do a full real-time scan of the file or skip it to upload a new file. Doing a full scan with 64 antivirus programs can take up to 3-4 minutes per file.
Drag and Drop File Here To Scan
Drag and Drop File Here To Scan
Analyzing 0 s
Each file will be scanned with up to 64 antivirus programs to ensure maximum accuracy
    This scanner is based on VirusTotal's API. By submitting data to it, you agree to their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and to the sharing of your sample submission with the security community. Please do not submit files with personal information if you do not want them to be shared.

    After you open their folder, end the processes that are infected, then delete their folders. 

    Note: If you are sure something is part of the infection – delete it, even if the scanner doesn’t flag it. No anti-virus program can detect all infections. 



    Hold together the Start Key and R. Type appwiz.cpl –> OK.



    You are now in the Control Panel. Look for suspicious entries. Uninstall it/them. If you see a screen like this when you click Uninstall, choose NO:





    *Source of claim SH can remove it.

    Type msconfig in the search field and hit enter. A window will pop-up:



    Startup —> Uncheck entries that have “Unknown” as Manufacturer or otherwise look suspicious.

    • Remember this step – if you have reason to believe a bigger threat (like ransomware) is on your PC, check everything here.

    Hold the Start Key and R –  copy + paste the following and click OK:

    notepad %windir%/system32/Drivers/etc/hosts

    A new file will open. If you are hacked, there will be a bunch of other IPs connected to you at the bottom. Look at the image below:

    hosts_opt (1)


    If there are suspicious IPs below “Localhost” – write to us in the comments.



    Type Regedit in the windows search field and press Enter.

    Once inside, press CTRL and F together and type the virus’s Name. Right click and delete any entries you find with a similar name. If they don’t show up this way, go manually to these directories and delete/uninstall them:

    • HKEY_CURRENT_USER—-Software—–Random Directory. It could be any one of them – ask us if you can’t discern which ones are malicious.
      HKEY_CURRENT_USER—-Software—Microsoft—-Windows—CurrentVersion—Run– Random
      HKEY_CURRENT_USER—-Software—Microsoft—Internet Explorer—-Main—- Random

    If the guide doesn’t help, download the anti-virus program we recommended or try our free online virus scanner. Also, you can always ask us in the comments for help!

    About the author


    Violet George

    Violet is an active writer with a passion for all things cyber security. She enjoys helping victims of computer virus infections remove them and successfully deal with the aftermath of the attacks. But most importantly, Violet makes it her priority to spend time educating people on privacy issues and maintaining the safety of their computers. It is her firm belief that by spreading this information, she can empower web users to effectively protect their personal data and their devices from hackers and cybercriminals.

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