This page aims to help you remove Our removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows.

If you suddenly find yourself dealing with an unstoppable flow of ads, nagging pop-ups, banners, and unauthorized page redirects, then this could be a sign that a browser hijacker like has been installed on your system. Also your system resources might have been used to mine the Monero cryptocurrency.

This software is not as harmful as a virus and will not corrupt your system the way that a Trojan or Ransomware infection would, however, if you have it on your PC, the browser hijacker may really make your browsing hell. This software usually targets popular web browsers such as Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Edge or others and can easily integrate with all of them. The main disturbance usually comes from the modifications that may impose. Normally, the program serves as an aggressive online advertising tool and in order to serve its creators better, it changes the users’ homepage or search engine, installs a new toolbar or starts to redirect their searches without their approval. Such activity aims to expose the users to as many ads, sponsored sites and pop-ups as possible and generate traffic and clicks for the people, who stand behind the advertised items. The developers of such software can also earn from it by involving it in Pay-Per-Click or Pay-Per-View campaigns. You as a user, however, may not receive any actual functionality from such programs and may only suffer from constant ads interruptions, shady redirects and aggressive exposure to commercial content. So, if you want to get rid of all that, our “How to remove” team has prepared a detailed removal guide which can help you uninstall completely. Just make sure you read the information below and proceed to the instructions.

The bundling strategy helps spread and hijack web browsers quietly.

Browser hijackers are usually distributed through the installation packages (aka bundles) of other attractive and free programs. You may find them also in free software download links from the web or in torrents and various freeware and shareware sites. Distribution of such programs is not illegal because they are not considered as malware and do not have the harmful capabilities of a Trojan horse or a Ransomware virus, for example. However, after installing them on your PC, an unknown search engine, a toolbar or a homepage may automatically be imposed to your default browser and may cause it to behave strangely.

Typically, a piece like can be added to your Chrome, Firefox, Explorer or any other browser as an “extra download component” of free software bundles and can sneak into the system if you choose the inappropriate setup settings. For this reason, we would advise you to never install programs with Quick / Basic settings because they do not show the software of third parties, but they usually install it by default. To avoid potentially unwanted programs coming into the system, you should choose the Advanced/ Custom Settings and remove any pre-placed bookmarks that tell you to agree to make an unknown search engine your default search engine. Still, if you make a mistake and your browser is already hijacked, do not hesitate to uninstall in order to remove the changes. This can easily be done with the help of the instructions in the removal guide below or with the assistance of the automatic removal tool.

What could be the possible threats that may arise if you do not take any measures and do not take care of the elimination of

Usually, the biggest reason for the users to wish to remove a browser hijacker is its intrusive browser modifications and the irritation that the sudden page redirects, ads, and pop-ups may cause. Still, this is not the only reason to consider uninstalling the browser hijacker. The Privacy Policy of reveals that it may collect some browsing related information and keep track of the users’ web activity. This means that the program may track IP addresses, technical data of your browser and operating system, search history and browsing habits, email, home address, and more. There is no need to say that collecting this information may cause confidentiality issues, especially if it falls into the hands of people with malicious intentions. You can never be sure how safe the collected data is transmitted and stored, who uses it and for what, and even if the developers claim that they use it for marketing purposes, they may sell or share it with third parties, partners, and other ad networks in order to generate more profits from ads. The best way to stop that is to fully eliminate the browser hijacker and delete all of its traces from your PC. For that, make sure you closely follow the instructions in the guide below and scan your system with the professional removal tool for optimal results.

Type Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool Removal

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.
You can find the removal guide here.

About the author

Lidia Howler

Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.

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