Com.wgvjp.idck Virus

If the screen of your Android devices has recently started to get flooded with obnoxious banners, ads and nagging page redirects while you are on the Internet, then know that you most likely have a hijacker on your smartphone/tablet. A browser hijacker for Android is normally a software element that doesn’t come as a separate app and instead is normally added as a built-in component to some other application. This is also the reason why most users do not initially realize that they have had a browser hijacker installed on their device. Once inside the device, the pesky software is likely to generate different ads and page redirects on the user’s screen and also to impose certain changes to the browser/s of the device (Firefox, Opera, Chrome, the default browsing app for the specific device and so on). Replacement of the search engine, the homepage, the new-tab page and alterations to the toolbar are the most likely effects that a hijacker might have on your browser. In most cases, all of this tends to be quite unpleasant, obstructive and even frustrating which is why hijackers are usually deemed undesirable. The issue is that it might sometimes be a bit tricky to have an app like that removed as you might not know where to look for it. However, here we can help you in case you are struggling with a similar issue. Below, we will show you how to uninstall Com.wgvjp.idck which is one of the newest and most commonly encountered hijackers nowadays. Com.wgvjp.idck, similarly to the rest of its category, can be quite an irritating software piece if you have it on your device but if you follow the instructions posted below, you should be able to easily get rid of it in no time.

Dangers related to hijackers

Unlike threats such as Trojan Horses, Ransomware, Rootkits, Spyware and so on, hijackers like Com.wgvjp.idck are usually not something that can cause to your device. However, you still need to be mindful of the ads and the page redirects displayed by such software and try to avoid them as sometimes, some of them might not be safe. Also, we advise you to only download new apps in the future from sources you are sure you can trust. Otherwise, you’d be risking landing another unpleasant hijacker like Com.wgvjp.idck or maybe even some more problematic piece of software such as the ones we’ve just mentioned (Trojans, Ransomware, etc.).


Name ColdLock
Type Browser Hijacker

Com.wgvjp.idck “Virus” Removal

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.
You can find the removal guide here.

About the author


Brandon Skies

Brandon is a researcher and content creator in the fields of cyber-security and virtual privacy. Years of experience enable him to provide readers with important information and adequate solutions for the latest software and malware problems.


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