This page aims to help you remove These removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Android and Windows.

The article below will show you how to recognize the specific features of the browser hijacker, named, and how to safely deal with it. What’s more, we have included valuable information about hijackers in general – how and why they might modify all your browsers (Explorer, Chrome, Firefox); their expected activities if installed on your PC (redirecting, pop-up ad broadcasting; and homepage and search engine alterations); as well as a detailed guide that will help you uninstall this particular annoying program –

Specific features of any browser hijacker

Hijackers comprise one of the most commonly spread software groups. Fortunately, they cannot be characterized as malware and cannot really harm your PC and you personally. Below we have included some detailed information about that. Actually, their nature is particularly marketing-oriented. It could be concluded that they represent simple tools for advertising products, software, new homepages and search engines, as well as web pages, online. In this sense of the word, we can say that their activities are completely legal and equal the advertising campaigns conducted on the TV or on the radio. is exactly such an example – many promoting processes could be expected from it, but no dangerous ones.

How is different from a virus?

Luckily, browser hijackers greatly differ from the most common versions of malware – Trojans and Ransomware, and we can prove that by comparing and one version from each of these viruses, so that you can clearly see the great differences among them.

What makes different from a Trojan? If we compare an exemplary Trojan horse virus to this specific hijacker, we will see that:

  • While the Trojan is capable of affecting your system in many aspects: it could destroy/ corrupt and modify files; it may cause an entire system crash; it may enable hackers to watch you 24/7;
    the browser hijacker only infects your browsers and may cause some slight changes to them (all of them have already been mentioned).

What is the difference between a version of Ransomware and If we draw a comparison between a hijacker like and a typical Ransomware-based virus, we will notice that:

  • While the Ransomware version can and DOES invade your computer on its own and then encrypts data of great importance, the hijacker can never become a part of your system if you do not willingly or unknowingly authorize it to do so.

In the next paragraph you will see how a hijacker may trick you into letting it in your system.

Ways of spreading

  • Torrents and shareware – sometimes developers incorporate hijackers and other ad-distributing programs like Adware in shareware and torrents;
  • Some webpages – all kinds of websites could be hijacker sources. However, browser hijackers are most likely to be lurking inside torrent and movie/video-streaming websites;
  • Program bundles – this potential sources is to be blamed for more than 80% of all ad-producing software related infections. Very often programmers mix various games and apps with Adware and browser hijackers and offers the result of the mixing – the so-called bundles, to the public for free. Nevertheless, hijackers are NOT capable of invading your computer by themselves and you are the one who should allow them to be installed. Below we will advise you how to avoid such tricks.

How to install a bundle without catching the added ad-spreading programs inside it?

The tips we are going to share with you are universal. It is essential that you follow them no matter what kind of software you are installing. They will certainly be useful.

  • First of all, download such free bundles from malware-free web pages to avoid a virus infection.
  • When you download and open a given bundle, pay attention to the installation features that it offers.
  • There should be two or three options.
  • From the list of the features that you see, find the Custom/ Customized one (in some wizards it could be named “Advanced”). ALWAYS select it.
  • If you are wondering why you should try to go with it all the time, the answer is that such an option lets you take over the installation process. This means that you will be able to choose or exclude specific programs, apps and program features that you don’t want on your PC.
  • What’s more, you should always try to avoid the Default; the Recommended or the Automatic installation option. By selecting them, you are very likely to become a victim of a hijacker. Actually, that’s how most of the ad-related infections occur – because of these installation features.

The successful way to get rid of

There could be countless guides you can use to remove this hijacker program. However, we recommend the one after this article for a complete and safe removal process.


Type Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Keep in mind, SpyHunter’s malware detection tool is free. To remove the infection, you’ll need to purchase the full version.
More information about SpyHunter and steps to uninstall.

Remove Virus

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.
You can find the removal guide here.

About the author

Lidia Howler

Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.

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