
This page aims to help you remove Our removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows.

Why should you stay away from and its ads?

Having your browser hijacked by could be a really unpleasant experience. This program is an ad-generating piece of software, which tends to behave like a browser hijacker and tends to modify the settings of your Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer. Browser hijackers are generally considered legitimate and do not contain any malicious code that can harm your system. However, in most of the cases, they may cause some browsing disturbance and irritation due to the aggressive advertising methods they employ. For instance, once installed on your system, may replace your legitimate homepage or search engine with some new, unfamiliar one and may start to redirect your search queries to various intrusive ads, pop-ups, banners and misleading links. Users typically find this activity as dubious because the purpose of the hijacker is to make them click on the generated ads or land them on some unfamiliar sponsored web pages. Many people are afraid to interact with the suggested content because in some cases, nasty viruses like Trojans, Ransomware, Spyware and other dangerous threats may be caught from dubious redirects and annoying pop-up ads. While this is not always the case, such a risk really exists and for this reason most security experts will encourage you to remove the ad-generating software.

The intrusive browser hijacker’s activity generally reveals that something is wrong with the affected browser, and the users may start looking for suspicious programs or browser extensions on their system. Unfortunately, detecting the browser hijacker and its components may not be that easy because this software knows how to hide in the system. To detect and uninstall, you may need to use anti-malware software like the professional removal tool. Those of you who want to manually remove the software should follow the removal steps provided under the article.

What should you be careful with?

You should remember that browser hijackers usually tend to track your online activity all the time and transmit it to different marketers, advertisers, and other third parties. This means that may silently monitor in the background what sites you visit, what ads you’re viewing, searches, and similar data and provide it to its developers or other people who want to learn more about your browsing habits and interests. You may want to rethink whether such information should reach someone you cannot trust. In addition, data collection is typically used to deliver targeted ads, so it can be used to prompt you to interact with more spam or “suggested” ads that you may like.

Be careful if your browser causes redirects to specific sites each time you run it. may make you use a specific search engine just to let you have several sponsored search results and to redirect you to click on them. As a result, you may come across suspicious sites that may ask you for personal information or sketchy pages that may contain malicious software such as Ransomware, Trojans and other nasty viruses. In such case, you should do everything possible to stop the redirects and stay away from similar sites. A permanent solution that we recommend is to remove the browser hijacker that initiates them as soon as you find yourself using some manipulated search results.

How did I get infected?

You can accidentally let get into your system if you install new programs using the Standard or Auto Setup. It is extremely important to change the installation settings to avoid infiltration of potentially unwanted programs because they are usually distributed along with other free programs. All you have to do is to find and configure the installation settings right away – so choose the Manual or Detailed installation settings and look for suspicious fields in them. If you find fields that allow the installation of unknown programs, suggested software, browser tools, and similar programs, do not continue with the installation until you have configured them correctly. Uncheck all these fields, and then you can continue. Lastly, we should alert you that browser hijackers may be found also as free software on the web, spam messages, torrents or shareware sites, so make sure you always download software from reputed sources and customize the installer accordingly.

How do I remove

To eliminate the browsing disturbance permanently, we recommend you remove as soon as you notice some potentially unwanted browser changes. If you want to find all the related hijacker components and uninstall them all, we suggest that you perform a system check using the professional removal tool. A free manual removal guide is also at your disposal, but we recommend it to users, which are confident with their computer skills and have dealt with browser hijackers or similar software before.


Type  Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool Removal

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.


About the author

Lidia Howler

Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.

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