Doc.Exploit.Ddeautoexec-6348842-0 Removal

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This page aims to help you remove Doc.Exploit.Ddeautoexec-6348842-0. Our removal instructions work for every version of Windows.

A Trojan horse comes… well, it comes from Greek mythology and the story about the unconquerable city of Troy, which was defeated by the Greek army, which was hidden inside a wooden horse, presented as a gift. Even if you have not read Greek mythology, however, you have probably heard about Trojan horses, as these are usually referred to as a very nasty type of computer threats. One particular representative of this type of malware is Doc.Exploit.Ddeautoexec-6348842-0 – a nasty Trojan horse infection, which can cause a number of malicious actions in a very stealthy way. If your system has been infected with Doc.Exploit.Ddeautoexec-6348842-0, we highly recommend you read the information that follows and immediately remove the malware from your computer. Quick action is needed for you to prevent the dreadful consequences that may follow in case that the threat is not completely removed. That’s why, for your convenience, below you will find a detailed removal guide and a trusted malware removal tool, which can scan and clean your PC. 

Trojans – what is a myth and what is a real computer threat?

You may not be interested in history and mythology, but it seems that cyber criminals are and they often seek inspiration in stories like the war of Troy in order to create their malicious pieces of software. Similarly to the threats and tricks, used in the ancient story of Troy, infections like Doc.Exploit.Ddeautoexec-6348842-0 seem to have employed some very simple, yet very tricky and successful techniques of attack, which target today’s online users.

When communicating over the network on your computer, you probably know that you are always exposed to the risk of bumping into some harmful software. Unfortunately, just as in the past, even now there are people with malicious intentions, who want to “break through” your fortress (aka your system) and do some criminal stuff in it. In order for the criminals to break through, though, there must be a spy (some software on your computer) to take the necessary action when receiving the malicious instructions. The Trojan horse is just that – a program waiting for a signal, listening to a particular port on your PC. When a packet with a particular criminal structure (a sequence of bytes) arrives at this port, then that Trojan wakes up and performs what its authors have created it for. For example, it can steal files from your computer, or pass all your passwords and credit card numbers to a specific place on the Internet. This is the main difference between a threat like Doc.Exploit.Ddeautoexec-6348842-0 and the common virus. “Simple” viruses are constantly raging on your computer – redirecting your Internet traffic, scraping your files, formatting your disks, etc. Trojans, on the other hand, are “sleeping” hidden somewhere in the computer’s memory and waiting for someone to order them to do their hard work, which may not always be related directly to your computer. Often the Trojan is also used as a “backdoor” – it just provides access to your computer for interested hackers. It can also “open the door” for a virus such as Ransomware, or Spyware to come in or turn your computer into a bot and use its resources to send out thousands of spam e-mails and malicious transmitters to other unsuspecting online users. Obviously, it is not a good idea to keep such malware on your system and if you have even the slightest doubt that your PC might be infected, you should scan your entire machine and remove the threat as soon as possible. For effective detection of sophisticated Trojans like Doc.Exploit.Ddeautoexec-6348842-0, we highly recommend you use a professional malware removal tool, (such as the one available below) or the instructions of a detailed manual removal guide.

How to protect your PC from Doc.Exploit.Ddeautoexec-6348842-0 and similar infections?

Most of the reputed security specialist will tell you that detecting a Trojan horse is a very difficult task. Having such a malware removed and dealing with its malicious consequences is also not easy, that’s why preventing the infection is really important. To protect your PC, you basically need good security software. If regularly updated, it should be able to provide optimal protection to your system from all sorts of infections, especially from new threats like Doc.Exploit.Ddeautoexec-6348842-0. Additionally, you should keep yourself away from potential malware transmitters and stick only to reputed web content and well-known software developers. Oftentimes, hackers use attractive pop-ups, ads, links, free download offers and installers to trick the web users and this way, infect them with malicious software. That’s why our advice is to use your common sense and stay away from sketchy web messages, spam emails, suspicious attachments, add-ons and similar unreliable sources of software and web content and take immediate actions in case of a doubt.


Name Doc.Exploit.Ddeautoexec-6348842-0
Type Trojan
Detection Tool

Doc.Exploit.Ddeautoexec-6348842-0 Remove

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.

About the author


Lidia Howler

Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.

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