Extension.citypage.today Virus


This page aims to help you remove Extension.citypage.today “Virus”. Our removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows.

Unauthorized page redirects, nagging pop-ups, and a unstoppable flow of ads have recently started disturbing your normal web browsing? If so, then your Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer has probably been hijacked by a program named Extension.citypage.today. This web redirect software can be classified as a typical browser hijacker. It may replace your default search engine or homepage and place some sponsored custom ones without your direct approval. Fortunately, the browser hijackers are not as harmful as the virus infections (Ransomware, Trojans, Spyware, etc.) and even if they manage to take over your browser and make your web searching impossible without a stream of nagging popping commercials, you can easily remove them with the help of some detailed instructions. In the next lines we will tell you more about how to effectively uninstall Extension.citypage.today “Virus” and get your default settings back to normal, but first, let us give you some more information about the nature of this software and its purposes.

Whats the purpose of Extension.citypage.today?

The term browser hijacker is typically related to aggressive online advertising and website redirecting software (such as Extension.citypage.today “Virus”), which serves the needs of their creators by applying changes to the users’ default browsers. The changes may affect the people’s default homepage or search engine or the installation of some new toolbar that may start sudden redirects to sponsored web pages. As you may notice yourself, the main idea behind this activity is to display different pop-ups, ads, banners, and websites, which aggressively promote certain products, offers, and services. The developers of such software usually benefit from the clicks which the displayed ads may get thanks to popular online advertising methods like Pay-Per-Click or Pay-Per-View. You, as a user, however, may be prompted to click on as many commercials as possible without actually being offered any useful service or functionality form keeping the browser hijacker on your PC. In fact, all that you could experience may be constant ads interruptions and shady redirects to unfamiliar websites and their aggressive content.

Software bundles help Extension.citypage.today to get installed on your system!

Many users wonder how they can end up with a program like Extension.citypage.today “Virus” on their PC. Some even think that the browser hijacker has “infected” them the same way that a virus could. However, the browser hijackers are not viruses, nor do they use the same criminal tricks that the Trojans or the Ransomware infections could implement in order to get inside the users’ system.

Usually, this software gets distributed as a legitimate component, which is often bundled inside the setup of another program. Most of the time, you can find pieces like Extension.citypage.today under the Advanced/Custom settings of various free installers, marked as “additional” or “recommended” software. Different freeware, torrents, and shareware platforms openly offer such bundles for free download, so if you frequently use software from such places, you should better remember to make use of the Advanced/Custom options and carefully disable any program that you think might be potentially unwanted. If you miss this important customization step, you may need to remove the additionally bundled components later by using a professional removal tool or a Removal Guide like the one below.

What could possibly go wrong if you don’t uninstall Extension.citypage.today form your PC?

Well, usually, nothing fatal or irreparable could happen to your computer if you keep a browser hijacker on it. This software won’t attempt to cause harm or corrupt your OS, however, if you don’t remove it, you may have to endure its redirects and ads generation every time you open your browser. Not only is this very irritating, but you may also experience sudden browser crashes, freezing of the screen and unresponsiveness to your searches, which may significantly decrease the quality of your entire web experience. The risk of accidentally clicking on some misleading links or fake ads also exists, so it is generally not advisable to interact much with the content that Extension.citypage.today may generate. Additionally, if you carefully read the Privacy Policy of the hijacker, you may find out that it may collect and track data about your browsing habits, latest searches, history, IP address, location and frequently visited web pages. This data is usually seen as a valuable online marketing resource, which could be sold to advertisers, interested in targeting you with their ads. If you don’t fancy the idea of being tracked down, please follow the instructions in the Removal guide below or scan your PC with the professional Extension.citypage.today “Virus” removal tool for optimal removal results.


Name Extension.citypage.today
Type  Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Extension.citypage.today “Virus” Removal

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.

About the author

Lidia Howler

Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.

1 Comment

  • You should really delete the IPs from your hosts file and save the changes to it – those entries aren’t supposed to be inside your hosts file.

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