Focus Provide Mac

Focus Provide

Focus Provide is an aggressive page-redirecting app that takes over the settings of popular Mac browsers and introduces changes to them. The modifications made by Focus Provide are targeted at the starting page of the browser and at its default search engine tool.

Focus Provide

The Focus Provide Virus will redirect your browser to a certain page.

The goal of such changes is to make the browsing program predisposed to ad-generation and page-redirection activities. The whole purpose of this invasive app is to get you to visit the sites of its partners by constantly swarming your browser with redirects to them and with ads that are linked to those sites. The more ads you click on and the more times you get redirected, the greater the profit for the creators of Focus Provide, since they are paid a commission based on how many visits they draw to the advertised sites. This could happen on any browser – Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and others. Even though some browsers have defenses against such rogue extensions, the creators of apps like Focus Provide constantly figure out new and more ingenious ways to get you to install their unwanted software in your browser and override the browser’s built-in protection features.

Focus Provide for Mac

Focus Provide for Mac is a rogue piece of Mac software that can only function as an add-on to your Mac’s browser. If for Mac installs in the system’s main browser, it will flood said browser with various kinds of web advertisements and page-redirects.

The only working solution against such apps is to uninstall them fully and to not allow any of the changes they’ve made to your browser to remain in it. Most users would probably find this quite difficult to achieve because an unwanted app such as this one would constantly try to re-install itself in the browser if not removed properly. This is why we believe you may need some professional assistance in the form of the removal guide we have posted below or the advanced anti-malware tool that can be found linked on the current page.

What is Focus Provide?

Focus Provide is a browser hijacker variant that infects the browser and constantly tries to redirect it to its partnering sites for financial profit. Focus Provide will not allow you to control its page-redirecting activities and the only way to stop them is to remove the hijacker.

If not removed on time, the browser hijacker may potentially open your system to other, more hazardous programs or expose you to online sites with questionable contents. For instance, some of these page-redirects may lead to phishing pages that will try to collect some sensitive personal info from you by pretending to be legitimate sites. Also, if you aren’t cautious, you may land some hazardous Trojan, or a harmful Ransomware by clicking on infected ads shown by the hijacker.

The Focusprovide app

The FocusProvide app is malware classified as a browser hijacker because it secretly installs in Mac browsers and uses them to advertise different sites. The FocusProvide app is known for launching automatic redirects to different sites in order to gain more visits for them.

If this page-redirecting activity is bothering you and if you don’t want to accidentally get redirected to a site filled with Trojans, Ransomware, or other threats, be sure to follow our instructions in order to uninstall the hijacker.


Name Focus Provide
Type Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Focus Provide Mac Virus Removal

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.
You can find the removal guide here.

About the author

Brandon Skies

Brandon is a researcher and content creator in the fields of cyber-security and virtual privacy. Years of experience enable him to provide readers with important information and adequate solutions for the latest software and malware problems.

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