Footjane Virus

This page aims to help you remove Footjane “Virus”. These Footjane “Virus” removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows.

In case you found that a piece of software named Footjane “Virus” has been disturbing you lately, the information that you are about to read now will give you a good idea about the nature of the program that you are facing. In the paragraphs that follow, we are going to explain to you why Footjane “Virus” tends to take over your browser, (be it Chrome, Firefox, Explorer or some other) and are the strange page redirects and the changes to your homepage or search engine harmful for your system. We are also going to give you a free removal guide, in case that you want to remove this annoying software from your PC. So stay with us to find out more and clean your system from the browsing invasion.

Footjane “Virus” – a typical browser hijacker

If we have to speak about Footjane “Virus” we need to say that there are some typical features, which generally categorize this program as a browser hijacker. It is very usual for most of the browser hijackers to broadcast a huge amount of aggressive advertisements, pop-ups, and banners. They may also redirect the users’ web searches and impose certain modifications to their browsers such as replacing the homepage or the search engine, or installing a new sponsored toolbar. This is exactly what Footjane “Virus” does, once it gets inside your system, and usually, the most affected program from its activity is your default browser.

As a user, you may really not enjoy being bombarded with different intrusive ads and find yourself on pages which you never intended to visit. That’s why it is understandable if you are frustrated and are looking for a way to remove the aggressive pop-ups and the imposed browser changes. However, unlike most of the programs you install on your PC, a hijacker like Footjane “Virus” may require a bit different approach. If you would like to get rid of its aggressive behavior you may need to fully uninstall it from your system because it doesn’t really give you an option to stop or reverse its modifications.

Is Footjane “Virus” related to viruses or malware like Trojans or Ransomware?

In terms of annoyances, browser hijackers like Footjane “Virus” can easily top the list as some of the most irritating pieces of software you may encounter. When it comes to maliciousness, however, they really aren’t representing a serious security risk. According to the security experts, a hijacking program isn’t a virus nor does it have the damaging capabilities of malware from the rank of Trojans or Ransomware. This type of software is basically used as a harmless ad-generating tool, which usually serves the advertising needs of a certain vendor, a marketer or a software developer. This being said, you really don’t need to worry too much about having Footjane “Virus” in your system.

Still, it doesn’t mean that you should keep this program if it really disturbs your normal browsing activity. Many users simply get irritated by the constant flow of ads that they may have to deal with. Moreover, the hijacker may use ant invasive data tracking marketing method to adjust its ads according to the users’ latest searches and keep a track on their browsing activities. Some other side effects of having a browser hijacker operating on your machine are the frequent browser crashes, screen freezing, and system lags it may cause. So, if you don’t feel like tolerating all that, you can use the instructions in the removal guide below and safely uninstall Footjane “Virus”.

Do you want your PC to remain hijacker-free?

We are sure that if you closely follow the steps shown below, you can easily remove Footjane “Virus”. However, this doesn’t guarantee that you won’t catch another similar program soon. These pieces of software are widely distributed on the web, that’s why it is a good idea to learn how to avoid them. You should basically beware of different spam messages, emails with attachments and free offers, automatic software installers, torrents, intrusive ads and links that prompt you to download a free application or some attractive new software. These are the common sources of browser hijackers and other potentially unwanted programs, which usually come bundled inside a setup of another program that you wish to install. To prevent them from being introduced to your system, we advise you to avoid non-reputed software sources as the ones that we mentioned above, or if you really have to install a given bundle, make sure you carefully read the EULA and customize the installation pack through the “Advanced/Custom” option. This way, you will have full control over the entire software bundle and can easily disable anything, which you don’t want. 


Name Footjane
Type Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Footjane “Virus” Removal

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.

About the author

Lidia Howler

Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.

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