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*Source of claim SH can remove it. is a malware app that hijacks Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and other browsers, and uses them as platforms for promoting questionable sites, products, and services. doesn’t directly attack the system, but it’s presence there could lead to attacks from more dangerous forms of malware.
Browser-hijacking software components like the virus are very widespread

Browser-hijacking software components like are very widespread and since they typically lack harmful abilities and are often associated (or try to associate themselves) with respected developers, antivirus programs often give them a free pass and allow them to stay on the computer undisturbed. However, though they may not get flagged as threats or as unwanted software, in practice, most hijackers tend to be highly obstructive and invasive. Such apps would typically replace the homepage of the browser and enforce a new (and typically worse) search engine. They may even install new browser extensions and generate ads, pop-ups, and automatic page-redirects on the user’s screen, thus abruptly interrupting the user’s workflow.

Risks related to

The activities and the changes it introduces to the browser can not only be unpleasant and counter-productive, but they could also expose the entire system to danger. As already mentioned, even if a hijacker like or is not programmed to damage the computer or any data stored on its drives, its uncontrolled promotion of various forms of online content could eventually reroute one’s browser to some unsafe site that’s hosted by scammers or hackers and that’s used for virtual frauds or malware distribution. Of course, getting sent to such site doesn’t automatically mean that your computer would get infected by a Trojan Horse or a Ransomware virus or that you will fall victim to a phishing scam. However, the chances of this happening would certainly go up if you end up on a such a malicious site, which is why it’s essential that you prevent this from happening by uninstalling, and all other software related to it, from your PC. To help you with this task, we’ve provided a detailed guide in the second half of our article, that you are advised to follow if you want to fully delete the rogue hijacker.

Keeping your PC clean

Once you are done removing, you must also remember to take the needed precautions and prevent your PC and browser from getting invaded by hijackers in the future. Generally, if you do your best to steer clear of dodgy sites, avoid interacting with questionable web content, and don’t download software that you cannot verify is safe and legitimate, the chances of landing another hijacker would go down drastically. However, here’s another very important piece of advice that could go a long way towards keeping your system and browser clean – always make sure to carefully check all Custom/Advanced setup menus in the installation wizards of new programs. Sometimes, there you may find extra software components, some of which could be hijackers or other unwanted apps, that you’d need to uncheck before you continue with the installation in order to keep them from entering your system. If you make sure to do this every time you are about to install something new on your computer and if you have a good cybersecurity hygiene, the likelihood of getting another hijacker in the future would be very low.

Type Adware/Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

*Source of claim SH can remove it.

Remove Virus

To remove, you can try using a specialized removal tool or manually delete the hijacker in the following way:

  1. Find the program that installed in your system and run its uninstaller or delete that program from Control Panel > Programs and Features.
  2. Open the Task Manager and check it for processes that may be linked to the hijacker – if you find such processes, quit them.
  3. Check the Registry, the Task Scheduler, the Hosts file, the DNS settings, and the Startup items for hijacker entries/changes and delete what you may find.
  4. Delete the temporary data of each browser on the computer and uninstall any rogue/potentially unwanted extensions.

For a more detailed explanation for each step, please, continue reading.

Detailed Removal Guide

Before you even begin with the completion of this guide, it’s strongly recommended to temporarily stop the connection of your PC to the Internet. This is done to prevent from reaching out to its servers and receiving new instructions and resources from them, as this could significantly hinder the removal of the hijacker.

Step 1

*Source of claim SH can remove it.

If you have any idea what recently-installed program may have infected you with, go to the folder of that program, open its uninstallation executable, and run the app to uninstall the program. If you don’t know which of your programs may have introduced to the computer or cannot find its folder, then go to Start Menu > Control Panel > Programs and Features, and there look for any recent installs that seem unwanted or suspicious and if you find such a program, right-click it, select Uninstall, and perform the uninstallation process. While going through the uninstaller, keep an eye out for any clauses that may allow data related to the unwanted program to be left behind on the computer. If you notice such clauses, be sure to use the setting that would delete everything and leave nothing related to that program on your computer.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is uninstall1.jpg

It’s possible that the installation cannot be completed at the moment – if this happens to be the case, continue with the next steps and attempt to delete the unwanted program once you finish the guide.

Step 2


*Source of claim SH can remove it.

Go to the Task Manager tool by typing Task Manager in the Start Menu and hitting Enter. Next, check for questionable entries (processes) that may be related to in the Processes tab. By questionable, we mean processes with suspiciously high usage of memory and CPU that also have strange or unfamiliar names or names that seem related to and/or to the program you may have uninstalled in the previous step. If you are unsure whether a given process is rogue, see what additional information you can find about it on the Internet, but make sure to only trust reputable sources, such as specialized cyber-security sites and forums. Another thing we strongly advise that you do is to right-click on any process you deem suspicious, select Open File Location, and put all of the files in the folder that opens through the free online malware scanner that you will see below. If the scanner finds malware within any of the tested files, this would be a sure sign that the process related to that file is also rogue and must be eliminated.

Each file will be scanned with up to 64 antivirus programs to ensure maximum accuracy
This scanner is free and will always remain free for our website's users.
This file is not matched with any known malware in the database. You can either do a full real-time scan of the file or skip it to upload a new file. Doing a full scan with 64 antivirus programs can take up to 3-4 minutes per file.
Drag and Drop File Here To Scan
Drag and Drop File Here To Scan
Analyzing 0 s
Each file will be scanned with up to 64 antivirus programs to ensure maximum accuracy
    This scanner is based on VirusTotal's API. By submitting data to it, you agree to their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and to the sharing of your sample submission with the security community. Please do not submit files with personal information if you do not want them to be shared.
    This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is task-manager1.jpg

    In case it turns out there are one or more rogue processes still running in your system, quit them by right-clicking on their names and selecting the End Process option. After that, you need to make sure to delete their location folders so that those processes cannot be re-launched. In case any of the files located in the location folder of a rogue process can’t be deleted, proceed with the guide and come back later to attempt to remove them once again.

    This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is task-manager2.jpg

    Step 3

    Being in Safe Mode while troubleshooting most types of software problems, including issues with undesirable software or malware, is generally a good practice because it keeps unwanted processes from running in the system. For this reason, you should now put your computer in Safe Mode and keep it that way until the hijacker is removed.

    Step 4

    There are several types of system settings that the hijacker is likely to have modified, so you must check them all and revoke any unwanted changes introduced to them. To do this, one by one, type the items shown below in the Start Menu, press Enter to open them, and then perform the actions we’ve instructed for each of them.

    • Ncpa.cpl – When the Network Connections folder appears on your screen, right-click on the network you use the most often, go to Properties, double-click on Internet Protocol Version 4 and enable the Obtain an IP address automatically and the Obtain DNS server address automatically options, after which go to Advanced. In the Advanced window, select DNS from the top, delete any IP addresses that may be in the DNS server addresses box, and click OK on every window to save the changes.
    • msconfig – Click the Startup tab in the System Configuration window and, if you are in Windows 10, select Open Task Manager. See what startup items are enabled in your system and uncheck the ones that you are unfamiliar with and/or that seem like they could be lined to the hijacker, after which click the OK button.
    • notepad %windir%/system32/Drivers/etc/hosts – Look for IPs listed at the end of the text (after “Localhost“) and if you see any, copy them and share them in the comments section below. We will get back to you in a reply to your comment, informing you if any of the IPs you may have sent us are rogue and if you’d need to erase them from the Hosts file of your computer.
    • Task Scheduler – Click the Task Scheduler Library (shown in the top-left) in the Task Scheduler window and then search for unknown or questionable tasks in the central panel. If you see anything that may be unwanted and/or linked to, right-click it, select Delete, and confirm the deletion.1 11
    • regedit.exe – Before you are allowed to open this app, you must click Yes to allow it to make system changes. Once you do this, the Registry Editor of your PC will open, and then you must press Ctrl + F to evoke its search box. Type in the Registry search and click Find Next to seek related items. If the search yields a result, delete the found item and click Find Next again. In this way, ensure that all results for are deleted and then perform another search for the name of the program you may have uninstalled (or tried to uninstall) in Step 1. Again, delete all items that may get found for this search.
    This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is regedit2-1.png

    Lastly, go to the following locations in the left Panel of the Registry Editor and search in them for any items with long names that may appear randomly generated – an item with a name like this, for example: “09ur0283e0jt0823dj08r083j023j093rdj89398jf“. If you come across one or more items with similar names, tell us in the comments about them, and we will inform you if those items must be removed from the Registry of your computer.

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Random Directory
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Main

    Step 5

    Last but not least, remember to restore each of your browsers to their regular states, starting with the main one. Once you open your main browser, click the menu of its icon, which should be in the top-right or, if you are an Opera user, in the top-right. In the menu of the browser, click Extensions/Add-ons. If you are in Chrome, click the More Tools button first and then select the Extensions option that should be in the side-menu that appears.

    Now, carefully explore the list of browser attachments (extensions/add-ons) and if you see anything that’s not been installed by you, that looks unwanted/unneeded, or that may be linked to, first click on its Disable/Toggle button and right after that click the Remove/Uninstall/X button to delete the extension.

    This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is chrome2.jpg

    Once you’ve cleaned the browser from any potentially unwanted/rogue extensions, go to its menu again, and click on Settings. Next, find the Privacy & Security settings section and open it. If you don’t see Privacy & Security anywhere, click on Advanced and that option should appear.

    This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is chrome3.jpg

    Next, find and click the Clear browsing data/Clear data/Choose what to clear option – you may need to scroll down a bit in order to find it depending on what browser you are using at the moment.

    This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is chrome4.jpg

    A window with different options should pop up – if that windows has an Advanced tab, make sure that you are in it. Now check all the boxes that correspond to different types of data. If there is a Passwords option, leave that one unchecked. After that, click Clear Data/Clear to delete the selected types of data – be patient because this may take a couple of minutes if there’s a lot of data to delete. Your browser may even seem to be stuck for some time, but do not worry, eventually the deletion will complete.

    This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is chrome5.jpg

    Once you’ve performed the above-mentioned actions for your main browser, do not forget to do the same thing in your other browsers as well.

    If you are still having problems with

    Some hijackers tend to be very persistent and stubborn, and so deleting them manually may prove to be a difficult task. If you are still unable to get rid of despite having completed all the manual instructions from this page, it may be best to opt for an automatic removal method by using a reliable specialized anti-malware program that can help you get rid of in just a couple of clicks.

    Note that there could be more than one unwanted programs on your computer, which could be the reason you’ve been unable to fully get rid of on your own. For this reason, we’ve posted on this page a powerful malware-deletion tool that can quickly take care of both and any other unwanted software or malware that may be hiding in your system, as well as keep them from re-entering the computer in the future. Also, note that this anti-malware tool can protect you from more advanced forms of malware, such as the newest Trojan Horse and Spyware threats, so that your system stays safe while you are browsing the Internet.

    About the author


    Brandon Skies

    Brandon is a researcher and content creator in the fields of cyber-security and virtual privacy. Years of experience enable him to provide readers with important information and adequate solutions for the latest software and malware problems.

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