Getthemall Video Downloader Malware

This page aims to help you remove the Getthemall Video Downloader Malware. Our removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows.

A lot of complaints have recently been received by our “How to remove” team regarding one potentially unwanted program called Getthemall Video Downloader Malware. This piece of software usually tends to generate a huge amount of ads, pop-ups, banners and intrusive new tabs to the users’ Chrome, Firefox, Explorer, Edge or other browser and makes it unresponsive to their searches. What is more, it commonly tends to redirect their queries to some unfamiliar and aggressive promotional web pages, full of nagging commercial messages. Such activity can easily be taken for a nasty virus infection, but, fortunately, this is not the case. The ad generation, initiated by Getthemall Video Downloader Malware, is typical for a special type of software known as Adware. In the next paragraphs, we are going to tell you more about the Adware in general, as well as this particular program so that you can gain a better understanding and decide for yourself how to deal with it.

The most common type of disturbance that users usually complain about when they have such piece of software on their system is the non-stop flow of ads and pop-ups that they have to encounter every time they open their default browser. There are a few more issues that you need to be aware of if you have adware on your PC and on this page, we are going to tell you more about them. In case you want to remove the annoying ads, the best way to do that is to uninstall their source first. For this, there is a removal guide below and you are free to use it. 

Is Getthemall Video Downloader Malware a virus?

Usually, most users tend to get panicked when they face the unstoppable flow of ads, pop-ups, and banners, generated by a program like Getthemall Video Downloader Malware. This is not surprising because the adware’s behavior can really be aggressive. However, this type of software is not considered a virus and does not have the malicious abilities of a Trojan horse or Ransomware infection, for example. Most security experts classify pieces like Getthemall Video Downloader Malware as potentially unwanted, but they definitely are not harmful. The reason is that adware significantly differs from a real harmful computer threat in a number of ways. Unlike the real viruses, which usually aim to mess with your data and your system, the main idea behind adware is to advertise.It does that by aggressively generating certain sponsored commercial messages on your screen and making you click on them. This way, it can gain income for its developers thanks to methods like Pay-Per-Click or some other types of paid ads positioning. Typically, the adware will not try to harm your computer in any way. What is more, Getthemall Video Downloader Malware and similar ad-generating software is seen as a legal online advertising tool. On the other hand, viruses like Ransomware, Trojans, Spyware and similar threats are tools for cyber crimes. Still, despite not being malicious, the adware may seriously interrupt your normal web browsing, affect your default browser and make you spend your time dealing with potentially unwanted commercial messages.

Exposing you to various aggressive online advertisements is the most obvious effect of Getthemall Video Downloader Malware. In most of the cases, the pop-ups that you see are sponsored by certain vendors, advertisers, and developers, and apart from getting redirected to their sites, there is nothing harmful that could happen. However, with the criminal hackers getting more creative in their ways of spreading malware, even the ads that you see cannot be trusted anymore. Inserting a malicious webpage or a fake ad among the flow of messages that Getthemall Video Downloader Malware generates is practically possible. That’s why it is not advisable that you click on every single link or blinking box that appears on your screen since some of them may turn out to be potential virus transmitters. It is a common practice for hackers to spread different nasty infections such as Ransomware, Trojans and other viruses via attractive looking offers, spam, and pop-ups.

It is also a good idea to keep in mind that some adware apps, including Getthemall Video Downloader Malware, may run a background data tracking service which can monitor your browsing activity and recent searches, your location, bookmarks, likes and shares and transmit this information, to third parties. Usually, behind this activity, there are marketers, who want to know more about your interests and can later use this data to display ads that are more appealing to you or match your searches. Despite not being illegal, such activity can be seen as an invasion of the users’ privacy and could be a good reason for some people to uninstall the adware.


Name Getthemall Video Downloader Malware
Type Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Getthemall Video Downloader Malware Removal

You are dealing with a malware infection that can restore itself unless you remove its core files. We are sending you to another page with a removal guide that gets regularly updated. It covers in-depth instructions on how to:
1. Locate and scan malicious processes in your task manager.
2. Identify in your Control panel any programs installed with the malware, and how to remove them. Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker that gets installed with a lot of malware.
3. How to clean up and reset your browser to its original settings without the malware returning.
You can find the removal guide here.
For mobile devices refer to these guides instead: Android, iPhone.

About the author

Lidia Howler

Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.

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