

This page aims to help you remove “Virus”. Our removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows.

Nobody likes to be forced to deal with nagging ads, pop-ups, banners and page-redirects during their web browsing. However, it appears that applications such as tend to do that – they operate as Browser hijackers which take over the user’s Chrome, Explorer, Firefox, Edge and force the browser to display various advertisements during each browsing session. Such applications also tend to enforce changes on the browser’s homepage or search engine and to install new toolbars and potentially unwanted add-ons. All in all, it is very likely that you may experience different issues with your normal browsing if a piece of software like “Virus” finds its way inside your machine. Fortunately, in the next lines, you will learn more about the specifics of this type of software and the methods to have it uninstalled. Our “How to remove” team has prepared a detailed Removal Guide on that but you can also use the professional “Virus” removal tool to get rid of the annoying ads. 

Browser hijackers’ typical characteristics

In the digital world, a Browser hijacker signifies a type of software which normally affects the users’ browsers. The applications of this kind typically are responsible for some potentially unwanted changes such as search engine or homepage replacements, installation of new toolbars and/or some additional components on the default browser. The users may also experience frequent page redirects to certain sponsored websites as well as aggressive ads streaming on their screen. Such activities may easily be taken as the result of some sort of a virus infection and, as a matter of fact, many people do mistake Browser hijackers for viruses. However, these pieces of software are usually not related to any particular form of rel malware. Actually, most security experts consider them as relatively harmless because these applications operate as online advertising tools. The browser hijackers usually generate Pay-Per-Click ads or some sponsored or paid promotional content which prompts the users to click on certain links or download and install some software. The creators of such applications basically gain revenue from the clicks and the traffic that their software generates to certain promoted web pages, homepage domains or search engine tools. In most cases, there is technically nothing illegal with this kind of advertising approach and there are many online-based businesses which openly use it in order to promote their items on the users’ screen. “Virus” is an application which operates in the same above-described way and, therefore, we cannot consider it as a virus. However, despite not being as malicious as a Ransomware or as a Trojan horse infection, this browser hijacker may cause some browsing disturbance and page redirects which may irritate some users. If you are facing troubles with and its activities are irritating you, we suggest you use the professional “Virus” removal tool on this page and remove this application or follow the manual uninstallation instructions from the Removal Guide below in order to eradicate the hijacker.

Commonly encountered issues which applications like “Virus” may cause

As we said above, the Browser hijackers are not related to some serious viruses that can cause system damage or be used for criminal activities. Still, a lot of people may face difficulties while browsing the web if such software is present on their computer. For instance, removing the nagging pop-ups which may flood the screen may not always be possible with a hijacker on the computer. Oftentimes, clicking on the “X” button may automatically cause page-redirects and land the user on different sites or open new tabs. This may lead to certain security risks, as the hijacker may favor certain sponsored content, the safety of which may sometimes be questionable. Naturally, when you have no control over the content that gets displayed on your screen or a certain third-party application gets you automatically redirected to some random and unknown sites, the chances of bumping into some real viruses or malware such as Trojans, Spyware or Ransomware increases significantly. For this reason, our team would generally recommend that you uninstall applications like and reset your browser’s settings.

Be careful with what software you install on your PC!

To prevent your Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Edge or any other browser from getting hijacked, it is very important to pay attention to what software you install on your PC. In most of the cases, the contamination with annoying page-redirecting or ad-generating applications happens when the users run an installer without paying attention to the additionally bundled components or the optional applications which may often come with it. This is a common mistake but, fortunately, it can be easily avoided. Our advice is, whenever you download new software (be it from torrent sites, free download links, open source or freeware platforms or even from reputed developers), carefully read the EULA, especially any small text or pre-selected checkmarks and opt for the Advanced/Custom/Manual settings instead of for the Standard/Automatic ones. This way, you can always be in control of the installation process and disable any additional or optional components which you may not want to get installed in your system.


Type  Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool “Virus” Removal

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.

About the author

Lidia Howler

Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.

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