Hibids10 “Virus”

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This page aims to help you remove Hibids10 “Virus”. Our removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows.

Most browser add-ons are supposed to enhance one’s online experience in some way – make the browser safe, add new features to it, provide an extra layer of security or some other type of beneficial function. However, unfortunately, this is not always the case. There is a type of applications that seem to function as regular browser extensions but once installed on your Firefox, Chrome, IE or whatever other browser you might be using they start to behave oddly and try to mess with the regular functioning of your browsing program. This includes changing the outlook of the browser, replacing its homepage, imposing a new search engine, adding a toolbar that you don’t really need, etc. One other typical trait of this software category is its tendency to trigger redirects to different pages and sites that the user never really meant to visit. Due to all this, the names that those applications are most commonly given are browser hijacker or browser/page-redirects. Hibids10 “Virus” is one such browser hijacker application that has been recently reported by a number of users who have and it installed on their computers and are currently trying to have it removed. The following article is mainly written precisely for those of you who have the irritating Hibids10 “Virus” app on their computers. If you read the remainder of this article, you will learn more about this mostly unpleasant type of software and you will also find out how to quickly and effectively uninstall Hibids10 “Virus” from your system so that it is no longer able to obstruct your regular browsing activities. The removal instructions are available in our guide down below alongside a suggested anti-malware tool that can facilitate the process of eliminating the pesky hijacker.

Regular browser extensions and hijackers – where’s difference?

In many cases it might all be a matter of opinion as to whether a certain piece of software is a hijacker or just a regular add-on for your browser. A general way of distinguishing between the two is by figuring out whether the software does something unwanted. There are many legitimate and highly-useful browser extensions that too make certain modifications to the browser which is actually how they provide their useful traits. However, if a certain application goes too far into altering the functionality of your browsing program and also makes it difficult to you to revert any changes it has made, it probably should be regarded as an unwanted hijacker, especially if the changes are not welcome ones and you don’t want them imposed on your browser.

Another typical traits of most hijackers is their tendency to conduct aggressive advertising campaigns – potentially unwanted software like Hibids10 “Virus” is likely to try to flood your browsing screen with various forms of intrusive promotional contents such as ads, pop-ups, banners, etc. Also, sudden and unwanted page redirects are also likely to get triggered by the hijacker. All of this can be particularly annoying and the only one benefiting from it would usually be the people whose products are getting promoted as well as the developers who have created the hijacker as they’d get financially compensated for the advertising activity that is conducted by their software.

The third main distinction aspect between actually useful browser extension apps and hijackers is the distribution methods used to get such software to more users. Most forms of browser add-ons can be downloaded from the Google web-store or from the official sites of the developers. However, hijackers also commonly tend to get distributed via other methods that are supposed to get the application installed inside one’s PC without their direct knowledge of that. The main method used in such cases is the so-called file bundling – we will explain to you what that means in the next paragraph.

Distribution of hijackers

If Hibids10 has landed on your PC, it is highly likely that it has gotten there via a file-bundle. A file-bundle is a software installer that is typically distributed for free – there is a main program which is typically the one that users actually want when downloading the bundle and there are some other elements added to it in the form of optional installs. Hijackers are oftentimes added to such bundles as optional installs and their installation is typically enabled by default within the default installation configuration which is the one that users typically go for as it is the simplest and quickest one. However, as you can now see, using this option might not always be in your best interest, especially if we are talking about some freeware program. Therefore, in order to avoid any future hijacker encounters, from now on always choose the Advanced/Custom setup options where you’d be able to opt-out of any optional clauses including ones that allow the installation of bundled software. If you find that there’s any added applications in the setup menu that you think are unwanted and/or unneeded, we advise you to uncheck them before you go any further. Also, always remember to stay safe on the Internet and keep away from anything that might be a potential security hazard – after all, your virtual safety is in your own hands and if you don’t take care of it, nobody else will.


Name Hibids10
Type  Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Hibids10 “Virus” Removal

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.

About the author


Brandon Skies

Brandon is a researcher and content creator in the fields of cyber-security and virtual privacy. Years of experience enable him to provide readers with important information and adequate solutions for the latest software and malware problems.

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