This page aims to help you remove “Virus”. These “Virus” removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows.
If your browser has been recently invaded by a browser hijacker named, then the information that follows may be helpful for you. In this guide, you are going to read about the specifics of this program, its methods of distribution and infection, and the possible ways to remove it. has probably caused some disturbance to your normal browsing by initiating some strange changes in the homepage or the search engine of your default browser. Whether you are using Chrome, Firefox, Edge or some other favorite browser, the chance is that now most of your searches may get redirected to different webpages, sponsored notifications, ads and tabs and all that most probably will be a result from the browser hijackers’ activity on your machine. How can you effectively get rid of this annoyance is what we are going to cover up in the next lines, so stay with us until the end to learn more.
Browser hijackers – what you should be aware of
There are several things you should be aware of when it comes to dealing with browser hijackers. First of all, these pieces of software are not malicious and even if you have a program like on your PC, it won’t harm your system seriously. The tasks that such programs perform are usually related to the online advertising activities. For instance, is specialized in displaying different sorts of ads, pop-ups, and promotional messages on the screen and it does that by redirecting the users’ searches to specific sponsored sites and ads. There is nothing malicious in this activity, however, some people may get confused by the rather aggressive way that the browser hijacker may behave, that’s why they may wrongly refer to it as a virus. Fortunately, this is not the case. If was a virus or some nasty malware like a Trojan or Ransomware, it would have surely corrupted your system, encrypted your files or messed up with your privacy. Nothing of that has happened so far with any computer that has been invaded by a browser hijacker, so you really have no reason to worry about your safety. However, there are some other potentially unwanted activities related to browser hijackers that you may want to save yourself form.
Is uninstalling a good idea?
Apart from the obvious changes that may have imposed to your default browser, and the annoying flow of different popping advertisements, that may constantly interrupt your browsing, there are a few other things you should take into consideration when you decide whether to keep the browser hijacker on your machine or not. Generally, these programs are pretty much useless in terms of serving some specific purpose for the users and they only take some valuable space and resources on your system. In fact, only the owners of the program would benefit if you keep it on your system because they actually earn from your clicks, every time you come across different ads or promotional pages. There is a popular remuneration model known as Pay-Per-Click and this is what they use to earn some extra money for their business. In fact, the advertisers often program the browser hijacker to monitor the users’ searches, browsing history and bookmarks, so that they can use this for various online advertising purposes.
From a legal point of view, there is nothing wrong with earning from the clicks on sponsored ads, however, a problem may occur when the ads and sponsored messages become so intrusive that they interfere with the normal users’ browsing. Some people may also don’t like the idea that their browsing may be tracked down and this may give them a good reason to uninstall the browser hijacker from their computer. Doing so may even prevent you from bumping into some nasty virus or malware like Ransomware threats or Trojans because these threats usually hide in fake ads and misleading links and you never know when you may get redirected to some insecure web locations and become a victim of malvertisement.
How to remove and prevent browser hijacker infections?
To remove, you need to simply follow the instructions in the guide below. They are detailed enough to help you find and delete the browser hijacker manually. In terms of prevention, it is very important to be selective when you install new software on your PC. Programs like usually get inside your system when you install different software bundles downloaded from sketchy sites, spam emails, freeware platforms, shareware sites, direct downloads from the web, installation managers or torrents. Running the bundle without customizing it, which usually is available through the Advanced/Custom option, may often end you up with some undesired software on your machine. So bear in mind that and always opt for the most detailed installation options every time you get new programs on your system.
Name | |
Type | Browser Hijacker |
Detection Tool |
Some threats reinstall themselves if you don’t delete their core files. We recommend downloading SpyHunter to remove harmful programs for you. This may save you hours and ensure you don’t harm your system by deleting the wrong files. | Removal
Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.
You can find the removal guide here.
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