Rambler Search Engine

This page aims to help you remove Rambler Search. These Rambler Search removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows.

Rambler Search is a piece of software, which has the potential to create great irritation and browsing related disturbance to online users. However, you don’t need to be worried too much about it if your Chrome, Firefox, Edge or other browser you are using has been invaded, because this program is a Browser hijacker, not a virus or some other malware from the Trojan or the Ransomware type. It basically cannot do harm to your system, but it may introduce some other rather undesired changes to your browser’s homepage or search engine and may get you redirected to different sponsored web pages, products, and ads. The tricky thing is that you may not be able to customize or remove these changes easily, and you will need to fully uninstall Rambler Search from your system if you want to get rid of all of its annoying popping ads and new tabs. But how to do that? Fortunately, you’ve just found a detailed removal guide that will show you all the needed steps. Just read the information that follows carefully and proceed to the instructions.

Browser hijackers – what should you keep in mind?

As we already said above, browser hijackers are not malicious, neither is Rambler Search. Being a typical representative, Rambler Search has no harmful intentions and it won’t initiate any virus-like activities on your PC. This program has basically been created to serve as an online advertising tool, and the only thing it will do is ensure that you are constantly exposed to specific promotions, services or products and are frequently redirected to various sponsored web pages. As you may guess, all this is done for money and if you have not heard about the infamous Pay-Per-Click method until now, then here you will understand how it functions. Every time you click on some ad, or a web page or promotion that Rambler Search displays on your screen, the developers, who own the program, earn revenue from your clicks. This is the basic idea of the creation of such annoying software – to bring in some profit from the clicks on sponsored ads. It is not illegal, but still a rather aggressive way of advertising. Moreover, keeping a browser hijacker on the system doesn’t really provide the users with any beneficial functionality. In fact, it’s the opposite – it may frequently create some browsing-related ads disturbance, pop-up interruptions and page redirects, which may prevent users from using their browser normally. That’s why, many people may get angry with the program and decide to uninstall it from their PC, despite that it is not as malicious as a Trojan horse or Ransomware cryptovirus, for example. 

How can you get a program like Rambler Search on your PC?

A browser hijacker cannot invade your system the way that viruses and other tricky malicious threats do. It needs to be installed on your system the way that you install any other software. However, since the likelihood of installing a browser hijacker on your PC willingly, just because you love being exposed to ads is, well, very minimal, these programs have found another effective method to get inside your machine. Their developers usually distribute them in software bundles along with some attractive apps or free programs, which the users would love to install. Web locations like freeware or shareware platforms, spam emails, direct downloads from the web, installation managers, torrents, pirate content or free applications are usually full of them. That’s why, if you happen to get an installation bundle from such a place, you should be very careful not to let some undesired program get installed along with it. For that, you should always seek for options like “Advanced” or “Custom”, every time you run a new installer on your PC and manually disable the additionally bundled programs if you don’t want them on your system. If you don’t do that, then most probably the whole bundle will get installed on your computer as it is, and you will have to deal with the potentially unwanted software that may have come with it.

How can Rambler Search affect your computer’s normal activity?

Apart from causing you browsing irritation, programs like Rambler Search may significantly slow down the performance of the affected browser and literally make it unresponsive to your searches. Your PC may also face some system slowdowns, since the constant ad-generating activity, which is happening in the background may eat up some fair share of your CPU and RAM resources. Another quite annoying thing is that the advertisers may program the browser hijacker to collect some information about your browsing history, online searches, bookmarks and the web pages you visit and use it for various marketing purposes. For these reasons, many people may prefer to uninstall the browser hijacker completely and never have to deal with its annoying changes and aggressively popping ads again.


Name Rambler Search
Type Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Keep in mind, SpyHunter’s malware detection tool is free. To remove the infection, you’ll need to purchase the full version.
More information about SpyHunter and steps to uninstall.

Rambler Search Removal

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.
You can find the removal guide here.

About the author

Lidia Howler

Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.


  • I don’t have any suspicious thing in Task Manager > Processes. The Rambel thing is coming after I search something in Google. It gets redirected to Ramble and in all the websites and even in YouTube, if I click somewhere advertisements come in PopUp forms. I’m sick and tired of this.

    This is happening only in Mozilla Firefox not in any other browsers. First I removed Launchpage and then this is coming now in Mozilla. 🙁

    Please help.

    Syed Usman Haniel.

    • Did you complete the other steps from the guide? Were there any suspicious IP addresses in your Hosts file or shady keys in the Registry Editor?

  • localhost
    # ::1 localhost clients2 google. com v1.ff.avast. com vlcproxy .ff.avast .com

    • The first two IP addresses shouldn’t be removed. However, the last three IP’s you must delete and save the changes to the Hosts file after you do that.

  • Be sure to delete the IP’s that you’ve send to us from the Hosts file as they shouldn’t be inside of it.

  • Those IP’s mustn’t be in your Hosts file which is why we advise you to delete them.

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