Info UpdaterEx Malware

This page aims to help you remove the Info UpdaterEx Malware. Our removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows.

No one likes a slow browser filled with online ads that crashes every now and then. Unfortunately, there is a whole type of programs that seem to do exactly that. Those programs are known under the name Adware and in the article you are about to read, you will learn about one of the newest of them – an application called Info UpdaterEx Malware.

Introduction to Adware programs

There isn’t much of a difference between Info UpdaterEx Malware and other Adware programs. Once you have such software installed on your PC it will become a part of each of your browsers (Chrome, IE, Firefox) in the form of an add-on, but instead of improving your online experience, it will start displaying irritating pop-ups, box messages and banners all over your screen. This is basically what these programs are made for and it all has to do with the Pay-Per-Click scheme. This is a revenue earning method, through which Adware developers are able to gain small amounts of income for each click on any of the ads. Surely, a single click brings an insignificant profit. However, since Adware applications are very widely spread and every day more and more users get them on their PC’s, the overall income is considerable. On some occasions software like Info UpdaterEx Malware might seem to have some actual value for the user like some sort of a neat function, but the truth is that such programs do not usually provide anything that would make them worth keeping on your PC. Usually the best thing you can do when faced with Adware is to remove it from your system – there is just no need to put up with all the frustration that such programs bring.

There is nothing scary about Adware

A great number of users panic at the sight of an Adware “invasion”. The unknown can surely be scary and this is the main reason why so many people worry when they get such a program installed on their system. Here, we will clarify certain things concerning this type of unwanted software, so that you get a better grasp of what they can and what they cannot do. First of all, we need to make it clear that Adware applications are not some sort of malicious viruses similar to Ransomware or Trojan Horses. In fact, most Adware programs are legal and despite their tendency to annoy and irritate users, they usually do not have any harmful or dangerous traits. In contrast to that, typical Ransomware can lock your documents without being detected and afterwards blackmail you for a ransom payment if you want the access to your files to be restored. None of this is typical for a simple PUP (potentially unwanted program) such as Info UpdaterEx Malware.

Safety first!

Despite not being a noxious virus, Adware is still unwanted and should still be approached with caution. Even though the PUP generally cannot harm your system, it could potentially make it more vulnerable to more hazardous threats if you are not careful. For example, the ads you see being displayed in your browser may sometimes actually be a deceptive hyperlink that upon interaction with will redirect you to some other site that may be potentially dangerous. In most cases, such hazardous redirects do not occur, but it is still worth keeping in mind and staying safe by not clicking on any of the nagging pop-ups and banners that flood your screen. Also, remember that the only effective way to get rid of the constant flow of bothersome adverts is to remove the program that’s causing it. Trying to manually close all the ads will have little to no effect, since they will just keep on spamming.

How did Info UpdaterEx Malware get installed on your PC?

Since few would willingly install Adware on their computer, developers of these unwanted programs have had to come up with other ways of distributing their software. Most of the time this includes some sort of false advertising or stealth install. Some of the most frequently employed techniques are junk mail, deceptive or outright hidden download links or torrent files. So far, the method that seems to be the most effective is the so called file bundles. Those are program installers that have several added applications to the main piece of software that get installed along, if the user opts for the default installations settings. Obviously, this is what most people actually do and it’s also why this technique is so successful. Since you already know about it, the next time you attempt to install some new program, remember to use the custom installation instead of the default one. That way you will see what has been added to the main program. Make sure to uncheck all added installs that appear to be suspicious and that you think might turn out to be unwanted.


Name Info UpdaterEx Malware
Type  Adware/Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Info UpdaterEx Malware Removal

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.

About the author

Brandon Skies

Brandon is a researcher and content creator in the fields of cyber-security and virtual privacy. Years of experience enable him to provide readers with important information and adequate solutions for the latest software and malware problems.

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