Jimdo.com “Virus” Spam

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This page aims to help you remove Jimdo.com “Virus”. Our removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows.

In today’s article we will discuss browser hijackers as a whole and one particular version of them – Jimdo.com. These usually harmless programs could be greatly annoying because they might affect your browsers (all of them – Firefox, Explorer, and Chrome) and make them generate many possibly unwanted pop-up ads; redirect you to predetermined web pages; and change your default homepage and search engine. What’s more, they are becoming more and more widely-spread cyber annoyances. For more information about them, scroll down.

Browser hijackers – nature, effects and possible trouble that could come from them

You should know that this kind of software is not a troublemaker. The programs from this group, including the Jimdo.com “virus”, might only irritate you with the aforementioned activities they perform within your browsers. However, not a single one of them could really cause any damage to you personally or your PC. The nature of this software is marketing-oriented. This means that such programs are simply created with the purpose of promoting a website, a product or a service in the best possible way. That’s why they act in the way described in the opening paragraph. There is nothing illegal about their activities – they just represent the mutual efforts of web developers and producers of goods and providers of services to advertise what they offer to as many potential clients as they can. The only relatively negative aspect of the Jimdo.com “virus” and all the other similar programs is that by generating too many advertisements and causing too many redirections, they may drain your computer’s resources and make it slower than usual. Also, some users find another of any typical hijacker’s features quite shady – the ability to predict what kind of goods you may like by researching your browsing history and the consequent display of ads that match the predetermined profile of your preferences.

So, could we say that Jimdo.com is not a virus?

Definitely, browser hijackers have never been identified as truly malicious. There are great differences between any hijacker and any typical virus (like the Ransomware-based ones, for example).  As we want to make that point clearer, we have compared Jimdo.com and a virus based on Ransomware below, so that you will be able to notice how the two programs differ from each other:

  • If you are dealing with a normal hijacker like the Jimdo.com “Virus”, you cannot expect any destruction, encryption or corruption of any of your files. Such programs are incapable of performing such evil activities.
  • On the contrary, in case you are facing a Ransomware infection, your computer and you, personally, both are in great danger. Ransomware tends to encrypt your favorite files and harass you later. Such programs are representatives of real malware.

As you now know that hijackers are relatively harmless and do not represent viruses, you might be wondering how such programs could infect your machine because you have no memories of installing them. Despite the lack of memories, these programs DO need your direct/ indirect approval to get incorporated into your system and in the next paragraph we will explain how this can happen.

Ways of catching a browser-hijacker infection

First of all, we are going to let you know what the usual hijacker sources are. In the general case, such annoying software may come from a torrent or a video-sharing website; from all other sorts of contaminated web pages; from spam. Nevertheless, the most common source is any freely-distributed program bundle. These creations represent software combos that might contain apps, games, Adware and hijackers. Any user could download them for free from the Internet. Developers create them so that they could get paid on the basis of the potential generated ads. This is also a quite efficient way of popularizing their own apps, programs and games. That is how the victim user may fall into the trap – they might be tempted to use an app or to try a new game from a given bundle and they may install the entire content of this bundle by choosing the wrong installation feature. The features that could possibly result in a hijacker-caused infection are the Quick, Default or Automatic one – all the ones that promise a quick and easy installation. The ones you should use instead are the Custom and the Advanced ones, which provide you with more manual options and with the opportunity to choose what exactly you need to install from a certain bundle. This installation tip is very useful when it comes to any software that you download from the web. Be safe and use it!

Ways of removing Jimdo.com

We suggest that you go with the Removal Guide available below. You won’t be disappointed, as it has been especially prepared to fight and get rid of this browser hijacker.


Name Jimdo.com
Type Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Jimdo.com “Virus” Removal

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.

About the author


Lidia Howler

Lidia is a web content creator with years of experience in the cyber-security sector. She helps readers with articles on malware removal and online security. Her strive for simplicity and well-researched information provides users with easy-to-follow It-related tips and step-by-step tutorials.

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