*Source of claim SH can remove it.
MeddleMonkey is a junkware plug-in for different popular browsers like Firefox or Chrome that will cause the browser to endlessly spam the user with page-redirects. The purpose of MeddleMonkey is to draw in more views to the promoted sites, thus generating Pay-Per-View revenue.

On the surface, the activities of MeddleMonkey may not seem all that problematic. Sure, the app can be irritating and its sudden redirect could be obstructive but this doesn’t actually harm the computer, right? Well, in most cases, a browser-hijacking app such as this one would indeed not cause any direct harm to the system or corrupt the data stored in it. However, in its attempts to generate as much advertising revenue as possible, the creators of such apps tend to program their hijackers to make changes in the browser – homepage and search engine address replacements, the addition of new buttons to the toolbar, the installation of other unwanted extensions in the browser, and so on. This almost always happens without the informed permission of the user and could, sometimes, lead to the emergence of security weaknesses that more threatening programs (read Trojans, Ransomware, Spyware, etc.) could easily exploit. It is worth mentioning that the developers of browser-hijacking software do not typically intend to put the users’ computers at risk but the truth is that they also usually don’t really care if this is what ends up happening in the end. All in all, if you think that MeddleMonkey (or another hijacker) has somehow gotten attached to your browser, the smartest thing you could do would be to uninstall the invasive software, thereby security your computer against any potential Trojan Horse, Ransomware, Spyware, or other threats.
The MeddleMonkey Extension
Those of you who have already made an attempt to get rid of the unwelcome MeddleMonkey Extension have probably come to the conclusion that uninstalling it is not as easy as it is to remove any regular browser add-on. While most extensions can easily be removed by simply clicking on the Uninstall button next to their entry in the Extensions menu of the browser, the same method will probably not work when it comes to removing the MeddleMonkey Extension.
The MeddleMonkey Malware
Oftentimes you won’t even find the name of the MeddleMonkey malware in the list of extensions in your browser. This might be quite discouraging and frustrating for anyone who is trying to get rid of the MeddleMonkey malware and it may even lead some users to believe that they are actually dealing with a more serious threat such as a Trojan Horse virus.
The good news we have for you here is that it is almost always possible to manually remove a browser hijacker but you have to know where to look for it in your system. The guide we’ve written and posted on this page will assist you with doing exactly that – it will show you the steps to locate and remove all data and settings related to MeddleMonkey so that the unwanted app would be fully gone by the time you’ve completed the guide. Also, if even after going through the manual steps the MeddleMonkey hijacker is still being a nuisance that just won’t go away, you can always try out the specialized anti-malware tool we’ve included in the guide that can take care of the hijacker for you in a matter of minutes.
Name | MeddleMonkey |
Type | Browser Hijacker |
Detection Tool |
We tested that SpyHunter successfully removes MeddleMonkey* and we recommend downloading it. Manual removal may take hours, it can harm your system if you re not careful, and MeddleMonkey may reinstall itself at the end if you don’t delete its core files. |
*Source of claim SH can remove it.
MeddleMonkey Extension Removal
A great portion of the disturbance caused by browser hijackers like MeddleMonkey comes from the extensions these programs tend to install inside the main web browser. Once these extensions are correctly detected and removed, however, the disturbance stops. This is a quick way to deal with MeddleMonkey, that’s why before you do anything else, we will suggest you try the following steps:
First, open the hijacked browser and click on its main menu. From the menu, select More Tools /Add-ons. After that, click on the tab that says Extensions. Carefully look at the list of extensions that have been installed and seek for those that you haven’t installed by yourself or seem unreliable. Remove the questionable extensions (Click on the Trash Bin icon). Then see if the problem with MeddleMonkey has been resolved.
If not, move to the detailed instructions in the guide below and carefully repeat them on your computer:

In order to ensure the smooth and uninterrupted completion of the steps below, please Bookmark this page and reboot your computer in Safe Mode.

*Source of claim SH can remove it.
On your keyboard, hold together the CTRL + SHIFT + ESC keys. This will open the Windows Task Manager on your screen. Tap on the Processes Tab (the “Details” Tab on Windows 8 and 10) and try to figure out which of the listed processes are related to MeddleMonkey or could be causing you trouble.

Then, right-click on each of the problematic processes. You will see a menu that will show up on the screen. Select the Open File Location which is the first option (as shown on the image above). After that, drag and drop the files found in that location in the free online virus scanner that is available here:

Run a scan and after it completes, end the process whose files get flagged as malicious and delete the folders that contain them.

After you finish with the Windows Task Manager, open a new Run box on your screen (press Start and R keys from the keyboard) and in the field where it says Open type appwiz.cpl

After that click, the OK button and you will immediately get inside the Control Panel. All you have to do there is to look for any suspicious entries that have recently been added or could be linked to MeddleMonkey and to uninstall them.
When you are done with that, type msconfig in the windows search field and press the enter key from the keyboard. This will instantly load the System Configuration app.

Once in it, select the Startup tab. There you will see a list of entries with checkboxes. Try to figure out which of the entries have a relation to MeddleMonkey and uncheck the checkmark from their checkbox. Do the same for any other entries that look suspicious, have an Unknown Manufacturer, or seem to be causing you trouble.

*Source of claim SH can remove it.
In the fourth step from the guide, open again a new Run window (Start Key and R) and then copy the following line in the Open field:
notepad %windir%/system32/Drivers/etc/hosts
Press the Enter key from the keyboard. The Hosts file on your computer will open and once it does, go to the bottom section where it is written “Localhost”. Look for suspicious IP addresses below Localhost and if you detect any, write us in the comments below this post.

Important! Sometimes, the presence of different IPs under Localhost in the Hosts file may be an indication that the computer is hacked.
Next, click on the Windows Start Menu, and in the search field, search for Network Connections. Once you get there, select the Network Adapter you are currently using and right-click on it. From the menu that pops-up, select Properties, and highlight Internet Protocol Version 4 (ICP/IP). Then click on its Properties button. In the new window that appears, make sure that the DNS line is set to Obtain DNS server automatically and then click on the Advanced button at the bottom. Once in the Advanced TCP/IP Settings, click the DNS tab and remove any rogue DNS that is found in that field. Complete the action by clicking on OK.

Now, it is time to open your web browser and remove any traces and extensions that MeddleMonkey may have left there.
For that, go to the desktop shortcut of the browser that has been hijacked and Right-click on its shortcut icon. From the menu that appears, select Properties.

When the Properties window opens, click on the Shortcut tab. Go to where it is written Target, and remove everything that is added after .exe. Then, click Ok to complete the action.

Remove MeddleMonkey from Internet Explorer:
If you are using Internet Explorer instead of Google Chrome, click and navigate to Manage Add-ons.

After that, from the Add-ons list find the add-ons that MeddleMonkey has installed without your approval and select Disable. Then, go to again and click on the Internet Options. Check if the homepage URL has been replaced and if it is, change it to an address you trust. Then finish the action by clicking on Apply.
Remove MeddleMonkey from Firefox:
If Firefox is the browser that has been hijacked, open it and click Then, from the menu that opens go to Add-ons >>> Extensions.

Remove any extensions that have been added to the browser without your approval.
Remove MeddleMonkey from Chrome:
After you are done with the Chrome settings described above, close the browser and go to the following directory:
C:/Users/!!!!USER NAME!!!!/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User Data. A folder named “Default” should be found inside:

Once you detect it, right-click it and rename it to Backup Default. Then, restart your Chrome.

Finally, go to your Windows search field and type Regedit. Press Enter and this will launch the Registry Editor app on your screen. Once you are in it, open a Find box (CTRL+F keys) and type in its text field the name of the threat, which in your case is MeddleMonkey. After that, search for entries in the Registry that have the same (or a similar) name and delete them.
Important! Deleting entries not related to MeddleMonkey may damage your operating system! Be very careful or use a professional removal tool to avoid involuntary system corruption.
After deleting everything that the search has found, go manually to these directories and delete them:
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER—-Software—–Random Directory.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER—-Software—Microsoft—-Windows—CurrentVersion—Run– Random
HKEY_CURRENT_USER—-Software—Microsoft—Internet Explorer—-Main—- Random
In case you have any questions or aren’t sure about any of the instructions in the steps, please leave us a comment and we will do our best to answer you shortly.
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