Microsoft Virus Pop Up Scam

This page aims to help you remove the Microsoft Virus Pop Up. Our removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, as well as every version of Windows.

Modifications to your browser could be helpful and useful and there are indeed many ways to customize your browsing program so that it matches your personal preferences. However, not all browser changes are desirable and sometimes they might actually bring more harm than good, especially if they have been implemented to your Chrome, Firefox or IE browser without your permission. Unfortunately, there is a whole class of applications that are known to do exactly that – make modifications to the user’s browsing program without the latter’s permission. The most notable of those changes are the replacement of the previous homepage or the default search engine, addition of new toolbars and frequent page redirects if the undesirable software is on the more aggressive side. The term that is most commonly used to refer to this kind of programs is Browser Hijacker and today, we will be focusing one one such Hijacker in particular that is known under the name of Microsoft Virus Pop Up . If you, too, have had this unpleasant piece of software installed onto your PC, then you are most likely looking for a way to get rid of it. We are glad to inform you that we can help you uninstall and fully remove Microsoft Virus Pop Up from your machine. Just visit our guide below the current article once you’re finished reading here and follow the instructions given there – if you do everything correctly, the Hijacker should be gone in no time.

Can Browser Hijackers be harmful?

It is understandable why most users are concerned about the presence of Microsoft Virus Pop Up on their PC. After all, it is a program that tends to issue unauthorized changes to the user’s browser. For that reason, many people jump to the rash conclusion that they have some sort of a dangerous and harmful Trojan horse or Ransomware virus on their machine. However, Browser Hijackers like Microsoft Virus Pop Up are not actual PC viruses. First of all, they are hardly ever used for any malicious purposes. A typical Hijacker is programmed to generate income through online marketing which basically means that program of that type are mostly used for internet advertising. Obviously, the methods employed by those programs are intrusive, to say the least. However, this does not mean that Microsoft Virus Pop Up , on its own, is going to cause any real damage to your system. Additionally, note that many programs of the Hijacker type are actually legal pieces of software. In contrast to that, computer viruses are strictly forbidden by the law.

Why it is advisable to remove Hijackers?

If Microsoft Virus Pop Up is currently installed on you machine, then you’re probably already aware of just how annoying it can be. However, this is not the only potential negative trait of a typical Browser Hijacker. To add to their intrusiveness and obstructiveness, programs of this type, despite not being viruses, can still represent a security hazard for your PC. For example, some applications that fall under this category are known to generate and display shady ads, banners, pop-ups, etc. in the user’s browser. If you accidentally click on such a hijacker-generated ad, you stand the chance of getting redirected to some obscure and sometimes even potentially hazardous website. Another thing that a lot of Browser Hijackers are known to do is that they make modifications to the Registry of the user’s PC. Though usually this is not done to cause harm to the computer, it can expose it to Trojan horse or Ransomware attacks. In addition to everything that we mentioned above, some programs like Microsoft Virus Pop Up might also scan the user’s browser history and extract valuable marketing data. The user would have no idea that their online activity is being monitored and would also have no control whatsoever over what happens with the acquired personal data.

Taking all of these potential issues into consideration, it should be quite obvious why it is generally better if you get rid of these programs as soon as you find out that they have gotten onto your machine.

Keeping Hijackers away from your system

We will help you eliminate Microsoft Virus Pop Up but you must also make sure that it does not return in the future. This final paragraph contains several very important and helpful tips to help you fend off Browser Hijackers in future.

  • When you are surfing the internet, be very considerate regarding what websites you are visiting, especially if you want to download something. Generally, if a site’s pages have a big number of ads, big, colorful banners and everything you click on results in a redirect to some other page or website, you should definitely not visit this address again.
  • Junk mail and other spam messages are yet another very commonly used technique for spreading shady applications like Microsoft Virus Pop Up . Be very careful when checking your inbox for new emails and if a new message looks like it could be spam, we advise you not to open it.
  • File bundles are something we all encounter at a certain point. Those are basically programs installers that, apart from the main piece of software, have several other applications added to them. If you are not careful and fail to notice that there are bundled installs, you might end up landing a Hijacker like Microsoft Virus Pop Up . That is why, the next time you are about to install a program, make sure that you’ve carefully checked the setup wizard for anything added. Should there indeed be bundled applications, see if any of them looks shady and if you think that it might be unwanted, simply uncheck it.


Name Microsoft Tech Support Pop Up
Type Browser Hijacker
Detection Tool

Microsoft Virus Pop Up Removal

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.

About the author

Brandon Skies

Brandon is a researcher and content creator in the fields of cyber-security and virtual privacy. Years of experience enable him to provide readers with important information and adequate solutions for the latest software and malware problems.

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