Notices Booster Best

Notices Booster Best

Notices Booster Best is a type of browser hijacker app, created for iPhones, that can fill the device’s screen with obstructive banners and cause page redirects. Notices Booster Best is typically distributed as a built-in component that’s added to another app rather than as an individual application.

Notices Booster Best

The Notices Booster Best Virus will fill your calendar with ads and messages.

If you notice any changes to your browser homepage and its search engine, as well as strange banners or popups that keep appearing on your iPhone’s screen while you are connected to the Internet and if your Safari, Chrome or other browser is frequently getting redirected to sites you have had no intention of visiting, then it is likely that you have a hijacker on your device.

Browser hijackers like Notices Booster Best are typically not used by their creators for harming the devices on which they get installed. Despite that, however, it is still inadvisable to allow an app such as this one to stay in your iPhone.

Oftentimes, browser hijackers gain all kinds of permissions, which allows them to carry out various tasks in the device without the user’s knowledge. The pop-ups, the redirects, and the ads are only some of the things that a hijacker could do in your iPhone without your permission. Other examples of what these apps may be capable of doing is looking into your browsing history, learning your location, installing new software, and more. In some of the worst-case scenarios, infections with Ransomware viruses, or Trojans may occur as a by-product of the advertising activities of such unwanted apps. That is why the best solution if you’ve found out you have a hijacker like Notices Booster Best is to uninstall the unwanted app. Removal instructions for Notices Booster Best can be found in the following guide.


Name Notices Booster Best
Type Browser Hijacker

Notices Booster Best iPhone Removal

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.
You can find the removal guide here.

About the author

Brandon Skies

Brandon is a researcher and content creator in the fields of cyber-security and virtual privacy. Years of experience enable him to provide readers with important information and adequate solutions for the latest software and malware problems.

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