Powered by Capricornus Virus

This page aims to help you remove Powered by Capricornus Virus. These Powered by Capricornus Virus removal instructions work for Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari, as well as every version of Windows.

If you have Powered by Capricornus Virus installed on your machine then it is likely that your computer is performing poorly then usual and also that you are seeing a large number of online advertisements on every page you visit. What you are dealing with is called an Adware application and it specializes into displaying these unwanted Ads on your screen. There is no way to turn them off – your only option is to remove every trace of Powered by Capricornus Virus.

Ads by Capricornus

Powered by Capricornus Virus in your Control Panel

Fortunately for you Adwares are considered to be the least of dangers when we talk about malicious software. Powered by Capricornus Virus will not damage your computers or steal your data directly and if you follow our instructions you will be able to remove it without a trace.

Never download any software linked by Powered by Capricornus Virus

As mentioned above on its own Powered by Capricornus Virus is going to be annoying, but not exactly dangerous. Adware applications like Powered by Capricornus Virus enjoy a semi-legal status of being likely unwanted and not particularly useful, but not malicious either. This allows them to be distributed legally and also included into software packages called bundles – but more on that later. What is important to remember is that while Powered by Capricornus Virus may not be harmful on its own the Ads may link to dangerous sites and any file downloaded could be infected by a virus or trojan, so remove it immediately. Whoever developed Powered by Capricornus Virus is likely getting a premium whenever an Ad is clicked and Adware programs are not exactly known for their high quality control over the Ads displayed. It is certainly possible that no all Ads displayed are dangerous, but we do not recommend you to risk it. Ignoring everything will be your safest bet.

Powered by Capricornus Virus – method of delivery

You probably don’t recall installing Powered by Capricornus Virus on your own. This is because Powered by Capricornus Virus was part of a software bundle or was posing as a different file or program and you had no idea about its presence when you installed the executable containing Powered by Capricornus Virus.

A program bundle is actually an installer for a certain program that has a couple of more programs “bundled” inside of it.

  • This means that when you install the main program and proceed with the Default installation option the installer will assume “by default” that you also want the extra programs and install them without asking you for permission. To avoid such a situation we strongly recommend people to stop using the Default option of program installers.

Always select Advanced – it only takes a couple of extra clicks, but you get insight and control over what programs exactly are going to get installed and you also have the option of blocking any or all of the extra programs from installing. Try to always use this option, as the extra programs are seldom useful – it’s much more likely to end up with something like Powered by Capricornus Virus in your computer, because the pure time it takes to remove it is quite long.

  • Files obtained from torrents, warez and online storage sites may be particularly dangerous.

Such sites also often employ fake download buttons. If you click on the wrong button a download containing a file matching the name of the file you sought for. Unfortunately this file is a fake and the only thing it contains is a virus infected executable. Other possible problems may come from:

  • Spam email and especially their attachments. Obviously the main theme here is to confuse you into believing this isn’t spam, but something sent to you “by mistake.”

We strongly encourage anyone to shy away from opening and downloading anything from an email unless you know 100% it is legitimate.


Name Powered by Capricornus Virus
Type  Adware
Detection Tool

Powered by Capricornus Virus Removal

Search Marquis is a high-profile hijacker – you might want to see if you’re not infected with it as well.

You can find the removal guide here.

About the author

Violet George

Violet is an active writer with a passion for all things cyber security. She enjoys helping victims of computer virus infections remove them and successfully deal with the aftermath of the attacks. But most importantly, Violet makes it her priority to spend time educating people on privacy issues and maintaining the safety of their computers. It is her firm belief that by spreading this information, she can empower web users to effectively protect their personal data and their devices from hackers and cybercriminals.


  • Didn’t help, I have no extensions and no progrmas that have Capricornus in it but it keeps showing on my chrome pages.

    • Hello,
      Can you tell us what exactly did you do up to this point and which steps you were not able to perform?

      • Up to the ip part but before this, I checked my extensions, they were normal, my programs were normal. Idk whats wrong but I still see the adds from Capricornus.

      • I solved the issue, there was a folder in my programs section named “user extension” i clicked on program to see what it was, my computer said It couldn’t confirm this application was from the actual company or whatever the file said, I deleted it and I’m pretty sure it’s gone for now.

        • Since we don’t know if you missed something or the particular version of the Capricornus virus that you have is something different, it is probably best if you download the software suggested in the article. Since the scanner part is completely free, you can perform and scan and let us know afterwards.
          Hope we can help you.

  • Hello,
    Please help me, I couldn’t find extentions or programs that have Capricornus, so I couldn’t uninstall anything but ads by capricornus keep popping out on my chrome.

  • Try downloading the scanner/remover from one of our ads. The scanner is free and it can help you detect the infected files.

      • Hello Alicia,
        Just click on one of the advertisements easily visible in the article above, in fact if you scroll to the top of the page you will notice one such banner.
        Happy Holidays and let us know if you need any help! 🙂

  • Hello Faris Faishol,
    Definitely delete all of these. They are part of the virus. Copy them to a text file in case where we made some big mistake and you need them. You don’t – I am sure they are part of the virus, but we should always be on the safe side.
    Tell us later if that fixed your problem. 🙂

        • Hi, I have the same issue and those IPs are the one on my laptop, but I’m still confused on how to delete them? I’m new to this, so I don’t understand. Could you explain it so that a teen could understand? I also have a windows 10 laptop, so I don’t know if that affects this at all

        • I did everything else, i just cant find any in my task manager and I’m not sure how to delete those IP’s, i’m completely lost.

          • Hello Lily Johns,

            You don’t need to do much to delete the IPs. This is a .txt file, so it is quite easy to manipulate. As stated above just copy/paste the IPs in question to another blank .txt file, so that you can revert back if something bad happens. Then just delete the IPs from the hosts file, just as you would delete any text.

            Let us know if that fixed your issue.

  • hello,
    i followed all steps but capricornus still opens, actually when i was trying to remove malware from chrome there was nothing unusual.
    i’ve done all other steps successfully but the sacnner from here still found a lot of stuff but i don’t want to use him because he costs a lot is there anything else i can do?

    i tried to use other malware scanner but i couldnt download them completly

    • Hellow Fke Ac,
      Can you follow the files with the scanner? Not wanting to pay is absolutely fine – to be honest, I encourage you to try every free method before resorting to paying anything. Can you use the scanner to help you locate the infected files?
      Alternatively, pay attention especially to the last 2 steps, particularly the parts with the Task Manager and Regedit. If you missed something, these are the probable places you did so.
      Tell me how it went and if you have any problems or questions, just ask away. 🙂

  • Hello,
    You should NOT type “remove everything” there. You delete something IF there is something to be removed after .exe. For example
    chrome.exe safe.capricornus(dot)com
    In this instance you remove the capricornus line after .exe. If you do not have anything after exe you just move on with the guide.

  • Hello Dominique,
    Happy New Year! 🙂 Move on with the rest of the guide. Maybe you didn’t miss anything. There are different versions of the Capricornus Adware and there is no way for us to know exactly which one of them you have on your PC, so we provided instructions that encompass all of them.
    If you have difficulty finding the infected files, I suggest downloading the scanner from our ads. It can help you track down Capricornus to the root and you can just remove the files manually.
    Tell us later how it went after, and don’t hesitate to write again if you have any difficulties. 🙂

    • I actually was able to completely get rid of it by closing all of the advertisement on the pages that it showed up on, and after doing it twice, the capicornus virus completely disappeared. Thanks for the help 🙂

  • Hello,
    The scanner is not ours, but we are indeed endorsing it. You can download it from one of the banners in the article above. Use the scanner to locate your problem files, sometimes the virus is especially hard to delete in full. Let us know how it goes.

  • I have done all the steps, found nothing.
    I download AND bought spyhunter. It removed over 200 threats.
    But I still have capricornus on my f***ing computer. I literally cannot find ANY trace of it on my computer but it’s still there on my browser (Chrome)
    Please help me.

    • My honest suggestion is: since you bought SpyHunter, the easiest way for you to remove it is to call the people on the number specified in the program. They are technicians who will make a custom removal for your computer and take care of it for you. This is what they were hired to do. If you are not feeling comfortable doing this, tell me and I’ll think of something else for you. I’m here to help 🙂

      • Thank you. I don’t really know how, but capricornus just stopped showing up. I guess it just took awhile or something.

        • That’s great. If you ever have a problem again, just ask here and I’ll do the best I can to help you 🙂

    • Hello Aman,

      The virus wrote those line in the Hosts file itself. Delete all of these lines and save the Hosts file, then tell me if you still see Ads.

      Did you try everything else in the guide?

  • Hi Aman,

    Yes, Adwcleaner is pretty good for removing the viruses, but it doesn’t offer any real time protection. That’s why we recommend SpyHunter.

    Your computer should be clean now, but keeping it from getting hacked is entirely is up to you.

  • Hi Alhpie, if you can’t save the Hosts file you likely don’t have admin permission.

    To enable that open Notepad as admin (Search for the exe, right click on it and select open as admin). You then open Hosts frop the Notepad open menu.

  • Hi Alyxander,

    You can delete those lines yourself. As for Capricornus can you try resetting your browser’s profile? Which browser are you using?

  • H Darjo,

    I am sorry to hear about your poor experience with Spyhunter. We are actually recommending it ourselves, since it really is good. You’ll probably get refunded in a short order, but I advise you to instead send them a detailed report of your PC. The instructions are here: http://www.enigmasoftware.com/support/send-diagnostic-report-support-log/

    The techies there will look into your report and send you a personal fix within 48 hours. See if it works and then go for the refund option if you feel like it.

    That said it is possible that the virus was a one time deal – it changed your settings and it deleted itself afterwards. Some of these work like that, since they are essentially immune to such software.

    Can you try resetting the settings of your profile and/or browser? If you are using Chrome go to Option-> accounts and create a new account, then delete your current one.

      • Hi Dario,

        Chrome and Firefox synchronization option (if you have it on) will restore your bookmarks when you log-in into your profile after the operation.

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